Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions

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Erdric Dragin

Trying to run a 3.5e Spelljammer game but need to know where and how much of those creatures from Spelljammer have been converted? I'm guessing they would also overlap the Epic Level creatures, since some Spelljammer creatures definitely epic level like the Star Dragon.


Trying to run a 3.5e Spelljammer game but need to know where and how much of those creatures from Spelljammer have been converted? I'm guessing they would also overlap the Epic Level creatures, since some Spelljammer creatures definitely epic level like the Star Dragon.

Eesh, I don't have a handy list that separates out the Spelljammer conversions we've done for the Creature Catalog.

Let's see, a quick scan of the CC found the following:

Aartuk, BEHOLDERS & BEHOLDER-KIN (basically all of them), Blazozoid, Clockwork Horror, Colossus (which I'm planning to do an updated version of), Death Shade, DRAKE (Space Drake), Gammaroid, GIANT (Spacesea Giant), GOLEM (Furnace Golem, Radiant Golem, Sentinel), GOSSAMER (Standard Gossamer, Noble Gossamer), Hamster (Giant Space Hamster), Isopterite, MIMIC (Space Mimic), Misi, Nay-Churr, SILATIC (Gold Silatic, Iron Silatic, Platinum Silatic & Silver Silatic), Silver Slime, Stargazer, Vodoni Space Spider.​

There might be one or two missing but I think that's most of them.

You can also get 3E monster conversions from Shattered Fractine (which hasn't been updated since 2005) and other "lost" spelljammer websites archived on


Dang it, I forgot to put the Powerslug and its associated Template in the Index.

That one's practically good to go to, I could have waited and included it in the Update.

Oh well, it's done now!

We're not missing anything else are we?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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