Children of Sorrow


Mylistra steps forward and holds up a hand in greeting, as - with her other hand - she quickly tucks her knife away into the band of her skirt. "Good lady!" she calls in greeting, "the dry spell of this evening has tempted so many outside to peramble and stroll!" With a warm smile, she adds, "the seductive Moonlight draws us out to enjoy its charms."

The witch gives a quick stern glance of warning at Yiorgos, before continuing to the old woman. "But I caution that it will be wet too soon this night. Best close your shutters to keep out the damp. A good morrow to you and be well."

* Mylistra makes a Primary Skill Bluff check to reassure the old woman of her good intentions and to remind Yiorgos of her threat: r13+9=22 vs 13 Moderate DC
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Skill Challenge, Convince the Children of Sorrow to assist your aid to Elena successfully completed.
125 XP/4 PCs=31.25. Let's say 30 XP/PC.

The elderly woman, perhaps a little muddled by age, withdraws into her chamber, muttering incoherently and closing the shutters behind her. Yiorgos and the other crooked constables withdraw from the scene. The two goblins--they introduce themselves as Marrow and Pook--shower you with thanks.

"I cud efff stood up t'em meselfff," says Pook, "but I worry ferrr Marrow!"

* * *

Svishka reports back to Rubee your heroic intervention: the goblins spared a beating or worse, the Gray Cloaks delivered a humiliating setback. Rubee considers the bargain sealed: she provides you an incriminating piece of information on Sheriff Davos in return for your promise to help set Beppa free from prison once you've intervened in the planned marriage of Elena.

As to that marriage: it is set for three days hence, so that is the fictional restraint within which we'll be working for the Skill Challenge. Davos intends his daughter to marry his friend Cosmo, Guildmaster of the Logging Guild. He's a rising and influential member of the Guild Council, the political ruling body of Ravenswood, and is widely considered to be a candidate for Lord Mayor one day. He's also more than twice Elena's age and rumored to be a raging philanderer.

Davos is unlikely just to welcome happily a meeting with a group of ragtag outsiders, one of whom has been providing aid to his daughter and who put off the men he sent as a warning through show of force. So your first move in the Skill Challenge will need to compel that meeting in some way and in some specified location. Should a meeting be at his residence, I imagine that to be an imposing but spartan townhouse (most buildings in Ravenswood, so close to the forest, are probably wooden, but some of the manufactories, the few public buildings (the Guildhalls, the Gaol, a prominent Church, and so on), and the private homes of its most influential citizens are brick and stone, to signify their wealth and prominence). Other possible venues for a meeting could be the Gaol, the Guilds Councilhall, or, perhaps, a more exclusive tavern or entertainment hall.

So go ahead and think about how you are arranging a meeting with Sheriff Davos and make a move against the first obstacle (at Moderate DC 15) to get things started, and I'll frame the rest of the scene from there.

Skill Challenge, Convince Davos to call off Elena's wedding, L5 (L+3) C3 SC: (8 Successes before 3 Failures; DCs 10/15/22; 3 Secondary Skills; 2 Hard DCs; 2 Advantages (one of which is an additional advantage to the standard ones (see RC 160) to be deployed at your discretion: use the blackmail like a Daily Power for an autosuccess against any single skill check in the SC; the details of such will be entirely at your discretion at the time of deployment, based on fictional position established, etc; obviously, whatever this turns out to be might have (possibly serious!) consequences later in play).


Armed with coin and bravado, JENDI leads the intrepid group into the gaol. He quickly spots their target, a young halforc female sitting alone at the desk, looking disconsolate and possibly bored. She looks up from the pencils she is playing with, eyes sharpening at the folks standing before her. At the elfling's smile, her eyes narrow for a moment. Then he speaks.

"Good morning, miss ... should I say officer? We were hoping to gain audience with the good sheriff, if he is available?" She begins to give her usual negative response - it is never a positive response, unless previously arranged by and reported to her by Davos - but suddenly a small pouch is gently placed on her desk next to the pencils.

The officer looks at the pouch without touching it. Then, she peers up at the handsome and comely young elfling smiling at her, and then finally to the others standing behind him. Her eyes pass over the small halfling to focus on the two females standing with him. She nods respectfully at the Guardian, and her eyes widen with recognition at the witch. Clearly Mylistra's reputation is known to her, and, judging from the somewhat awed look on her face, the impression is a positive one.

"What's your name, child?," asks Toriq, who is given the answer in a soft voice: "Zeljka." The younger halforc opens to pouch and glance inside. If possible, her eyes widen even more. "I believe you already have an appointment," Officer Zeljka. "Come this way."

* Jendi hands Officer Zeljka a pouch with 52 gps in it (1/10 at-level magic item cost) for an Autosuccess.

NOTE: in addition to doing the active SC, we are also doing reconnaissance and planting seeds for potential flashback obstacles in the subsequent Break Beppa Out of Gaol SC.
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Skill Challenge, Convince Davos to call off Elena's wedding, L5 C3: (1 Success/0 Failures/3 Secondary Skills available/2 Hard DCs available/2 Advantages available).

Zeljka leads you through a twist of narrow corridors terminating in a large, solid wooden door. She raps three times against a panel, then opens the door inward at the responding grunt. A well-built, imposing man of middle age with untamed iron-grey hair, bushy eyebrows and walrus mustache [think: Angry Mark Twain] looks up as the Halforc admits you with a cough, "Sheriff, people to, uh, see you."

The room is well-appointed but spartan: a large, barred window admits the grey afternoon light between heavy curtains drawn aside; two wooden armchairs face the large desk; a brazier of coals softens the chill autumn drafts.

Davos rises, his hands splayed on the desk before him. "Constable, you had orders to arrest that woman on sight!" He points an accusing finger at Mylistra.

Zeljka mumbles something about "giving the Sheriff the satisfaction" and retreats sheepishly back whence she came.

Davos pushes around the desk, his finger still jutting towards the witch. "If it weren't for my respect for your mistress, I'd have you hung at the gibbet in the square yesterday as a charlatan and pied piper who leads the young and innocent of town astray! Give me one reason not to call out for the constables, have the lot of you 'handled' a bit and then thrown into a cell to rot!"

Hard DC.


Mylistra draws herself up tall, illustrating that perhaps Juniper is not the only one to be "respected," but she stumbles a bit crossing over the threshold of the room, somewhat spoiling the effect. Davos smirks as he watches the elfling catch her by the elbow to keep her from falling and settles her into one of the two chairs, taking the second one himself.

Crossing one leg over the other, JENDI regards the sheriff for a moment. Then he smiles winningly at him. "My mother is rather brilliant, is she not? I am so glad you share my respect for her. Indeed, the respect so many have for her and her good works and skillful hands." He settles more comfortably into the chair. "Her respect goes far in engendering support from all and sundry, and one day soon her acolyte will share in her skill and power: perhaps she has already done so."

Jendi pauses, looking pensively down at his hands for a moment. Then, still not looking up, he continues: "Why should you not call out for the constables and have us 'handled'? Here is why, Sheriff, because there are ways we can be useful to you. We have hidden strengths and skills you are not yet aware of. Connections, too: here in Ravenswood, downriver in Blackstone, ... deep in the Forest..." the warlock's voice trails off as he looks up suddenly, meeting the angry, frustrated gaze of Davos with a clear sharp one of his own. He allows a momentary silence as they stare at each other. Then Jendi cocks his head to the side.

"It is also possible ... even probable? that you have allowed yourself to become beholden to those who appear more powerful than they actually are? Those who may not be as useful to your future plans as you think? Information is simply one of the many ways we might be useful to you, if we can only find some point to begin negotiation."

  • We are leveraging an Advantage to parlay 1 Success at the Hard DC into 2 Successes.
  • Mylistra attempts a Secondary Skill Intimidate check to convince Davos of her fearful presence: r4+5=9 vs 10 Easy DC for a -1 malus to
  • Jendi's Primary Skill Intimidate check to convince Davos to hear them out and not throw them in the clinker: r20+10-1 SS = 29 vs 22 Hard DC. Success = 2 Successes in SC
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Skill Challenge, Convince Davos to call off Elena's wedding, L5 C3: (3 Successes/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skills available/1 Hard DC available/1 Advantage* available).

"Juniper's boy, eh? Well, you certainly have her strongheadedness, that's for sure! Shame you don't share her discretion and judgment. If you think you know something about me or my associates, come out and say it. Don't beat around the bush."

Davos's words are tough, but a bead or two of sweat is visible on his brow, despite the seasonal chill in the cold, drafty office. "I'm a very busy man and don't have time for trifles. You want to be useful? Get to the point or get out of my office."

Moderate DC.

*remaining Advantage can be used as blackmail like a Daily Power for an autosuccess against any single skill check in the SC
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MYLISTRA risks a quick glance up at Davos's red face before returning her gaze demurely downcast. She is careful to keep her vaguely petulant frown on her face as she rapidly thinks through several scenarios. So far, the interview with Elena's father is moving along as expected, perhaps even better. But how should she now press their advantage without revealing their hand yet? Hmm. Perhaps one of their cards can be shown, or at least hinted at, tipping the scales a little?

The witch holds onto the frown as she allows a little bit of a whine to enter her voice, as if he is forcing the information from her lips. "Fine! We have knowledge about Guildmaster Cosmo, something that might shake trust in him, something that would confirm what Elena says Vlahous" ... here Mylistra uses the name of Davos's highly influential father-in-law and Elena's grandfather ... "has suspected all along. He has his fingers in many pies, gaining leverage and playing people off each other. You are not the only one seeking to climb Cosmo's ladder.

"Not only that, like some less trustworthy but powerful men, he has many women: a wife alone won't be enough to satisfy." Mylistra raises her eyes. "And Elena's grandfather doesn't like philandering, does he?"

Mylistra makes a Primary Skill Bluff check to convince Davos that she has something about the bridegroom, maybe even enough to make Davos mistrust Cosmo, all while letting him think he has the upper hand and that she is being forced to give information: r19+10=29 vs.15 Moderate DC. Success.
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Skill Challenge, Convince Davos to call off Elena's wedding, L5 C3: (4 Successes/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skills available/1 Hard DC available/1 Advantage* available).

Davos rises from his chair and paces back and forth behind the desk several times before speaking again.

"I'm trying to think of a way to put this delicately. You are common folk. No shame in that. But those of us with greater responsibilities have a different set of ... standards, shall we say. Vlahous is old fashioned. Doesn't quite understand the pressures of modern politics. The necessity of ... having one's fingers in many pies, as you put it.

"Elena is my daughter. I want what's best for her. But I'm a realist, too. What's best for her is a comfortable life. Cosmo is a friend, a man who can provide that life for her. In time, Elena will grow to understand the practicality of such matters.

"But you intrigue me. I know Cosmo well. I know his 'friends' well. Do you think you know something that I don't? Has your witchcraft revealed that someone has a hold over him in some way that threatens my future? Elena's future. Out with it!"

Moderate DC.


At this point, NEMO decides to speak up, to the surprise of everyone, Davos in particular who either has forgotten the halfling's presence or never noticed it to begin with. "Um ... down on the docks, we've been noticing some strange shipments coming in - not sure what's being delivered, but it's happening at weird times...usually dead of the morning? When it's still dark?"

His voice drops out for a moment as the halfling suddenly finds himself the focus of four pairs of eyes. He ruefully realizes that he is about to impart information that perhaps he should have shared with his new friends prior to this interview with the sheriff.

Nemo swallows before continuing:"there have also been a few rumors circulating around, about Cosmo and 'the Horned One' or the something 'Lord of bones' ... ?" <Yes,> Nemo thinks to himself, <I should definitely have mentioned that to them earlier!>

Honestly, though, in all the excitement of the last week, action packed with derring-do, he has not yet had the chance to puzzle all this together - particularly the rumors now informed by his new knowledge of the cult of Orcus.

With trepidation the halfling adds a little bit more: "Since I've come back from ..." He pauses, with a wary glance at the sheriff, "... downriver ... in Blackstone, I've heard talk that the extra clearing he's organizing is not just for wood ... but to clear roads for better access for something that's been found in the woods... something powerful and dark."

* Nemo makes a Primary Skill Streetwise check to remember rumors he has heard about Cosmo's possible involvement in the cult of Orcus: r20+9=29 vs 15 Moderate DC. Success
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Skill Challenge, Convince Davos to call off Elena's wedding, L5 C3: (5 Successes/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skills available/1 Hard DC available/1 Advantage* available).

Davos blinks several times, then sputters, "Are you seriously suggesting that my friend Cosmo is beholden to some demon-worshipping cult? And that despite twenty years of friendship this has gone unnoticed by me? Preposterous! I don't believe a word of it. What proof do you have of these accusations? I will need far more than the words of a Halfling child..."

Moderate DC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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