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Complete Champion excerpts

Dire Bare

Razz said:
I doubt the feat is "limitless healing". I'm sure you could only heal a character a certain amount of hp per day or you can only heal a creature with it once per day or some other such limitation.

Also, if you're reading this WotC, can you PLEASE stop making prestige classes that're rooted in something campaign specific!?

How the heck am I supposed to alter the Mythic Exemplar prestige class to fit in the Forgotten Realms? Is there a Realms-adaptation for it or something? Please make prestige classes more generic in flavor and less campaign-specific. Maybe I don't want to introduce the Disciples of Legend in my Realms game, there's a hell of a lot of organizations established in the Realms as it is.

Oh please! How easy is that? Just change the name of the various "Disciples" the class mentions to ancient heroes in your campaign. Done!

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Torx said:
I'm surprised no one is commenting on this one.

My group, at least, loves size changing. There can be some pretty nasty min/maxing with this feat depending on its specific text.

I hadn't noticed that one. I've got one player who'll probably love that one.


daemonslye said:
Ah yes, soon, after a few more "complete <nonesense>" books, the old timers will begin to reminisce:
Please don't colorize your text. White text is close to illegible when you've got the forum set to "stealth" mode.


First Post
Sounds like a nice feat. I'm a big fan of per-encounter balance, anyway (since I never liked how the game assumes that you have 5 fights per day).


First Post
RangerWickett said:
In particular, the touch of healing reserve feat. "Heal 3 points of damage per level of the highest-level healing spell you have available to cast." Is it really that good? It only requires that you can cast 2nd level spells.

Sounds awesome. Perhaps the Healing Domain should grant that as a bonus feat instead of that lame +1 CL for healing spells...

edit: "Venom's Gift Two other wild feats, wild shape class feature, ability to assume plant form using wild shape Imbue your natural attacks with poison for 1 round/level "

mmm.... Venomfire...
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First Post
Remathilis said:
(and I will eat my hat if you know a PC who goes into the next room with less than 80% hp if healing is available). .

Break out the ketchup!!!! In the game I'm running (RHOD) the two primary fighters went to the next encounter (a big fight and they knew it) with only 1/2 HP... and the cleric was pretty much fully ready for spell casting... Now, in all fairness they new it would be a tough fight but they also knew they were less likely to be hit than needing the spells available. Still, I'm not a big fan of "always healed before a fight" and don't tend to have wands of CLW in my games... I like the "fear" of dying and idea of avoiding taking damage because you might not get time to heal before the REALLY big fight...


First Post
theemrys said:
Still, I'm not a big fan of "always healed before a fight" and don't tend to have wands of CLW in my games... I like the "fear" of dying and idea of avoiding taking damage because you might not get time to heal before the REALLY big fight...

It makes planning harder, though: You can't know beforehand how much HP they will have left when they enter the fights. If they had some bad luck, they might be a lot more hurt than you had anticipated before.

Plus, I don't call it a proper fight unless the fighter could be taken down from full to negative during the encounter :p

Oh, and of course, the feat can only help you with the healing if you have ample time. 15 HP/level healing for one character per round sounds like a lot, sure, but it won't help if you lose 10 hp per char per round :]


Blood Jester said:
Except, it was never "big amounts" proportionate to *any* other healing available in game.
Tenth level Paladin, who has an 18 Charisma = 40 points, and that is it for the day. (I also picked what seems like, roughly, a sweet spot for the LoH ability compared to the feat, when the ability starts to be competitive in a one-shot burst.)
The feat can do it's thing numerous times a day (and I can only hope it is at least a Standard Action, just like LoH).

Well, taking your example: 40 points in the middle of melee combat using a supernatural, non disruptible vs a 4th level cure critical for 4d8+10 ~28 as a spell for the cleric or 12 for the reserve feat. Seems the paladin can still do the single biggest cure in combat. Getting your fighter from -5 to 35 hp as the fight goes on is nice.


By the way, in case anyone hasn't seen it, we do have a bit more info about the prestige classes from the book:


fist of the forest - For some among the Guardians of the Green, the pursuit of an animalistic lifestyle is a form of asceticism.
forest reeve - Forest reeves are chosen by Guardians of the Green to patrol local wilderness areas to check for dangers and humanoid activities that could be harmful to the land.
holt warden - Hold wardens are the highest spiritual leaders in the Guardians of the Green.
mythic exemplar - Few are as devoted to history as the Disciples of Legend, and none among that august group are as committed to their paragons as the mythic exemplars.
ordained champion - Steeped in a tradition older than most religions, the ordained champions stride through the chaotic fog of violence and bloodshed.
paragnostic apostle - The paragnostic apostles are the most devoted of the Paragnostic Assembly -- the most erudite of a sect dedicated, mind and soul, to the acquisition of knowledge.
paragnostic initiate - Not all who follow the precepts of the Paragnostic Assembly are spellcasters.
sanctified one - The cleric, the paladin, the priest, and the holy warrior -- all these are classic divine hero archetypes.
shadowspy - Shadowspies are the covert arm of Pelor's Shadow Guard.
shadowstriker - The elite group known as the shadowstrikers is the military arm of Pelor's Shadow Guard.
squire of legend - Not everyone who reveres the Six from Shadow desires to shape her entire life around her chosen paragon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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