Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!


Hey, so, I just realized I have more people for my event than I originally intended when I picked a table... I don't suppose there's anybody with a smaller event who might be willing to swap with me?
With Trev canceling his event, you are now in the private room, aka Table C.

buzz, as there are plenty of events worthy of attention in the morning currently lacking warm bodies at their tables, I'd like to withdraw my event. I'm just not sure I want to put in time and effort into an event that there's not enough people to play two gamedays in a row. If there's a sudden rush of attendees at the last minute, I can always bow out of what I'm signing up for and run it as originally planned.

Thanks for signing up, CoreyHaim8MyDog!

Instead of running my game, I'd like to sign up for the SW game, please.

The first person to claim my vacated table (in the private room) gets it!
Removed! Nev's takin' yer table.

Yoink! Thanks for the gumball, Mickey!

Buzz - Just kidding. Given the previous post, perhaps Nev could take over the private room in the morning slot?

The private room is available in the afternoon as well, due to strider's cancelation. Anyone who wants it, just give a holler.

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Nev the Deranged

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With Trev canceling his event, you are now in the private room, aka Table C.

Removed! Nev's takin' yer table.


The private room is available in the afternoon as well, due to strider's cancelation. Anyone who wants it, just give a holler.

Thanks! That worked out perfectly. Well, except for Trev having to cancel a game. =\


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Done! You get the private room, and N-cat can claim Table D as sovereign land for the day..

Cool, I don't have to Move Stuff, and three of five players will already be there, heh. Cortex Plus does a goofy thing where the GM has to roll his dice in front of the players (MEEP!:eek:), so I'll have to move down from the upper tier, but it'll still work better than squeezing around a small table, heh.

Thanks, Gang!


UPDATE: Some table re-arrangement for the morning. I've moved ekb's FATE-ish event to Table B, and William's Pathfinder to Table F. This keeps the larger tables in the front of the room clear for Games Plus's use.

Keith, if we get a rash of sign-ups for your event, we can move it to G.


First Post
Keith, if we get a rash of sign-ups for your event, we can move it to G.
As there's usually such a rush for my events... not that I'm concerned. ;)

in case there is, TorresRoman has claimed the bookseller character. I'm building a blog for outlining the campaign as a whole. Not much right now, but after GD I'll put up more of the information.

One piece did get figured out already: "An Fearas Meilt" is Irish for The Grinding Gear. /sigh.

Voidrunner's Codex

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