Yes it does!
So, are the goatlings done if we settle on LA of +4 and remove the Skills: ??? line in the combat section?
I'd like to add a subslug on the original "immortal" goatlings, a few of which still survive.
How about this:
Immortal Goatlings
The original goatlings who fled from Bielgorna's slavery were immortal, and a few still survive on the Prime Material Plane. They are identical to their mortal descendants in appearance but tend to be far more powerful, due to their great age and experience. Most surviving immortal goatlings are high level spellcasters. They differ from regular goatlings in the following ways:
All immortal goatlings possess the following traits:
The subtypes of an immortal goatling are Chaotic, Extraplanar and Goatkin. Their native plane is the Abyss, but they do not have the Evil subtype possessed by most natives of that fiendish realm.
An Immortal goatling needs to breathe, eat and sleep.
Ageless (Ex): An immortal goatling is immune to aging damage and aging penalties. They have no maximum age limit, so can never die from aging. An immortal goatling still benefits from all positive effects of age, such as the mental ability bonuses granted by reaching middle age, old or venerable.
Plane Shift (Sp): Once per day [
?] an immortal goatling can enter the Abyss, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the goatling and up to eight other creatures, provided they all link hands with the goatling. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name (caster level 9th or the goatling's HD, whichever is higher).
I added the plane shift to explain how they managed to flee the Abyss. I am wondering about making the usage rarer though. Maybe once per week, month, or even year?