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Here's my character concept

Hero Name: Chameleon

Concept: Johnathan Thomas, A 20 something year old man. He is the ultimate face man. He has always found it easy to talk people into whatever he wanted and as he grew up he gained the ability to assume the forms of who ever he sees.

powers - shapeshifting and super charisma

Obviously a very rough draft, let me know what you think.

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Dark Nemesis

First Post
All of the rough concepts I have seen look really neat. I am looking forward to seeing how they look when they are all fleshed out!

Just a note, though I haven't really seen any problems with it yet, I am going to avoid having too many duplicated powers within members of the team.
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First Post
Ok, here's the backstory of James Dunbar. His powers are Super-Dexterity, Strike, a bit of Amazing Save and some Regeneration.

James was a perfectly normal kid until the age of 8. He had a loving family, good friends, and a comfortable life. However, all that was destined to change. On their way to the airport for the annual summer holiday, he, his parents and his younger sister were involved in a car crash. James’s parents died in that crash, and the children were sent into the care of the only other relative of the family whom the state could locate; Professor Owen Maxwell, one of James’ uncles. To the world, his uncle appeared to be a respected scientist, who was prominent in the field of genetics. However, in private, his uncle harboured dark ambitions. He sought to breed the perfect soldier, a fighting machine of consummate power, and then sell the program to the highest bidder. His work had recently stalled due to the necessity of finding a test subject…and the car crash couldn’t have occurred at a more opportune time. With two young and healthy children to perform his twisted experiments on, the Professor was in heaven.

For nearly ten years, James endured a living hell. He and his sister were injected with experimental drugs, subjected to chilling radiation treatments, had bizarre implants tested on them, and worse. Yet the Professor had under-estimated the speed at which the subject’s powers would develop, and did not know precisely what abilities his experiments would unlock. This proved to be the depraved doctor’s undoing. Amelia, James’ sister, had begun manifesting mental powers, whilst James had begun manifesting increased physical potential. Yet the two managed to mask the extent of their development from the Professor. Yet it wasn’t until nearly James’ 18th birthday that an opportunity to escape presented itself. It was an opportunity that would cost much. In the midst of another experimental procedure, Amelia spontaneous manifested incredible ferro- and electro-kinetic abilities. With her new powers raging, their might increasing at an exponential rate every second, Amelia acted. She destroyed the laboratory, shattering the containment chamber that the two of them were confined in, destroyed the Doctor’s robotic guards, overloaded the computer banks and messily ended Professor Maxwell’s life with a variety of very sharp metal objects before slipping into a coma. Scooping his unconscious sister up, James fled the small facility as it exploded into chaos behind him. A few weeks later he quietly claimed his parent’s money, with evidence that the Professor had been killed in a freak accident, and documentation stating he was old enough not to need a guardian.

Since then, James has been living in the slums of [City], doing odd jobs by day..but at night, dressed in dark clothes and a balaclava, he has been fighting crime under the name of Nighthaunt. The Professor’s experiments have left James with a variety of strange powers, and he intends to use them for good. Yet a secret desperation lies behind his actions; Amelia lies in a hospital, checked in under a false name, the majority of James’ money going to pay for her care. For since the day they escaped their insane uncle, Amelia has never woken from her coma. When the message arrived for him, James was shocked and surprised, yet also intrigued. Perhaps at such a school, there might be those who could help his sister? And perhaps, they could even help him..help him escape the times in the night when he wakes, retching violently, feeling a strange pain burning in his veins..the times when the side-effects of the mad doctor’s schemes become apparent.

Oh, because I haven't mentioned it: Amelia is three years younger than James. The two of them look very similar, and are obviously related.

Appearance and Demeanour: James is 6’0” tall, and is muscular without being over-defined. Small, pale scars crisscross his torso, back, arms, and legs, which he generally hides with long-sleeved t-shirts or a trenchcoat. He never wears shorts or goes bare-chested, even in summer. He has cropped and spiky jet-black hair, and grey eyes. His gaze seems far older than his 19 years. James used to be a friendly and likeable person, but ten years can change someone, especially after they’ve been through what James’ been through. With the huge number of worries pressing on his mind; his body’s reaction to the experiments, the fact his sister’s in a coma, the fact that despite his best efforts he’s running out of the money he needs to keep her receiving care; James is untalkative and moody. When he talks to people he’s surly, unhelpful, unfriendly, sarcastic, overly blunt to the point of cruelty and irritable. Inside, he’s scared by all the responsibility he suddenly has, and he doesn’t know what to do. No-one’s yet managed to get past his unfriendly façade to discover this, though; and he intends to keep it that way. James is content to leave others alone if they leave him alone, and ignores insults. Anyone who insults his sister, though, is getting a trip to the hospital at the very least. James is toting a lot of guilt over what happened to his sister, believing he should have done more, and mentioning her is the one guaranteed way to get James to flip out. James is a good man, doing what he thinks is right, but he’s constantly asking himself why he helps these people that have never helped him, questioning the point of his actions. In short, James is carrying round a whole shed-load of turmoil, guilt, anger and unhappiness, and sometime soon, something’s going to have to give.

James Dunbar, aka Nighthaunt, PL 10.
Abilities (22 pp)
Str 14 +2
Dex 20 +13
Con 14 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 14 +2
Cha 8 -1
BAB +8 (24 pp)
BDB +8 (16 pp)
Def: 31, flat-footed 26, mental 20.
Saves: Damage +15 (evasion), Fortitude +2, Reflex +15, Will +8.

Skills (16 pp)
Acrobatics +16 (3 ranks, 13 dex)
Balance +18 (5 ranks, 13 dex)
Drive +14 (1 ranks, 13 dex)
Hide +16 (3 ranks, 13 dex)
Listen +10 (8 ranks, 2 wis)
Move Silently +16 (3 ranks, 13 dex)
Spot +10 (8 ranks, 2 wis)
Swim +3 (1 rank, 2 str)

Feats (22 pp)
All-Out Attack
All-Around Vision
Attack Finesse
Iron Will
Lighting Reflexes
Rapid Strike
Throwing Mastery

Powers (60 pp)
Amazing Save [Will] +4 (Power Stunts: None; Extras: None; Flaws: None; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 1 pp/rank)

Combat Sense +10 (Power Stunts: None; Extras: None; Flaws: None; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 1 pp/rank)

Regeneration +5 (Power Stunts: None; Extras: None; Flaws: None; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 2 pp/rank)

Strike +10 (Power Stunts: Dual Damage; Extras: None; Flaws: Full Power Only; Source: Super-Science; Cost 1pp/rank)

Super-Dexterity +8; (Power Stunts: None; Extras: None; Flaws: Duration [Sustained] Source: Super-Science; Cost 3pp/rank)

Weakness (-10 pp)
Vulnerability (Electricity)

Abilities [22]
BAB [24]
BDB [16]
Skills [16]
Feats [22]
Powers [60]
Weaknesses [-10]
Total [150]
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First Post
NAME Paragon
secret ID: Jeremy Winters
HP: 5

gender: M
age: 19
height: 6'
weight: 170
size: M
hair: Brown
eyes: Blue

STR 20 +5 (+9)
DEX 20 +5 (+9)
CON 20 +5 (+9)
INT 20 +5 (+9)
WIS 20 +5 (+9)
CHA 20 +5 (+9)

DMG +9
REF +9

SPD 30'

DEF 25


*Computers [10/1]
*Disable Device [10/1]
*Drive [10/1]
*Medicine [10/1]
*Open Lock [10/1]
*Repair [10/1]

* = Trained Only

Photographic Memory

Super-Strength [+14 pp/rank+0, 56 total] 4 Ranks
- SOURCE: Mutation
- SPECIAL: Jeremy has always been an exceptionally gifted child, to
the point of being superhuman.
- EXTRAS: Super-Dex, Super-Con, Super-Wis, Super-Int, Super-Cha



TOTAL [150]


Mr. And Mrs. Winter were a couple of average people that lived in
Washington. At least they thought they were normal. But when you
have four children, and all of them are powerful supers of varying
types, you really have to wonder.

Their first two children were boy and girl twins. Jonathan Winters
has a an alien-like genome that grants him awesome physical
strength and toughness. Samantha Winters has a brilliant mind and
strong psionic capabilities. These two were insepearable as
children and stayed much the same as adults. They were, like all
the Winter children, taught to help and respect others as they grew
up. They kept these attitudes as adults and decided to form a
super-hero duet to help people out. Now the two of them are one of
the best known superhero pairs in the US.

The youngest child also had awesome powers, but hers stemmed from a mystical source. Even at a young age Emily Winters had the ability to make things happen when she wished them, and as she grew this power developed. Know she is in elementary school and, while still weak and untrained in her powers, she shows potential to become one of the most powerful sorceresses on the planet.

But it's the third child that this background is about. Jeremy Winters has an unusual mutation that gives him superhuman abilities. He is stronger, faster, tougher, wiser, smarter, and more charismatic than a normal human is capable of being. But this power isn't quite as good as it sounds. While he is beyond human in his abilities, he isn't beyond superhuman. In fact his abilities
are quite weak compared to his siblings. His strength is pitiful compared to his older brother's and his older sister could run mental circles around him. Even his little sister shows every sign of becoming far stronger than him.

This inferiority to his siblings has had quite an effect on Jeremy. At first it caused him to strive in all areas as he attempted to match his siblings. But after it became obvious that he would never be as good as them in any of their fields he stopped striving. Things started to get worse after that and, despite his family's best efforts to be supportive, he fell into severe depression. He stopped recognizing his own abilities and only saw that he would never be as good as his siblings. This depression continued throughout his teenage years until he could no longer stand being around his brother and sisters. As soon as he graduated from high school (He graduated early, but not as early as Samantha). He packed up and left home for good.

He spent the next couple of years hitchiking around the country, getting a job from time to time to pay off his expenses before moving on. He changed his name and tried to forget about his past but it never worked, each time he saw his brother and sister on the front page for their latest endeavor it reminded him that he could never match up.

But then the Syndicate entered the scene. They were a powerful superhero crime team that had several of its members put in Jail by Johnathan and Samantha Winters. They had decided that the Winters family was a threat and that it would be a good idea to remove them from the picture. The Syndicate set up a trap for Jonathan and Samantha and managed to take them down, Jonathan got his brain scrambled by a powerful mentalist while Samantha was nocked out by a brick who was able to resist her powers. Emily was kidnapped in her sleep and bound so that she would not be able to cast her spells. Mr and Mrs Winters had no powers to defend themselves with
and were easy to capture.

The only family member they weren't able to capture was Jeremy. They tried to find him but in his effort to remove himself from his family he had quite successfully covered his tracks. Instead, Jonathan found them. His older sister had managed to get a telepathic message out to warn him before she was captured. For all Jonathan felt envy for his siblings, he was not going to let them be kidnapped without at least trying to rescue them.

So Jonathan set out to rescue the family that he was always jealous of, and did a remarkably good job of it. He was able to find the location of his family by roughing up some thugs that worked for the Syndicate. He travelled to the building they were in and put all his talent to work breaking in. First climbing to the roof and opening the lock on a roof light. Then exploring inside, either sneaking past or knocking out the guards with relatively little
effort. He even managed to knock out a couple of the weaker supervillians that got in the way of his search. Finally he came to the room where his older brother and sister were kept, the room generated some sort of power draining field but after fiddling around with the controls on the door he managed to stop it.

The rest is history. A very pissed off Jonathan and Samantha Winters, backed by their two younger superpowered siblings, proceeded to rescue their parents and lay waste to the syndicate. Without the element of surprise and with the arrival of an unexpected ally the Syndicate were no match for the super powered family. Jonathan laid waste to the brick that had captured his sister while Jeremy did the same to the Mentalist that had harmed his older brother. Samantha hacked into the buildings security and locked everyone inside. Even Emily took down a pack of thugs with her sorcery. By the end of the day the Syndicate was broken and most of it's members were either in jail or in the hospital.

The family returned home again and celebrated together. It was the first time Jeremy had seen his family face to face in 3 years and it was a joyous renuion. Everyone commented on how much Jeremy's powers had grown over the years and he had to agree, a few years ago he wouldn't have been able to do half of what he'd pulled off easily tonight.

A few days later Jeremy got an invitation to a College. Samantha had heard of this college, it was trying to organize a new team of superheroes. Jeremy decided to attend. However much his power had grown he still wasn't a match for his older brother and sister, perhaps if he trained at this college he would be able to become as powerful as them. Only then would he feel ready to be a part of the team started by his siblings.


If it wasn't for Jeremy's meddling the Syndicate could have become the major player in crime, but because of him they were all sent to jail instead. A few of them have broken out and are looking for revenge.
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First Post
A question for the more experienced Mutants and Mastermind players on these boards...when creating a character, when do you know to use a power as a power stunt and when to include it as an extra?

For my character, the core power is Alternate Form - Semisolid (Swarm of Spiders), which is 5 points a rank. Included is Protection, Elasticity, and Strike (for the strike I intend to use it for my claws).

Other things I want for him while he's in his alternate form is the ability to leap, cling, swing and have a snare, have a few feats that will only work when in his alternate form, super-senses, microscopic vision, natural weapon (fangs), and super dexterity...with the exception of super dexterity, all these cost either one or two power points per rank, and I know power stunts cost 2 points and extras add 1+ points per rank to the total rank cost of the power.

This is how I want the core power to look:
Alternate Form - Swarm of Spiders: 5 points per rank
--Elasticity, Protection and Natural Weapon (claws) included at power rank.
power stunts:
--Snare, Swinging, Leaping, Natural Weapon (fangs), Clinging, Super-Senses, Drain (Strength, flaw: linked to claw/fang attack), and Microscopic Vision.
(feats as power stunts:
--Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws).
--Area (+1 points per rank), Super-Dexterity (+2 points per rank)

final cost per rank: 8 points per rank.
total cost for power stunts (including feats): 32

Is this correct in how I did this? I want to do this properly. If I made a mistake in how I did this let me know.
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First Post
Acid_crash said:
A question for the more experienced Mutants and Mastermind players on these boards...when creating a character, when do you know to use a power as a power stunt and when to include it as an extra?

For my character, the core power is Alternate Form - Semisolid (Swarm of Spiders), which is 5 points a rank. Included is Protection, Elasticity, and Strike (for the strike I intend to use it for my claws).

Other things I want for him while he's in his alternate form is the ability to leap, cling, swing and have a snare, have a few feats that will only work when in his alternate form, super-senses, microscopic vision, natural weapon (fangs), and super dexterity...with the exception of super dexterity, all these cost either one or two power points per rank, and I know power stunts cost 2 points and extras add 1+ points per rank to the total rank cost of the power.

This is how I want the core power to look:
Alternate Form - Swarm of Spiders: 5 points per rank
--Elasticity, Protection and Natural Weapon (claws) included at power rank.
power stunts:
--Snare, Swinging, Leaping, Natural Weapon (fangs), Clinging, Super-Senses, Drain (Strength, flaw: linked to claw/fang attack), and Microscopic Vision.
(feats as power stunts:
--Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws).
--Area (+1 points per rank), Super-Dexterity (+2 points per rank)

final cost per rank: 8 points per rank.
total cost for power stunts (including feats): 32

Is this correct in how I did this? I want to do this properly. If I made a mistake in how I did this let me know.

OK, the way it seems to work is this. If the ability you are trying to add to the power makes it more versatile within its current parameters, it's a Stunt. What do mean by this? Well, the MnM rulebook states that all powers are made up of one or more Effects. The Effects listed are: Ability, Alteration, Attack, Control, Defense, Illusion, Movement, Sensory and Transformation. An Energy Blast, for example, possesses only the Attack effect; Protection, only the Defense effect; and so on. Judging by the powers it gives you, Alternate Form - Semi-Solid possesses the Attack, Defense and Transformation Effects. (It possesses 2 Transformation effects; both the Alternate Form, and the Elasticity.) This means that a power based on one of these effects should be a Power Stunt for Alternate Form, but a power based on a different effect (Illusion, for instance) is an Extra; it isn't making the power more versatile within its parameters, it's expanding it's parameters by allowing it to do something totally new.

Thus, I would say from those above:
Power Stunts: Snare [Attack], Natural Weapon (fangs) [Attack], Drain [Attack].

Extras: Swinging [Movement], Leaping [Movement], Clinging [Movement, though bearing in mind the nature of your Form, an argument could be made for making this a Power Stunt], Super-Senses [Ability], Microscopic Vision [Sensory], Super-Dexterity [Ability].

The feats you could probably get at half price - 1 pt per feat with the Flaw: Only Usable in Altrnate Form. --Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws).

Finally, I'm not sure what the 'Area' Extra is for.

This is just my interpretation of what the rules seem to state is the case; by no means be assured that I am correct. I'm sure others will chime in.

Hope this helps! :)



First Post
Character concept...still a work in progress.

Krisma Silvers

Age 18; 5'6", 115 lb; reddish brown hair, green eyes.

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 20 (+5)
Cha 16 (+3)

Init +4
HP 5
Move 0' (physical), 50' fly, 51,200' flying sprint

Dmg +0
Fort +0
Ref +0
Will +9

Base Attack Bonus +1
Melee +1
Ranged +1
Mental +6

Base Defense Bonus +2
Defense 12
Mental Def 17

Feats: Assessment, Attractive, Connected, Improved Initiative, Indomitable Will, Leadership, All-around Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Independent Income

Bluff (2) +5/+8
Diplomacy (4) +7/+10
Gather Info (2) +5/+8
Knowledge: History (1) +3
Listen (2) +7
Perform (3) +6 [sing, act, violin]
Profession: Psychology (1) +6
Sense Motive (3) +8
Spot (4) +9

Astral Projection 10 [Stunt: Spacial anchor - bind to a place or item and move with it automatically...such as a car, plane, elevator, etc] (52pts)
Mental Blast 8 (24pts)
Possession 8 [Flaws: touch from astral form only, Limited: Mind-transfer] (8pts)
Telepathy 6 [Extra: Group link, Flaw: Communication Only] (12pts)
Amazing Save: Will 4 (4pts)

Complete paralysis (psychological) - 10pts ??


Shortly after high school graduation, Krisma was brutally attacked by something. The nature of the attack is such that it affected her psyche, and the incident itself is a blank in her memory. During the attack, however, her powers manifested and she was able to defend her body by separating her spirit and mentally assaulting her attacker. (This is about as much detail as she has been able to piece back together after the fact.)

The attack left her in bad shape - her spirit cannot properly connect with her own body any longer. When she occupies her body, it feels like an empty husk, and she is only capable of moving her eyes. Doctors initially thought her paralyzed but there is no physical damage. Her mind, likewise, is fully functional.

She relies on a benefactor (a distant relative of hers who apparently has great wealth and connections) to sponsor her medical costs - essentially 24 hour nursing care to move her, change feeding IV's, bathing, and monitoring. Her mother, a RN, also helps care for her and is one of the few people with whom Krisma feels comfortable in her astral form.

She had been planning on attending college at Penn State, but now is unsure where her life will go. Her condition, from all indications, is somehow psychological or neurologically induced. She is trying to focus her efforts on regaining control of her own body. She is also intent upon learning just what it was that attacked her and whether it was responsible for unlocking her powers while locking her out of her body.


Krisma has always been a likable girl and a natural leader in all activities. She graduated near the top of her high school class and everyone expected her to do well in college and life beyond.

Following the attack, a brief period of denial and depression set in. Her mother helped pull her out of her funk and now Krisma's optimistic personality has come back through.

Points breakdown:
Attributes - 20
Feats - 20
Skills - 11
Powers - 100
Weakness - -10
Total - 148 (2pts remaining)
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First Post
Synchronicity said:
OK, the way it seems to work is this. If the ability you are trying to add to the power makes it more versatile within its current parameters, it's a Stunt. What do mean by this? Well, the MnM rulebook states that all powers are made up of one or more Effects. The Effects listed are: Ability, Alteration, Attack, Control, Defense, Illusion, Movement, Sensory and Transformation. An Energy Blast, for example, possesses only the Attack effect; Protection, only the Defense effect; and so on. Judging by the powers it gives you, Alternate Form - Semi-Solid possesses the Attack, Defense and Transformation Effects. (It possesses 2 Transformation effects; both the Alternate Form, and the Elasticity.) This means that a power based on one of these effects should be a Power Stunt for Alternate Form, but a power based on a different effect (Illusion, for instance) is an Extra; it isn't making the power more versatile within its parameters, it's expanding it's parameters by allowing it to do something totally new.

Thus, I would say from those above:
Power Stunts: Snare [Attack], Natural Weapon (fangs) [Attack], Drain [Attack].

Extras: Swinging [Movement], Leaping [Movement], Clinging [Movement, though bearing in mind the nature of your Form, an argument could be made for making this a Power Stunt], Super-Senses [Ability], Microscopic Vision [Sensory], Super-Dexterity [Ability].

The feats you could probably get at half price - 1 pt per feat with the Flaw: Only Usable in Altrnate Form. --Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws).

Finally, I'm not sure what the 'Area' Extra is for.

This is just my interpretation of what the rules seem to state is the case; by no means be assured that I am correct. I'm sure others will chime in.

Hope this helps! :)


Don't forget that once you have one movement ability (Swinging) you can get the other 2 as power stunts of it (Leaping and Clinging).

I don't think you could take Penetrating attack as a flawed feat since it naturally wouldn't work in your normal form.

What do you want the fang attack for? You could probably consider it just a part of the natural weapons you already have, without buying it as a power stunt.


First Post
To have claws and fangs in alternate form. :D So I can bite AND claw my enemies.

Yeah, the rules are kind of clear, and kind of not. All these abilities would work for the idea I have, but too many extras could have the power just too costly.

How about this --

Main Power: Alternate Form - included effects are Protection (Defense), Elasticity (Transformation) and Natural Weapons - claws (Attack).

Added effects include - Clinging [1pp rank] (Movement), Leaping [1pp rank](Movement), Snare [2pp rank] (Attack), Super-Dexterity [4pp rank] (Ability), Super-Senses [2pp rank] (Sensory), Drain - Strength, linked to claws/fangs [1pp rank] (Alteration).

the pp cost for the above powers are the core pp per rank listed in the MnM book. Of them, I am adding a movement, ability, sensory, and alteration effects - those should be extra's, right? the other attack, movement should be power stunts, right?

extras - Swinging from Snare.

Power Stunts in alternate form: Microscopic vision, Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws). [2pp each, could be 1pp each since they are linked to altered form only]

Darn, this will be costly. :D

I'm going to have the Disturbing Weakness, and possible a Weakness relating to him sometimes losing his composure and losing control of himself, and automatically transforming if he fails a Will save of DC 10 when faced in intense stressful situations, if both of these weaknesses are satisfactory.
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First Post
Acid_crash said:
To have claws and fangs in alternate form. :D So I can bite AND claw my enemies.

Yeah, the rules are kind of clear, and kind of not. All these abilities would work for the idea I have, but too many extras could have the power just too costly.

How about this --

Main Power: Alternate Form - included effects are Protection (Defense), Elasticity (Transformation) and Natural Weapons - claws (Attack).

Added effects include - Clinging [1pp rank] (Movement), Leaping [1pp rank](Movement), Snare [2pp rank] (Attack), Super-Dexterity [4pp rank] (Ability), Super-Senses [2pp rank] (Sensory), Drain - Strength, linked to claws/fangs [1pp rank] (Alteration).

the pp cost for the above powers are the core pp per rank listed in the MnM book. Of them, I am adding a movement, ability, sensory, and alteration effects - those should be extra's, right? the other attack, movement should be power stunts, right?

extras - Swinging from Snare.

Power Stunts in alternate form: Microscopic vision, Blindsight, Blind-fight, Darkvision, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Ultra-Hearing, Penetrating Attack [twice] (Claws). [2pp each, could be 1pp each since they are linked to altered form only]

Darn, this will be costly. :D

I'm going to have the Disturbing Weakness, and possible a Weakness relating to him sometimes losing his composure and losing control of himself, and automatically transforming if he fails a Will save of DC 10 when faced in intense stressful situations, if both of these weaknesses are satisfactory.

The Movement powers will be Extras too; Alternate Form doesn't have a Movement Effect built into it.

Don't forget that attaching powers as extras makes them 1pp/rank cheaper, to a minimum of one. In other words, it should work something like this:

Extras: Clinging [1 pp/rank] (Movement), Leaping [Power Stunt of Clinging; 2 pp total](Movement), Snare [Power Stunt of Alternate Form; 2 pp total] (Attack); Swinging as Extra of Snare [+1 pp/rank to overall cost of Alternate Form], Super-Dexterity [3 pp/rank] (Ability), Super-Senses [1 pp/rank] (Sensory), Drain - Strength, linked to claws/fangs [Power Stunt of Alternate Form; 2 pp total] (Attack).

So: Alternate Form + ?? (Power Stunts: Drain [Str], Leaping, Snare; Extras: Clinging, Super-Dexterity, Super-Senses, Swinging; Flaws: None; Cost 11 pp/rank +6 pp in Power Stunts.) I *think* that's the way it should work.

If I were you, I'd advise taking Super Dexterity seperately at a lower rank; it really ramps the cost up (from 8 to 11 pp/rank).

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