

Golden Procrastinator
Well by
If you're going to board the Crazy Spritz Train, I would suggest using something other than Aperol.

If you're going full Venice, then the Select Spritz (using Aperitivo Select) is pretty good. It's definitely worth seeking out as it is a lot more complex in terms of flavors, while still maintaining that refreshing and vibrant flavor.

Meletti 1870 also makes for an interesting spritz (or you can substitute it for the Campari in a Negroni).

Finally, if you're like me, and you think to yourself, "Self, I like the Negroni, but what about really getting it on?" Then I will recommend the Cyngroni (pronounced Cheen-groni). Sub the Campari for Cynar.
Well, by now, the whole country is onboard the Spritz Train, but I'll consider your suggestions. I'm actually somewhat ignorant on alcoholic matters...

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I say this without any sense of hyperbole; the disappearance of chartreuse is a greater problem to the world than global climate change and hunger, combined.

I really wonder what's going to happen to cocktail culture without it. Whole drinks will no longer be able to be made and tasted as they were meant to be. It's not like the monks that make it are likely to suddenly reverse course on this. Though I suppose there's a chance that they'd sell the recipe to someone else.

And I'm not sure if you're familiar with Curiada, but they have a section on recommended substitutes:



New Publisher
I just don't understand the selfishness of not passing on the recipe. It serves no good at all to take that joy from people. None at all.


New Publisher
My wife and I have gone to Europe the last two summers. Last year we went on a trip sponsored by one of her vendors, and one of the reps had researched the world's top cocktail bars. We went to one in Lisbon with him. It was quite good, definitely worth going if you are in Lisbon (I'll find the name later).

This year we were in Norway, and there is a top 50 in Oslo (Himkock). It has three levels and an exclusive small bar (which is the top rated part). Not easy to find, as the door is largely not marked, but it is massive. Outside the top bar, the drinks are premade, and are fine. Inside the exclusive part, the drinks are quite good and creative, but not as good as some I've had.

I'm convinced "top bar" includes the need for a small, dark, setting and being hard to get into as much as the drinks.

Frankly, there were two other cocktail bars in Oslo I liked more, and one in Bergen (Lost Monkey) that I liked the best of them all, for quality of cocktail. I'd say that and Pier 42 at hotel Amerikalinjen (home of the world's top bartender) were much better than Himkok. The recipe book at Pier 42 is amazing, let alone the drinks.


New Publisher
If you ever find yourself in Reykjavik, visit the cocktail lounge of Apotek: Frontpage - Apotek

Some of the best and most original cocktails we've ever had, great food and desserts that are like artworks.
Thanks! Certainly on the list of places to go, but I'm not sure what the budget holds for another European trip any time soon. Next year's trip is to upstate NY for the eclipse (and to hang with friends and drink wine).


Aspiring Trickster Mentor
Huh. Also missed this one the first time around.

Well, it's exciting to see so many folks praising the virtues of the Sazerac and the Boulevardier, two personal favorites. Murray's in Minneapolis, MN made a damn good Sazerac last time I was there.

My go to "wedding drink" is a G&T, and if I'm making them at home, I'm a big fan of Journeyman Distllery/The Field Museum of Natural History's "Field Gin," the recipie taken from botanical samples in the museum collection (not the collection samples themselves).

For "something different," I'd suggest the Revolver:
1.3 oz Bulleit Bourbon
.33 oz coffee liquor
2 dashes Orange Bitters
Garnish with orange peel.
Add to class and stir, strain into chilled glass.
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New Publisher
Westward Whiskey had a new release party yesterday with 4 bartenders making new cocktails using the Sourdough Whiskey released....when I get the recopies, I'll post them here. All four were quite good, but the two dark ones were quite sweet.....

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