Level Up (A5E) Considerations when adding Maneuvers


So, I recently discovered A5E, or more explicitly, was able to get it on Fantasy Grounds, and looking to convert my group to the system.

I've beening running O5E with a lot of houserules and additions to get it to do what I want, and one of the things is I made a bunch of powers that worked like maneuvers. Now most of them are in A5E, but some aren't, and I'm wondering that if I port them over, I'll want to slot them into various traditions that make sense. The thing I was wondering though is:

Is there anything that might be broken by adding maneuvers to a tradition. Right now it looks like each has exactly 15 - and I'm not sure if there is some sort of specific reason they have that many OR its just arbitrary.

It feels like it should be fine since its just lateral options, and they all use the same exertion point pool, but if anyone can think of anything, that'd be great!

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We chose 15 for word count reasons. Nothing else.

This is the answer I wanted to hear :)
the only balance concern i can think of would be making certain traditions more appealing then others on the basis of having more options

Yep, that makes sense - but I think I got them all spread around a bit. I converted a lot of 4E powers into usable options for my 5E players.


The biggest factor Is what classes have access to what maneuvers. I find those especially true classes like the rogue and berserker

I'd be really interested in seeing those conversions. One pretty consistent complaint around the A5E maneuvers is that not enough of them interact well with ranged attacks.
oh yeah, i just remembered i went through all the maneuvers in the AG to see which ones worked with ranged attacks. i should probably clean up that document and make a post about it or something.


I'd be really interested in seeing those conversions. One pretty consistent complaint around the A5E maneuvers is that not enough of them interact well with ranged attacks.
So, this is what I had made PRIOR to finding A5E (as you might imagine, might be overbuilt), but I loved 4E, so I wanted to bring some stuff back.

Granted, many are still melee focused, but there are still a number of options for ranged attacks too.



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So, this is what I had made PRIOR to finding A5E (as you might imagine, might be overbuilt), but I loved 4E, so I wanted to bring some stuff back.

Granted, many are still melee focused, but there are still a number of options for ranged attacks too.

May I offer a different suggestion?

Most of these are really nice and simple things that any martially oriented character might be able to do, and some of them don't exactly fit the structure of maneuvers, like Breach. Right now, Basic Maneuvers require nothing but intention to enact them... you -could- add a few of these maneuvers to the "Basic Maneuvers" list and give some them an exertion point cost.

Distract, for example, would be a great Basic Maneuver with no cost associated with it. Meanwhile Escape could have a 1 point exertion cost to grant the bonus action saving throw. Same goes for Castling, or as you called it King's Castle.

It would not only give your Fighter Types some interesting tricks of the trade, but improve your casters' ability to contribute in situations where magic isn't an option for various reasons.

Though you could also slap together a nice "Guards's Watch" combat tradition together with a bunch of these as well...

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