Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions


Yes. darjr is aware of the problem, though, and is working on it as he has time. But the CC really needs a new server, apparently, so it may take a while.

Well there seems to be no point worrying (or worrying Darjr) about it, so we might as well continue converting here and leave the updating until the CC is sorted out.

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I've done a rather belated updating of the Monster Conversion lists - it hadn't been refreshed since the 11th of February so it was well past due.

Six months worth of monsters was a disappointingly small group. We haven't been converting things very quickly nowadays.

I'm thinking it'd be worth adding an "uploaded conversions" list to the first post on this page with links to the Enworld versions of the monsters we'd added to the CC before it went down. It's a bit awkward finding them when they're spread over this thread.


Extradimensional Explorer
The extra list in the first post would probably be helpful, yes.

Yeah, the conversions are a bit slow. Some of that is only having two people here (or mostly 1.5 given my restricted time to work on conversions), and some is just having weird monsters left.


The extra list in the first post would probably be helpful, yes.

I hope so, since I've just added said list to the first post.

Yeah, the conversions are a bit slow. Some of that is only having two people here (or mostly 1.5 given my restricted time to work on conversions), and some is just having weird monsters left.

Yes, some of the monsters are so strange or complicated we spend ages deciding how to deal with them. Well at least they're not boring.


I've updated the Mayfair Games Conversions to include all the conversions of Mayfair AD&D-clone monsters we've done to date.


UPDATE - I've updated the master Current Conversions List at the start of this thread to include all the monsters that we had completed or were working on after the Great Database Hiccup.

Said monsters are marked [RESTORATION NEEDED] on the list and will be restored as much as I can from various personal and online caches when I have the time and inclination to do so.


UPDATE - I've updated the master Current Conversions List at the start of this thread to include all the monsters that we had completed or were working on after the Great Database Hiccup.

I've restored all the monsters we'd finished after the Great Database Hiccup, so the Completed Creatures Awaiting Upload to the CC part of the master list is now up to date.

Working drafts of the ones we were in the middle of converting should hopefully be restored (if only partially) over the next few days.


RESTORATION NOTE: Since the Great Database Hiccup of September 2016 the CC conversions lost about 5 months of work. Monster conversions that were set back are now marked [RESTORATION NEEDED] and those that I have personal backups for will be returned to their finished conversions when I have the time. This comment will self-destruct once the restoration is finished.

I have finished restoring the uncompleted conversions up to the most recent records of them I could find.

A few of them are still missing some information, most notably we've lost most of the work on the sin-eating special ability of the ovinaur, the whiz-bang attack of the eponymous whiz-bang beetle and the tactics entry of the master scorpion.

We'll have to rewrite such losses from scratch based on what we can remember of them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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