Level Up (A5E) Confused by Lifestyle, Prestige, and Supply Rules

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Why is that weird?
I think the real question that is being asked here is: Is supply meant to be a "normal" thing, or "only a part of a journey" thing.

Xiphumor is eluding to the fact that the RAW, a person is supposed to consume 1 supply every day. However, supply prices are much higher than what low quality meals cost, so that suggest that a low qualtiy meal "would not be enough and would trigger fatigue".

My assumption is that supply is meant to be a factor of journeys and is not supposed to represent PCs hanging out in town and things like that.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I think the real question that is being asked here is: Is supply meant to be a "normal" thing, or "only a part of a journey" thing.

Xiphumor is eluding to the fact that the RAW, a person is supposed to consume 1 supply every day.
No, just the low quality meal will go off by tomorrow so it doesn't make for good traveling rations.
However, supply prices are much higher than what low quality meals cost,

No they're not. Lots of things constitute Supply. The low quality meal constitutes Supply. Rations constitute supply. A 50gp dinner with the king constitutes Supply. Supply has no set price. Rations do, but they're not the only type of Supply.


The important thing to remember is that Supply doesn't cost 5sp, rations do.
Okay! That makes sense! So for the purposes of gameplay, do you just check off whether you've roleplayed eating that day instead of consuming supply? And then at what point does that alter your Prestige bonus?

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