Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
So we could have something like this (my suggestion in red):

Sound of Death: A caprine with a resonance score of 101 or more can play a terrible cacophany on a musical instrument that lasts 10 rounds. This heart-wrenching sound starts harmful vibrations in any living creature who hears the tune and is within 40 feet of the caprine when it starts to play. Starting sound of death is a standard action that requires concentration. The caprine must sing or play a musical instrument each round they maintain the sound, this is a free action that doesn't require concentration.
The caprine can tune sound of death so it affects or spares particular creatures, specifying what individuals, races or species the sound harms or does not harm. At the end of each round, the caprine takes 1d8 hit points of damage, and all creatures affected by the sound's initial vibrations that are within earshot of the tune (a 300 ft. spread) take 2d8 damage. However, this damage cannot reduce the affected creature below 0 hit points. At the end of the final tenth round, all creatures affected by sound of death (apart from the caprine) will automatically die (no save) if they are at 0 or negative hit points, or die if they fail a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 plus half the caprine's HD plus its Charisma modifier) if they have positive hit points.
If the caprine is forced to stop playing the sound of death before the tune finished on the 10th round, the caprine takes 1d3 Constitution drain damage with no saving throw.
During the 10 rounds that the caprine performs the sound of death, bardic countersong prevents hp damage if the bard's Perform check matches or exceeds a Perform check by the caprine (which is part of the caprine's free action to maintain the sound of death). On the final round, any victim with positive hit points gains a bonus to their Fort save equal to the amount by which the bard's Perform check exceeds the caprine. If a bard is performing a countersong on the final round, a victim with 0 or negative hp may make a Fort save to stabilize at -9 hp.
Sound of Death is a sonic death effect.

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During the 10 rounds that the caprine performs the sound of death, bardic countersong prevents hp damage if the bard's Perform check matches or exceeds a Perform check by the caprine (which is part of the caprine's free action to maintain the sound of death). On the final round, any victim with positive hit points gains a bonus to their Fort save equal to the amount by which the bard's Perform check exceeds the caprine. If a bard is performing a countersong on the final round, a victim with 0 or negative hp may make a Fort save to stabilize at -9 hp.

I was thinking more.

Countersong #1
A bard can use countersong against sound of death. Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. If the result matches or exceeds a Perform check by the caprine (part of the free action to maintain sound of death) then any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) automatically succeeds on their Fort save against the sound of death. If the bard performs countersong on the final round, a victim with 0 or negative hit points is allowed a Fortitude saving throw (DC as above). If this save succeeds, then instead of automatic death the victim takes 1d4+4 damage, or 1d4 damage if the bard's Perform check is 5 or more higher than the caprine's Perform check. This damage is reduced by 1 point for every 2 points the disabled or dying victim's saving throw exceeds the sound of death's Fort DC, to a minimum of 0 damage.​

If you set the HP at minus 9 hit points then the poor sod will die on the next round unless they receive immediate healing or are lucky enough to make their 10% stability roll.

I'd rather it be some random range of negative hit points and went for –5 to –8 (assuming they start out at 0 hit points). Thought about making it 2d4 instead for –2 to –8.

There's various ways we can simplify it to reduce the complexity. We could change the last two sentences to "If the save succeeds, the victim takes 1d8 damage instead of automatically dying."

Countersong #2
A bard can use countersong against sound of death. Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. If the result matches or exceeds a Perform check by the caprine (part of the free action to maintain sound of death) then any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) automatically succeeds on their Fort save against the sound of death. If the bard performs countersong on the final round, a victim with 0 or negative hit points is allowed a Fortitude saving throw (DC as above). If this save succeeds, the victim takes 1d8 damage instead of automatic death.​

Do you like either of those?


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, I did say to stabilize at -9 hp.

I don't mind your proposal #2. It's not too complicated, though it's kind of nasty that the victim could make the save but still die anyway!


Well, I did say to stabilize at -9 hp.

I don't mind your proposal #2. It's not too complicated, though it's kind of nasty that the victim could make the save but still die anyway!

How about changing it to "If this save succeeds, the victim escapes automatic death and becomes stable at –5 to –9 hit points (d4+5) or their current hit points, whichever is lower."


Extradimensional Explorer
Option #2 with that sentence substituted at the end works for me!

Does that get us to the end of the resonance abilities?


Whew, yes! Are we done with SAs and SQs?

Gods I hope so!

Updated the Caprine Working Draft.

Tweaked the top row of some Resonance Tables to neaten them a bit but didn't alter anything substantial.

So, AC is the first Red Line to deal with.

I was thinking chain shirt plus a light shield since they favour equipment like an Elf and their CR is 2, so their equipment should be more like a CR 1 Drow than the cheaper studded leather of a CR 1/2 High Elf.

You OK with the choice of weapons too?


Extradimensional Explorer
Chain shirt and light shield are gook and so are the proposed weapons.

"Environment: any forests" would work for me.

I think the CR through LA lines are ok. It's a bit difficult to evaluate CR with the resonance abilities, but they don't really have access to much unless they advance.


Chain shirt and light shield are gook and so are the proposed weapons.

We're agreed then.

Updated the Caprine Working Draft.

"Environment: any forests" would work for me.

There are multiple references to woodlands in their Goatmen of Kavaja entry, so forests should definitely be included. They do enjoy "frolicking amid meadows and forests" but that might just be small meadows within woodland clearings.

That just leaves climate.

My initial thoughts were it could go one of two ways:

Way One: they have a strong association with Dryads and definite similarities to Satyrs and Wood Elves, all of whom have "Temperate forests" for their Environment, so caprines could have the same.

Way Two: they could enjoy frolicking in any sort of woodland, from the steamiest jungles to the frostiest tundra pinewoods, giving them "any forests" as their Environment.​

Upon reflection, it's cold up in them mountains so I could see "Cold or temperate forests" as a Way Three option too.

Still not sure which I like the best.

Voidrunner's Codex

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