Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!


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Hey sw3333!

TB42 is actively recruiting for your game. :)

Last time I played in your game I brought my son Alex with... you might remember the line 'Guys we don't have to do this fight'. Good times.

Anyway... I'm thinking about signing up and bringing BOTH my son's with... 12 and 10. I'm not 100% sure we can make it as the youngest will have to miss a Soccer game to do it and I need to ask him about it first. But, if he is willing you ok with this?

Also we'd get there a wee bit late as we're doing some volunteer work in the early morning. I think we'd get there about 9:45-10:00.

I figured I'd as you first before they got all excited and then I had to tell them 'no'. :)



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First Post
Anyway... I'm thinking about signing up and bringing BOTH my son's with... 12 and 10. I'm not 100% sure we can make it as the youngest will have to miss a Soccer game to do it and I need to ask him about it first. But, if he is willing you ok with this?

Also we'd get there a wee bit late as we're doing some volunteer work in the early morning. I think we'd get there about 9:45-10:00.

Yeah go for it. You're always welcome, and as I recall, we had a good time with it last game.


First Post
Yeah go for it. You're always welcome, and as I recall, we had a good time with it last game.

Yeah. It's a good thing our memory is going as we get older. :p

We're in! Nicky is giving up a soccer game so we can go. :)

Buzz, please put myself and 2 guests for sw3333's morning SW game.




First Post
It's OK Nat, some people never figure out how to transfer a call within the office either.

Oh, brother, do they not ever! Oddly enough, though, most of them at my office seem to know how to transfer calls to ME in the phone center, but not to whomever the caller is trying to contact.... *grumble grumble*

But enough of that.

Buzz, please add three more to breakfast in Slot 0: Der Spot, Puffdebbie, and myself. We'll be zombies, having gotten up FAR too early to make it on some semblance of time, but it'll be worth it! :D


Keeping in that vein, I'm going to hold off creating a new second slot game until we get closer and other games fill up. If we can't fill the 13 available seats then there's no real point in creating five more empty seats at this juncture. Does that seem reasonable?
Absolutely! Let's just keep an eye on things. Feel free to sign up for an afternoon event in the meantime.

Buzz, please put myself and 2 guests for sw3333's morning SW game.
Added! Dad of the year! :D

FAR[/I] too early to make it on some semblance of time, but it'll be worth it! :D
Added! Just get to sleep early the night before!

Thanks, Buzz. After much deliberation, please sign me up for the Battlefield Exodus game in the Afternoon slot!
Added! If there weren't seven people who would kill me for it, I'd be tempted to cancel Dresden and sign up for Willow's event, too. :lol:


Yeah, multi-quote confused me at first, too. Just click the "multi-quote" button on everyone you want to address (you can click to a new page on the thread like normal), then click the regular quote button on the last one...a comment box with all the quotes in it opens!

Originally Posted by Vyvyan Basterd
It's OK Nat, some people never figure out how to transfer a call within the office either.

OK, That's my version of multi-quote. Hee Hee You guys are too funny!!!! :hmm: LMAO

Nev the Deranged

First Post
Hey, so, I just realized I have more people for my event than I originally intended when I picked a table... I don't suppose there's anybody with a smaller event who might be willing to swap with me?

buzz, as there are plenty of events worthy of attention in the morning currently lacking warm bodies at their tables, I'd like to withdraw my event. I'm just not sure I want to put in time and effort into an event that there's not enough people to play two gamedays in a row. If there's a sudden rush of attendees at the last minute, I can always bow out of what I'm signing up for and run it as originally planned.

Thanks for signing up, CoreyHaim8MyDog!

Instead of running my game, I'd like to sign up for the SW game, please.

The first person to claim my vacated table (in the private room) gets it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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