• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Classic 3.0


Rather shaken from his dream, Veitus listened as the elvish lass mentioned heading into the lands of the elves and nodded his head in agreement with the others.

"Any help we can get would be welcomed, especially if Drocus is marshalling giant and giant-kin against us."

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The group continues north at a causious pace (time for the chase scene) for the next towo days. As you get within sight of the elven forest, a large group on the road ahead can be seen. The group itself is not that large, consisting of only 5 people, but the size of the individuals are large, consisting of 2 giants of one sort or another and 3 ogre.

As soon as they spot the group (some 400 yards away) they start to charge towards the group.


Looking back towards the princess, Veitus feels his blood run cold at the prospect of her being captured by the brutes who now charged their way. Screaming back towards the others, Veitus pointed towards the treeline.

"Ride towards the treeline...spread out as they can't get us all...."

Spurring his horse hard with his boots, Veitus veers to the right of the others and prays that the others follow suit and fan out as well.


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"Bugger it!" Aenilan curses, wheeling her horse around to face the attackers, drawing her bow and firing as many arrows as she safely can before speeding towards the trees, calling out in elvish for help, praying to all the gods she knew that there would be a roving elvish scout party within hearing distance.
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Eyes widened with the sight of the charging Giants, Brechin reigns in next to the princess and yells Ride if you value your lives! Keep your heads down, those brutes may rain boulders upon us at any minute!

And with a quick glance back toward the elven girl, he makes sure that his charge gets to the tree line in safety.


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OOC: did Aenilan hit anything b4 she ran like a rabbit? :p
OOC: pokes mith repeatedly with a pointy object, trying to get his attention. :\
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Jonathon turns and rides along with the others, staying behind them and slightly closer to the giants, so that if the brutes DO catch up, they'll have to go through him to get to anyone else. "Do no slow for anything!" He shouts to the group.


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ooc: whoot! got my new compy! she's a beaut! emachine with 512mb of ram, 160g harddrive, gforce vid card and 3 months of aohell! yay! and she makes no noise. I'm calling her demon seed.....

Voidrunner's Codex

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