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Chicago Gameday - The Aftermath


Oh, a side note...

I saw a PHB at the Rokugan game (Painfully's?) that had been "upgraded" wth colored tabs. To whomever did this: was this totally DIY, or is there a company actually making tabs for your PHB? :) I actually, thoguht it was a pretty neat idea.

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Gameday Aftermath

All in all a pretty cool gameday, I got to meet a couple more people than I had known before. I was introduced to the wry witicisims of Sir William Ronald, and had victory stolen form me by the formidable Nazzriel ( appologies if a mispell anyones screen name.) I also met his charming friend Sharunna, who I look forward to possibly gaming with one day.
In the first slot I met William and Nazzriel in minis combat, in a scenario setting that Thalmin had set up for us. The players set up one terrain piece each and an earth elemental was placed in the center of the board, the elemental held a crown that was desired by all three factions.
I played the elven warband, while Nazzriel played the drow and William was the band of human adventurers.
I was lucky enough to almost kill both opposing warbands to a man, yet at the end nazzriel took the elemental down and was able to make it to his exit with the crown. The final three init rolls saved the day for him as my arcane archer and wood elf scrmisher closed in for the kill.
So with 10 hit points left and running for her life Nazzriels Matron was able to claim victory for her clan.

In the second slot Trev showed us the folly of not having a Rogue in the party, as we fell into pit after pit and were stuck with needles and other such nasties. But between William and Alex who was a walk in player, the cleric and paladin of the group kept us healthy. Barrend played a dwarf wizard, who tried to cast spells when us fighter types werent getting in the way. I played a dwarven barbarian who had the sense of a mountain goat, and tracer Bullet played a human fighter with a stinging wit. We were also joined by another walk on player named Greg who also played a fighter, who also added to the fun. We were a dysfunctional party if ever there was one, but all in all it was great fun.

It was a good time and I cant wait to see you all at the next one, Mark you were missed as was Know The Toe and several others.
Until then,


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buzz said:
Oh, a side note...

I saw a PHB at the Rokugan game (Painfully's?) that had been "upgraded" wth colored tabs. To whomever did this: was this totally DIY, or is there a company actually making tabs for your PHB? :) I actually, thoguht it was a pretty neat idea.

Yeah, it was mine. I started doing this with post-it notes at first, but then I saw these "flags" at an Office Depot store and decided it was worth making it more permanent. The tabs I use are from Redi-tab, and they come in both short and long shapes.

You'll want a marker that is specifically for marking plastic or glass. Others tend to wipe off easily even if they are supposed to be permanent. A CD marking pen (if you make your own CD's with a computer) will work well.

Anyway, here's a pic for anybody who's curious. I now return you all to your regularly scheduled thread.


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I'll throw in my thanks to all the GMs and prize donors. Got me a cool Gamer's Bag complete with EN World logo, and a PDF from Creative Mountain Games! The size of the bag just proves I don't own enough dice. And I got 125GB of room for more PDF's!

Even though things were looking lonely here on the boards for both of the games I signed up for, each game found plenty of players. It's something for future GMs to keep in mind. Afternoon walk-ins tend to more numerous.

I am a little disappointed we didn't finish off the nice old granny in the afternoon Rokugan game. Ordinarily I would give a second chance to anybody old or female before trying to kill them. She was even polite the whole time we talked with her. If it weren't for that whole, "turning into a demon" thing, I'd probably ask her to make me some rice cakes. :) Bad grandma. Bad.

The Tales of Wyn'dmere was pretty cool too. A game within a game. It wasn't too hard for us to find the pirates, or should I say, it wasn't too hard for them to find us. A pity that my spyglass was so foggy I had a hard time seeing much [rolled 1's and 3's on my PERCENTILE dice :(]. The dice game is interesting and probably deserves to be sold as a stand-alone product. Good game!

SGTScott: Sorry about your game. I think if we had a third slot I would have given your game a try. I've been intrigued with some ideas that I see on some of the more recent animes like Ghost in the Shell, or Exile. There is even a recent Trigun supplement out in stores now. If you run another BESM game in the future I'll definitely consider it.

JoeGKushner said:
I won't be heading to another of these unless there are some more open D&D games. Weird War II sounded fun and everything from where I was reading, but it's no my gig (especially with the odd 6-7 people playing!), nor are the D&D Miniatures my deal. I guess that a few of the games didn't show up like they were supposed to or something.
I'm an infrequent Chicago Gamedayer, since I have to drive over from Detroit and that usually means at least one night in a hotel. But having co-chaired the latest Detroit gameday, I have to say that this is a very frustrating trend. It's not like this is a big con with hundreds of folks sitting around and dozens of gaming tables. We had all kinds of headaches from no-shows and people who hinted they might come and then didn't. There's a reason why you sign up in advance for these things; it becomes extremely difficult to plan in such a way that everyone who comes has a good time if you have to count on people that may who up or may not. We had one guy who was a real trooper who jumped out of a game and offered to run one because of this, and then nobody showed up for his game. Since he really wanted to play instead of DM, and had the first slot reserved in the game he wanted to play in, a slot which later was taken, I might add, I felt he really got the shaft.

If it were up to me (and it's not, but this is my advice from organizing a similar event) I'd say no to very many (or even any) open games. It's not hard to sign up in advance, and it makes it phenomenally easier for the organizers.


Joshua Dyal said:
If it were up to me (and it's not, but this is my advice from organizing a similar event) I'd say no to very many (or even any) open games. It's not hard to sign up in advance, and it makes it phenomenally easier for the organizers.
What about games that don't totally fill up?

William Ronald

First, I would like to thank Matt for organizing the gameday and to Curt and the GREAT people at Games Plus for being wonderful hosts.

Curt, I enjoyed the miniatures event with you, Nazriel, and the Esteeme Ejja_1. It was interesting, and I am tempted to get the Miniatures Rulebook.

Trev, do not berate your DMing skills. I have seen MUCH worse at larger events. I had a good time, and enjoyed the chance to roleplay a little with the townspeople, while trying to eliminate our opponents. When you get a chance, can you post some of the photos you took at the Gameday?

Joe G. Kushner: I am sorry you did not enjoy yourself at the Gameday. Maybe we should have left more events open, even when there were few players signed up. We always have a fair amount of walk -ins.

Joshua Dyal wrote:

If it were up to me (and it's not, but this is my advice from organizing a similar event) I'd say no to very many (or even any) open games. It's not hard to sign up in advance, and it makes it phenomenally easier for the organizers.

I tend to agree, as a DM should have some idea how many people may play in an event. I have run a few events at EN World Gamedays, and I was able to incorporate walk-ins by just making a few extra characters in advance. Preparation is important to me as a DM. I think it is easier to prepare for an event where people preregister than just have an unknown number of people show up for an event.

Perhaps it might be a good idea to avoid as many event cancellations as occurred this last time. Do we know how many walk-ins we got during the Gameday? There may well have been a few other people who came and left. This is NOT something I want to see at Gamedays.

buzz said:
What about games that don't totally fill up?
Those are open by default, right? :) That's not an organizational nightmare, that's actually a good thing, if we assume that enough people show up for the game to still make running it worthwhile even if it's not full.

But how do you plan for that? By artificially limiting the amount of people that sign up? I think games that have a few open slots are a good thing, but from an organizational standpoint, it just has to come together on its own. I don't know how you can plan for it and have it work out every time. You likely either end up with too many games, some of them too small to be viable (our situation in Detroit -- we had to consolidate) or too few games that are really full (as you did in Chicago.) If there's a solution, I'd love to hear what it is.


My solution was to make sure that those who signed up in advance were assured of having a game to play. When I received an Email from JoeGamer that he wouldn't be showing up, I called thalmin (one of the two remaining players in my game) and asked about the possibility of him and jubei joining Trev's game. When he agreed, I asked Trev about it, and when he agreed, I saw that as the best solution to ensuring they would have a full game and a fun time.

I can't really see a way to help people who aren't even signing up that doesn't leave the people doing the work (DMs and organizers) in a position where they can't comfortably set things up. Although I sympathize with people whose schedules do not allow them to sign up, I'd have to err to the side of the DMs if it comes down to a choice as to who needs to be accomodated schedule-wise.


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Don't feel too bad for me amigos. :D

I got to drop off some Shadworun books for prizes, pick up a couple of painting guides and catalogs for Warhammer and see what everyone was doing.

From what it sounds like, and what it looked liked on the sign ups, there were a lot more events happening in the afternoon. Bad news for me is that I couldn't stick around past 5 PM and at 2:00 PM, didn't feel like waiting another 1-1.5 until the next round of games to play for an 1-1.5.

That was one good thing about bringing my own group. The first time I showed up, I was able to have another walk in join us and have a good time for everyone.

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