Converting Epic Level Creatures

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Monster Junkie
Sphere: Element equivalent
Status: Hierarch 2
Power Points: 12,000
Anti-Magic: 90%
Armor Class: -18
Hit Dice: 43
Move: As Immortal
Attacks: 4 fist strikes
Damage: Up to 100 (each)
No. Appearing: 1 (unique)
Save As: Hierarch 2
Morale: Special
Treasure Type: Special
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 9,539,250 (953 PP)

Description: The elemasters are high-ranking aides who directly serve the Full Hierarchs of the Spheres. They represent and rule all of the elementals of the multiverse.

An elemaster's normal form is similar to its elemental type, but 20 feet tall. It is able to shrink or grow at will, to a minimum height of one inch, and a maximum of 300 feet. This ability is innate, non-magical, and requires no Power expenditure.

Abilities and Limits: An elemaster can use all forms of Power combat, and may expend Power to create any magical effect within its Sphere, at half normal cost (rounded up). Elemasters may create effects of other Spheres, but at 10 times the usual cost (cumulative with the multiplier for dominance).

The elemasters' normal forms are carefully designed and expensive to create so they are careful to avoid this destruction if possible. Each has the full ability scores of the elemaster, all of which are 75 ( + 13 modifier). Each elemaster has standard Aura power. Any ability score check manipulating the represented element is never penalized for difficulty (though bonuses for ease apply frequently). For example, if the Earthmaster tries to hurl an asteroid with a mass of billions of tons at an opponent, the base 75% chance of success (equal to its Strength score) applies without penalty.

Though of "trainee Hierarch" status, the elemasters cannot progress further, and can never become Full Hierarchs.

Resistances: The elemasters have 90% A-M, but usually negate it if they plan to create magical effects. They are completely immune to all mortal magic. They are immune to magical effects of Immortal origin that have a base cost of 15 PP or less. In addition, they are unaffected by all mind attacks except direct ability score attacks, all magic that could cause instant death (including disintegrate), and blows from weapons of + 4 or lesser enchantment. All standard Immortal saving throws apply as well.

Habits: The business of the elemasters is primarily administrative, as their realms are vast. They spend much of this time visiting and examining their subjects, often stifling their auras and masquerading as young elementals. The local rulers of the elemental planes (detailed in the D&D Master Set) are aware of this, and never shirk their duties, lest they be under secret observation.

Background: The elemasters achieved Immortality long ago, and now protect their exalted positions by preventing any other true Elementals from reaching Immortal status. They are vain and selfcentered, but extremely powerful and superb at their tasks. The Immortals tolerate them for this reason and for fear that, if sufficiently irritated, an elemaster may upset the balance of the elements in the Prime plane.

Originally appeared in Immortal Rules (1986).


Monster Junkie
These are tough ones to fit into the existing elemental hierarchy.

Do we set them between the 36 HD monoliths and the 64 HD primal elementals? Do we place them around the 42-45 HD archomentals? Or since they are nearly godlike, do we set them above the primals?

Based on their wacky abilities and insane AC, I'm thinking we might need to go the latter route, probably boosting them to 72 HD or higher.



These are tough ones to fit into the existing elemental hierarchy.

Do we set them between the 36 HD monoliths and the 64 HD primal elementals? Do we place them around the 42-45 HD archomentals? Or since they are nearly godlike, do we set them above the primals?

Based on their wacky abilities and insane AC, I'm thinking we might need to go the latter route, probably boosting them to 72 HD or higher.


In 3E terms these are definitely creatures with Divine Ranks, since they're immortal and have complete immunity to all mortal magic.

So I'd start by doubling their Hit Dice to 86 and giving them 36 or more in all their ability scores (to match the original's +13 modifier for their ability scores). The original had ability scores of 75, but I am reluctant to go that high!


Monster Junkie
Shall we start by taking a Primal Elemental, increasing the HD and adding some Divine Traits?

Yeah, we can just assume the Colossal size is their "true size", and allow them to use their size change ability to assume smaller sizes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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