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First Post
Coraine nods in grim agreement. Fighting on two fronts is definitely not the best way to succeed. He applies himself with renewed vigour to the task of finishing off these enemies so that he can make his way to the others, eager to bring this battle to a close.


First Post
Two furry gnolls step out of the door, and one's axe blade finds a gap in Dara's defense, opening a deep gash in her side. The other hairy beast attacks Ragnok, but the dwarf takes the blow upon his tower shield.

Otto looks forward and behind, wondering where he could be of most assistance. "Oh, dear," he says. "We seem to be running two fights at once. Not terribly sound strategy, I must say." He looks forward to Two-Axe, and the opponents beyond. Drawing a dagger, the halfling considered his own strategy. Tossing a dagger down the hall, the blade fails to penetrate his opponent's armor.

Cursing the crossbow, Verdis lets it fall and calls upon the more reliable magic. He targets the same foe with an eldritch blast. Verdis shouts to Otto his bravado covering mounting fear, "I had hoped that I was merely experiencing double vision from your wine, but I fear you are correct. I vote that in future we confine ourselves to one battle at a time." The blast tears into its target, but fails to drop the man.

Coraine nods in grim agreement. Fighting on two fronts is definitely not the best way to succeed. He applies himself with renewed vigour to the task of finishing off these enemies so that he can make his way to the others, eager to bring this battle to a close. Coraine's axe splits his foes' head like an overripe melon.

Two Axe is in his element here. He thrashes his axe around with apparent abandon, but actually with considerable skill, trying to cut down the guards so he can return and help against the gnolls. His foe, off balance from Verdis' blast, goes down quickly beneath his axe.

The two remaining human guards step up, attacking Coraine and Two Axe. A furious exchange of blows takes place, and Coraine is left bleeding from a gash in the shoudler.

Marco purses his lips as he reloads his crossbow. The battle has not been going nearly as well as could have been hoped. His hands sweat slightly as he raises the weapon to fire once again, hoping for more good luck. Marco's aim is off as he takes extra care to avoid his companions, and the bolt goes wide.

Dara sidesteps towards the wall, right next to the door, while continuing her attacks with the falchion.“Beware! There are more of these beasts inside the room.” The warrior woman fails in her attempts to break the gnoll's defenses.

Ragnok's axe draws blood, but fails to drop his opponent.

Initiative Count

Gnoll 'b' - 5' step, attack vrs Dara 22 (success), damage 8
Gnoll 'c' - 5' step, attack vrs Ragnok 20 (failure)
Gnoll 'd' - 5' step
Otto 16 - attack vrs G9 14 (failure)
Verdis 15 - ranged touch attack vrs G7 13 (success), damage 7
Coraine 7 - moves, attack vrs G6 18 (success), damage 11
Two Axe 7 - attack vrs G7 10 (failure); attack vrs G7 17 (success), damage 5
G8 6 - attack vrs Coraine 21 (success), damage 6
G9 6 - attack vrs Two Axe 14 (failure)
Marco 5 - attack vrs 'c' 3 (failure)
Dara 4 - attack vrs 'b' 11 (failure)
Ragnok 3 - attack vrs 'c' 18 (success), damage 9

PC Status
Ragnok 32/32,
Two Axe 23/28,
Otto 17/17
Verdis 8/8 (17/17), CON 7
Dara 12/24, shield 17r for AC21
Coraine 21/28, CON 14
Marco 11/11 (14/14), CON 8, shield of faith 28r for AC18

[sblock=Opponent Status - Players no look!]

R1 -8/34
R2 dead
R3 -9/27
R4 -7/27

G1 dead
G2 -5/9
G3 -3/9
G4 -8/9
G5 -6/9

G6 -8/9
G7 -3/9

ga -1/11
gc 2/11

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First Post

With the blood dripping from her fresh wound and the growing frustration of being unable to overcome the creature's defenses, Dara's attacks grow more and more furious as she flies into a fit of rage.

OOC: Rage; Attack vs Gnoll 'b' (Atk +7 Dmg 2d4+6).

Dara is at AT79 (from last round; sorry, forgot to mention the specific square she wanted to move to).


First Post
Two Axe continues to hack away at his opponent with both sides of his double axe. If he can cut him down, he'll proceed to help Corraine.


Perturbed, Otto continues what he's been doing. He continues to look for an opportunity to help in other ways, since he doesn't expect his dagger-throwing to be terribly fruitful.


Marco scowls as his bolt goes wide, and once again abandons his weapon for something he knows much better. Dara's wounds seem to be piling up, as he steps forward to aid her, lest she fall to the gnolls.

[sblock=ooc]FA: Drop crossbow

If Dara takes another injury before his turn . . .

MA: Move to behind Dara
SA: Cure Moderate wounds (2d8+7)

If she remains at 12/24 . . .

MA: Move to behind Dara, whilst drawing wand of lesser vigor
SA: expend a charge (fast healing 1 for 11 rounds, because you don't have enough to keep track of in this battle :) )



Lobbing another bolt of eldritch energy at the foes down the hall (#8), Verdis asks Otto, "I think things are pretty well in hand on this front, one of us should lend a hand on the other front. Do you want to go or shall I?"

OOC: [sblock] +6 Eldritch Blast Ranged Touch 2d6 20/x2 60' r (+1 to hit and damage within 30')[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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