Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters

That just leaves climate.

My initial thoughts were it could go one of two ways:

Way One: they have a strong association with Dryads and definite similarities to Satyrs and Wood Elves, all of whom have "Temperate forests" for their Environment, so caprines could have the same.

Way Two: they could enjoy frolicking in any sort of woodland, from the steamiest jungles to the frostiest tundra pinewoods, giving them "any forests" as their Environment.​

Upon reflection, it's cold up in them mountains so I could see "Cold or temperate forests" as a Way Three option too.

Still not sure which I like the best.

After further thought, we gave the Goatling and Goatfolk "Any mountains" for their climate and the Ovinaurs "Any mountains, hills or plains" so giving "Any forests" for the Caprine would at least be consistent.

Alternatively, there's a decent argument for Temperate forests:

The original background for the Goatmen says "Most are known to reside in the hills and mountains east of the City States (Slagovich, Zvornik, Zagora, and Nova Svoga)" which is east of the Savage Coast.

The southern end of the Black Mountains just touches the Northern Tropics. See Thorf's
Climate Map I and Climate Map II.

The above climate maps color-index the mountain area at "Highlands", which isn't much help, but the regions on either side of it are "Semi-Arid." The tropical jungle areas are in the Orc's Head and Serpent Peninsulas, which are both further South.

The latitude suggests the Black Mountains is a temperate area that verges towards semi-tropical on the end near the Tropic, although the high altitude would presumably chill the climate a bit.

Hmm, overall I'd say any woodlands in the Black Mountains area would have to be Temperate Forest as it's about 30 to 45° latitude.

It'd have to be a good deal closer to the equator to be a Tropical Rainforest and it's nowhere near North enough to be a Taiga, so it can't be a Warm Forest or Cold Forest in 3E Environment terms.

We're probably talking dry temperate forests (either Conifers or Broadleaf & Mixed Trees) rather than Temperate Rainforests, if the adjacent Semi-Arid regions are any indication of rainfall. However, 3E does not make such distinctions.

I'm thinking a Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forest is most likely since that's the kind of woodlands Dryads prefer, and they're essential for Caprine reproduction.

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Temperate forests is fine with me!

Do you agree with the CR through LA lines? I think they're good to go.

Feats: Skill Focus (perform) I think and maybe something generic like Alertness. What do you think?

Temperate forests is fine with me!

Do you agree with the CR through LA lines? I think they're good to go.


Updated the Caprine Working Draft.

Feats: Skill Focus (perform) I think and maybe something generic like Alertness. What do you think?


They're a cross between Goatlings/Goatfolk and Dryads with traits similar to Elves and Satyrs, so maybe we can crib some inspiration for Skills & Feats from one or more of those?
  • Dryads have Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse and Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival.
  • Elves have Weapon Focus (main weapon) and Hide, Listen, Search, Spot.
  • Goatfolk have Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)ᴮ and Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble.
  • Goatlings have Iron Will, Weapon Focus (battleaxe) and Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.
  • Satyrs have Alertnessᴮ, Dodge, Mobility and Bluff, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (wind instruments), Spot.
So I'm seeing Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse a lot in Feats. It's also worth mentioning we gave the Ovinaur Weapon Finesse.

So maybe:

Feats: Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Focus (longbow)

Skills: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform (one type of instruments)*, Spot
*typically string instruments

That's five skills which I think should be maxed out at 6 ranks apiece. A Caprine has Skills of 8@6 so we've still got 18 SPs to spend.

I can see arguments for Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (nature), Search, Survival and Tumble.

Hmm, perhaps spend the remaining SPs on Diplomacy 5 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Survival 4 ranks?

Your suggested feats sound good. As for the skills, I think I'd prefer Tumble or Perform (Dance) to Diplomacy. Either would help with striking resonance.

Any thoughts on tactics? They have so many options, I'm a bit overwhelmed!

Your suggested feats sound good. As for the skills, I think I'd prefer Tumble or Perform (Dance) to Diplomacy. Either would help with striking resonance.

Hmm, I think I prefer Tumbling over another Perform skill but would be OK with the latter if you prefer. That said, I think Perform (any one) makes a hair more sense than Perform (dance).

That means Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Listen 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks, Perform (one type of instruments)* 6 ranks, Spot 6 ranks, Survival 4 ranks and Tumbling 5 ranks?

We could shave those five 6 rank skills down to 5 ranks and add another skill should we be unable to decide between two skills.

That'd be Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Hide 5 ranks, Listen 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks, Perform (one type of instruments)* 5 ranks, Perform (any one)* 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks, Survival 4 ranks and Tumbling 5 ranks?

Any thoughts on tactics? They have so many options, I'm a bit overwhelmed!

Would just write a few sentences about how they approach combat and leave the details to the DM. Would think they prefer elven/fey style "sneak about the undergrowth and engage from range with magic or missiles" tactics.

I like your first option for the skills there (the one with Hide 6).

Tactics: Caprine generally prefer ambushing their opponents from the undergrowth and fighting from range, either with longbows or magic. But each individual caprine has its own, sometimes highly variable, favorite weapons, be they mundane or magical.

I like your first option for the skills there (the one with Hide 6).

So that's:

Skills: Balance –1*, Concentration +5, Jump –1*, Knowledge (nature) +5, Hide +3*, Listen +7, Move Silently +3*, Perform [one type of instruments] +10, Search +2, Spot +7, Survival +3 (+5 aboveground),Tumbling +2*
* includes –3 armor check penalty
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Focus (longbow)
SPs: Balance 0 ranks +0 Dex +2 synergy –3 armour, Concentration 4 ranks +1 Con, Jump 0 ranks +0 Str +2 synergy –3 armour, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks +0 Int, Hide 6 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour, Listen 6 ranks –1 Wis +2 racial, Move Silently 6 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour, Perform (one type of instruments)* 6 ranks +1 Cha +3 feat, Search 0 ranks +0 Int +2 racial, Spot 6 ranks –1 Wis +2 racial, Survival 4 ranks –1 Wis, Tumbling 5 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour​

Updated the Caprine Working Draft.

Tactics: Caprine generally prefer ambushing their opponents from the undergrowth and fighting from range, either with longbows or magic. But each individual caprine has its own, sometimes highly variable, favorite weapons, be they mundane or magical.

Not feeling inspired at the moment. Will get back to you on this one sometime later.

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