Chicago Gameday: Read about what you missed

William Ronald

Barendd, since Reidzilla is running Darwin's World, maybe he can run the bionic battle between you and Matty Helms that we did not do last time! ;) :lol:

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William Ronald said:
Barendd, since Reidzilla is running Darwin's World, maybe he can run the bionic battle between you and Matty Helms that we did not do last time! ;) :lol:

Why, yes I can!!!!!!!!!

Complete with giant frickin' lasers coming out of your eyes! :D


William Ronald said:
Barendd, since Reidzilla is running Darwin's World, maybe he can run the bionic battle between you and Matty Helms that we did not do last time! ;) :lol:
Is there a set of Rock'em-Sock'em Robots at GP? :)

Mmm... d20 Rock'em-Sock'em Robots... Mmm...


First Post

Sounds good. Sign me up.

Game 4 & Game 5:Two tables. Two GMs. ONE ULTIMATE PRIZE!
(D&D 3.5e)

This sounds fun. Sign me up.

The painting Seminar:

Sounds excellent and I'd really appreciate some new tips and ideas.


Gotcha down for breakfast, Joe.

GMs, please remember that you need to approve players before I can add them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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