Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions

Quoting the Incremental Return of the Creature Catalog:

Darjr has created what will hopefully be a permanent home for the Creature Catalog and uploaded an updated version of the CC I've sent him.

It contains all the monsters that we converted before the Great Database Hiccup. There are a few monsters we've finished since then that should get added in the next update.

Relevant links are:

Creature Catalog Index
Crypt Index

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Yeah, that's my fault pretty much. Or my job plus stuff at home.

But it looks like we have 9 if you split the greater urchins up, so we're not far! ;)

Yeah, that's my fault pretty much. Or my job plus stuff at home.

But it looks like we have 9 if you split the greater urchins up, so we're not far! ;)

I wondered about splitting the greater urchins up but the original post had all of them in one entry.

It would arguably make it a lot easier to read, so perhaps I should…

What thinks thee?

I think I'd split them up. We could have a separate "greater urchin" entry with the common flavor and links to the subentries. But it would take a little bit of reformatting and copy/paste work.

I think I'd split them up. We could have a separate "greater urchin" entry with the common flavor and links to the subentries. But it would take a little bit of reformatting and copy/paste work.

Oh, I forgot to mention I did CC-formatted versions with the entries split up a couple of weeks ago (June 26th to be exact).

With Ahi, the updated version of Rahab and the Land Urchin that means we're only one short of a batch of ten.

I've updated the Conversion List with the six creatures we've completed since the last update (Mako Shark, Weremako, Khalk'ru, Giant Riding Fly, Priest of Ythog-Nthlei and Astral Figment) and added the four new conversions we've started (Reave, Trollhound, Mystaran Kraken and Megacerops).

In the process I realized I put the Valgoss in the "completed" category too soon since we haven't finished the sample creature(s).


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