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Chicago Gameday - The Aftermath


First Post
Well, kids, I'm heading off to bed to try and catch some sleep before the Gameday. I'll try to check the thread again before heading out in the morning, but let me apologize in advance if I miss any last minute changes.

Thank you everyone for signing up and hanging in there. See you all tomorrow!


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First Post
i'd like to enter the living kingdoms of kalamar game please, thanks

i'd like to enter the living kingdoms of kalamar please, thanks

MattyHelms said:
The Details - A day of FREE gaming, courtesy of your friends at Games Plus! All we ask is that you sign up to run or play in a game by replying to this thread. It's that easy to particiapte! Reply or PM with any questions, otherwise, see you all there! Note that more tables than what are listed will be available if you'd like to run a game you don't see listed here!


Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)


Breakfast (Slot Null) - To be held from 8:00AM to 9:00AM at Little America (located across the tracks and a couple blocks northwest of the store)-

1. Mark
2. MattyHelms
3. Barendd Nobeard
4. William Ronald
5. Sharraunna
6. Painfully
7. Nazriel
8. ejja_1
9. Trevalon Moonleirion
10. KnowTheToe
11. s100bus
12. Lemas

(Arrive at the store around 9AM to settle in at your game tables)

Slot One - 9:30AM to 2:30PM

Game 1 - Weird Wars - Springing a Trapp in Salzburg
Summary - War has started, and the Allies need every advantage possible. An Austrian naval Captain from World War I holds vital information about the Reich's current naval operations, and rumor has it he's sympathetic to the anti-Hitler forces. His information is important--so you'd better get him out of Salzburg alive.
(Characters provided)

GM - Barendd Nobeard
Seats - 2 Open
1. MattyHelms
2. rowport
3. Quickbeam
4. buzz

Game 2 - D&D Miniatures Battle
Summary - 4-6 players. 100 point warbands. Rules can be taught (hey, it's D&D combat mostly). Figures from both Harbinger and Dragoneye sets, figures can be provided.
The warbands I have set up are:
Dwarf warband (LG)
Halfling warband
Human adventurers (LG)
Elf warband (CG)
Druid and friends (CG)
Necromancer and minions (LE)
Goblinoid warband
Orc warband (CE)
Dungeon denizens (CE)
Drow warband (CE)

All are 98 or 99 points. Please let me know your preferences, or submit your own for approval.
The scenario: The Crown of Rule has been reported to be found in a large cavern, guarded by several creatures. Unfortunately, others know of the crowns whereabouts, too. You must retrieve the crown if at all possible, or at least prevent anyone else from doing so.

DM - thalmin
Seats - 3 open
1. ejja_1 - Elf warband (CG)
2. KnowTheToe - Dwarf warband (LG)
3. TracerBullet42 - Halfling Warband
4. Henwy
5. Nazriel - Drow warband (CE)
6. William Ronald - Human adventurers (LG)
7. Trevalon Moonleirion
8. FCWesel - Necromancer and minions (LE)

Game 3 - Tales of Wyn D'mere - Lucky Day
Summary - (Non d20 fantasy RPG, rules taught, characters provided)
Since the beginning of the Traykin war the great port city of Vellici has been plagued by piracy. As of yet, not a single pirate ship has been caught and the Merchant's Guild considers any attempts to stop the piracy cursed. Now that the war has been won, good King Estoni charges you, his war heroes, to seek out these pirates and bring them to justice.

GM - Reid San Filippo (Reidzilla)
Seats - 5 open
1. Painfully

Game 4 - BESM d20/ D&D 3e - The Assassins Gambit
Summary - This is 7th level 3.5 adventure Called "The Assassins Gambit". It is set in Arcadia city of Magic and skulduggery in the world of Neo-Orion. The players may use the PHB, BESM d20 anime manual to generate their PC's. I will allow up to 6 players to play and will start at 0930 hours.
Players may e-mail me their characters for final approval and if there are clerics, I can e-mail Neo-Orions pantheon. Players may also e-mail me with any questions they might have.

GM - SGTScott
Seats - 6 open

Meal Break from 2:30PM - 3:30PM (be back on time!)

Prize Drawings! - 3:30PM - 4PM
Including prizes from Creative Mountain Games and a signed copy of the Dragonlance Campaign Setting book donated by KnowTheToe!

Slot Two - 4PM to 9PM (or later...)

Game 1 - D&D - The Lost Caverns
Summary - The three daughters of the Count of Madosture have been abducted by persons unknown. Clues point to the Lost Caverns under the Hills of Dissent. Your party must seek out the culprits and bring the children back alive! (10th level characters provided)
GM - Mark Clover (Creative Mountain Games)
Seats - 3 open
1. thalmin - barbarian
2. Joe Gamer - ranger
3. Jubei

Game 2 - Call of Cthulhu BRP - The Sound of One Hand Punching
Summary - Remember that old show Kung Fu? Set it on a frontier world in space and then throw in Creative Moutain Games-style Giant Bears and Call of Cthulhu-style horrors and you've got, I hope, a rip-roarin' good time. I'll be using a custom version of the original Call of Cthulhu rules. Characters will be provided and simple rules explained.
GM - MattyHelms
Seats - Closed
1. rowport
2. buzz
3. Quickbeam
4. Reidzilla
5. Nazriel
6. Halma

Game 3 - D&D - The Shattered Circle
Summary - "Evil is seeping from the earth!"
-Old Two Fingers
From time out of mind, the standing stones known as the Circle of Cahervaniel have stood lonely vigil on a grassy hilltop. Sheepherders once moved their flocks over the hill and through the circle, sometimes resting in the cool shadows cast by the ancient stones.

Everything changed when a stone finger fell, revealing a fissure in the earth. Now, dark shadows caress the circle after the sun sets. Creatures out of nightmare dance upon the hillside at night. Many swear that a unicorn of deepest ebony now hunts all upon two legs who draw near, while stunted creatures scurry in the shadows, abducting sheep from their sheds and drawing them down below ground for food.

After the disappearance of a sheperd, fear grows stronger in neighboring villages. Who will brave the black hollow of the ancient Circle of Cahervaniel? Heroes of stern mettle must descend into the cavity and explore the ancient spaces existing there.

At this point, I'm leaning towards letting people bring their own PCs, standard 3.5 rules only. But more on that later.

GM - Trevalon Moonleirion
Seats - 1 open
1. ejja_1
2. Barendd Nobeard
3. KnowTheToe
4. William Ronald
5. TracerBullet42

Game 4 - D&D 3e: Rokugan Setting - A Tainted Collection
Summary - Month of the Dog, when harvests are prepared to bring to the market, when armies retreat for respect of winter’s touch, when rain and monsoons swarm over villages like nezumi over a tossed coin… when taxes for the Emperor are collected. Or that is how things are supposed to go. Imperial tax collector Torturi Payami has failed to arrive at a trading center near the Kaui Pass, the Crab fortification Mura nisa Shinden Hitomi (Village of Morning Light). Rumors of bandits persist, accusations abundant, and suspects numerous. Will Tortui Payami be found and the perpetrators brought to justice? Or will the Emperor’s gold be lost and honor remain unsatisfied?

A Tainted Collection is a D&D 3.5 adventure set within the Rokugan setting. 7th level characters will be provided. Anyone with any questions or interests in Rokugan can email me by clicking Here.

GM - Relic
Seats - 1 open
1. Painfully
2. spacepirat3
3. Jacob
4. Eliot
5. Greg

Game 4 - D&D 3e: Living Kingdoms of Kalamar- With Thine Eyes (LKOK #5)
Summary - Rumors of a massing Tokite army and missing Pekalese military scouts brings the characters to the attention of a powerful duke. He seeks their assistance in verifying these rumors and discovering what has happened to the missing soldiers.

I need 4-6 players to make it a sanctioned RPGA table. If interested players are not yet RPGA members, I have ordered free membership applications and should have them in time for the event. Prior knowledge of the Kingdoms of Kalamar is not necessary.

For more information on the Living Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign check out www.kenzerco.com or the Living Kingdoms of Kalamar yahoo group.

DM - Brian Jelke
Seats - 1 open
1. Nikmal
2. Ethelrede
3. ansx
4. LilDragon94
5. uncleflapjackass
6. wandererdown

Attending, but Undecided


First post-Game Day post!!! :D

Whew! Another Game Day event under the belt. Big thanks to MattyHelms, Curt and the crew at Games Plus for organizing and getting the prizes together for the event. Mucho kudos to Barendd for running a fantastic Weird Wars game, and to Matty again for blasting not only my PC's sanity, but my own sanity in his wonderfully disturbing Kung-Futhulhu in Spaaaaace game. And, of course, thanks to everyone who played in these games. I'll have fond memories of hairy little Elsie and my fallen shaolin brothers. :)

I look forward to helping make the next day just as good.


First Post
Yup, another one down.

First off, the "official" "Thank You's"
- Thank you, Curt and Jeff for opening Games Plus' doors to us again.
- Thank you, Buzz, Barendd Nobeard, CMG Games, and Games Plus for donating prizes.
- A big "thank you" to everyone who ran a game.
- And finally, another big "thank you" to everyone who signed up or showed up to played. These Gamesdays are for you and I love to see all of you take advantage of them.

Secondly - my "big" announcement. This was the last Gameday that I will be running. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to devote to making these days everything they can be. I've loved every single one of these Gamedays and have gotten the biggest kick out of getting to know all of you. Thank you, everyone, for your support as I ran these past few Gamedays.

As mentioned in Buzz's post above, he will be assuming the mantle of running these Chicago Gamedays now. Buzz is a thoughtful, dedicated, and enthusiastic choice to run these and I can't wait to see what he does for them.

Finally, some thank you's out of today - thank you, Barendd, Quickbeam, lemas, s100bus, rowport, Buzz, and Jubei for the fun morning game. I get to keep my tradition alive of not actually knowing any d20 rules. Fortunately, there was only one PC death - Oh, little Russian orphan Were-bear, you were just too beautiful for this world.

A big thank you to Nazriel, rowport, Riedzilla, Jubei, Quikbeam, and Buzz for playing in my little afternoon game. You guys got into it and brought to life better thank I could've hoped for. Thank you so much for getting into the spirit and dying fantasticly! :)

Also, thank you to Curt and Barendd for the wonderful "parting" gifts. You guys are just trying to make me cry in public! :)

I'm rambling now, I think. Again, thank you everyone for all the fun and I hope to see you next time!



First Post
Usually, I bring my group with me.

This time, I decided to come alone and regret it.

There were three tables going on. None of them looked too interesting to me so I figured I'd wait and see what else happens, see if an open game or something opens up. Couple hours latter, break time.

I'm one of those weird people who can't hang out at the game store all day so I took my leave at 2:30 PM.

I won't be heading to another of these unless there are some more open D&D games. Weird War II sounded fun and everything from where I was reading, but it's no my gig (especially with the odd 6-7 people playing!), nor are the D&D Miniatures my deal. I guess that a few of the games didn't show up like they were supposed to or something.

Ah well, there's always next time. (I will be dragging my group along!)

Since I am a nice guy though, I did drop off a few prizes, a few Shadow Run books. Hope they found a good home! :) I didn't mind as the Oberwise milk and pasteries were excellent and a damn fine change from the Krispy Cream donuts!

Ah yes, the always fun afermath thread... :)

Thank you to...
Curt and the guys at Games Plus for letting us invade their store for an entire day.

All of my fellow DMs

Matty for doing a bang-up job running these past few gamedays

Buzz for stepping up to the plate and volunteering to run the next one or two or ten... ;)

My entire group for putting up with my poor rules knowledge and making me laugh--A LOT :D

Everyone who donated prizes.

These gamedays are pretty much the only times I get to play or DM anymore, and I really cherish them. Thank you to everyone who makes these things possible. You are all very, VERY cool people.

Incidently, I think I'll post a few pictures from the gameday in a while. Give me a day or two and I'll do it once I'm back down at school.




Sorry I didn't make it this time. Glad to hear that most folks had fun. I look forward to the next one (in June?)

Go get em', Buzz! :)


Retired game store owner
I'll toss my my (late) thank you's as well.
Matty, another fine job. Sorry to see you "retire." (as if you get off that easily.)
Thanks to Mark, Joe, and whoever else donated prizes (sorry, I turned around and suddenly more prizes were on the table. I missed who donated them.)
Thanks to the gm's who offered up the entertainment. Thanks to the players who provided the entertainment.
Special thanks to the victims who put up with my attempts to run the minis game. (Sorry, that's Trevs shtick, I know.)
Buzz, thanks for stepping up to take over the organization of the next Game Day.

I had a good time and hope all of you did too. I look forward to doing this again in about 4 months or so.

Thanks to all the players in Weird Wars game. I didn't really expect anyone to have to play the "Little Orphan Girl" but it really added something to the game. I was glad I had statted her out. ;) And I think I should have given the "hand grenade of shame" to s100bus--he earned it, just on sheer volume of puns! :D

Thanks to Trev for running a fun game. Yeah, yeah, we crit'ed your monsters a few times and no one died....except when the paladin's head exploded at the end. :p

Thanks to our hosts--another fun time in Mount Prospect!

And thanks to Matt for running Game Days. Now that you're stepping down, you'll have more time to run Synnibarr, right?

Good luck, buzz. I know you'll do great running the Gamedays and I look forward to the next one!


JoeGKushner said:
I won't be heading to another of these unless there are some more open D&D games. Weird War II sounded fun and everything from where I was reading, but it's no my gig (especially with the odd 6-7 people playing!), nor are the D&D Miniatures my deal. I guess that a few of the games didn't show up like they were supposed to or something.
Matt, Curt, and I talked a little bit about this in "debriefing" at the end of the day. It was mentioned that it probably might have been a good idea if some of the games that got cancelled due to lack of sign-ups had been run anyway (or at least their GM's on hand); there were a pretty good amount of walk-ins, so that games that did get run were bursting at the seams with players.

It may be too much of a PITA for the GMs, but maybe next time we'll keep the set number of games per morning/afternoon open, regardless of how many people sign up, to allow more for walk-ins. Once the next planning thread comes around, we can talk more about this.

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