Chicago Gameday XIX 3/15/08: Planning Thread

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I've never been to a Chicago Gameday, even though I'm only a few hours away. I might try to make this one, but if I can't, approximately when would the next one be held?


FickleGM said:
I've never been to a Chicago Gameday, even though I'm only a few hours away. I might try to make this one, but if I can't, approximately when would the next one be held?
Barendd Nobeard said:
Probably June.
Pretty much. It always depends on Games Plus' availability, but typically June or July.


God, I want to run something with Spirit of the Century, but I don't think I've got the experience to try that game in public, yet. I've got to try it out with my crew, first.

Pbartender said:
Right there next to a guaranteed 3 weeks' unpaid furlough this year, and the additional possibility of 200 layoffs due to federal budget cuts at the lab... I hate to be a buzzkill (so to speak ;) ), but you asked.
Yeah, I heard about the bad news at Fermilab. And now the lack of another Dread game at Gameday is just one more misfortune I can blame on the shameful lack of science funding in this country. Dangit.


GreatLemur said:
God, I want to run something with Spirit of the Century, but I don't think I've got the experience to try that game in public, yet. I've got to try it out with my crew, first.
Well, you've got five and a half weeks. :)

When I ran SotC at Gameday, I did two playtests as prep. Interestingly, the first playtest was probably the one that ran the smoothest.

I'd like to run a D&D/d20(-esque) game with a focus on miniatures/big battle combat (not D&D minis, though) on the far back miniatures table in the morning, please. Very similar to the last gameday. And it will be a prelude to the rpg heavy game that takes place that I am running in the second slot with the possibility of the characters carrying over from one slot to the next. Much like the last gameday. Playing in both slots is great but not a requirement, of course. Thanks.

5 seats and let's call it, "The Taking of Old MacGuffinville!"
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Mark said:
I'd like to run a D&D/d20(-esque) game with a focus on miniatures/big battle combat (not D&D minis, though) on the far back miniatures table in the morning, please.

Okay, as soon as we get a sixth event for the morning, I think we're good. In the meantime, if GMs could post event descriptions, that'd be grrrreat!

Nev the Deranged

First Post
Hm. Well, that depends. Best Friends can handle a lot of scenarios. Some of the options I have in mind:

Gold Diggers : As members of the Explorer's Society, uncover the secrets of lost civilizations! Face eldritch entities man (and woman) were not meant to know! Save the world from ancient curses! Oh, and make sure you bring back tons of loot, there's a sale at Snu-T Boutique this weekend!

Salem High : Everyone knows Salem has a history of being, shall we say, unwelcoming to witches. But some parts of Salem's history are less well known, and as heirs to a legacy of witchcraft not spoken of in the tourist brochures, high school may prove a little more interesting for you than usual.

hmm... I may have a few more ideas... but that's it for now.


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