Ovinaur Working Draft
Medium Outsider (Goatkin, Native)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares, includes great speed)
Armor Class: 16 (+4 chain shirt, +1 Dex, +1 buckler) touch 12, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+2
Attack: Shortsword +4 melee (1d6–1/19-20); or hoof +4 melee (1d4–1); or composite shortbow +4 ranged (1d6–1/×3)
Full Attack: Shortsword +4 melee (1d6–1/19-20); or 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4–1); or composite shortbow +4 ranged (1d6–1/×3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Discerp, empowerment, goat magic, opportune critical, opportunity kick
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., great leap, great speed, halfling traits, sin-eating
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +4*, Climb +2*, Concentration +3, Hide +4*, Jump +19*, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +7, Spot +5, Survival +5, Tumble +5*
* includes –3 armor check penalty
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Spring Attackᴮ, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any mountains, hills or plains
Organization: Solitary, gang (4-8 plus 1 róg of 2nd-4th level), band (20-50 plus 10% noncombatants plus 1 2nd-4th level róg per 10 adults and 1 dzwon of 5th-8th level), or tribe (30-300 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 2nd-4th level róg per 10 adults, 1-13 dzwony of 5th-8th level and 1 župan of 5th to 12th level)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3
A centaur-like being the size of a small pony. From the waist down it has the furry body of a mountain goat, from the waist up it has the body of a small humanoid. It has patches of fur around the elbows and forearms like the feathered fetlocks of a draft horse, but the rest of its upper body has as little hair as most humanoids do. The creature has a pair of horns that emerge from the topmost back of its head and curve backwards and downwards, ending on either side of the nape of its neck. Its ears are pointed and exceptionally long.
Ovinaur are a race of goatkin formed from the intermingling of goatlings and halflings. They live in semi-nomadic clans that migrate between encampments according to the seasons, but they also have permanent villages. The most important village is a spiritual and social sites at the center of the ovinaur's dominion were they meet to perform important ceremonies and decide weighty issues under the leadership of an elder, the
župan. In addition, the ovinaur have trading villages on their borders where they exchange goods with neighboring races. Ovinaur are the goatkin race most open to interaction with non-goatkin and have gained considerable knowledge and wealth from trading. They are often hired as guides or advisors by other goatkin.
All ovinaur have the peculiar ability to 'eat' the sins of the recently dead, which prevents the corpse from returning as an undead or evil spirit. Few take up this practice, since a sin-eating ovinaur risks returning as an undead themselves. The majority of ovinaurs fear sin-eaters and are more likely to shun their company than any other races.
Ovinaur speak Common, Halfling and their own language, goatspeech (or as say call it, "kozajęzyk"), which they share with goatlings and caprine. They often speak additional languages, usually Elven, Sylvan, or one of the dialects spoken by their goatfolk cousins.
An ovinaur has the same weight as a human but is as short as a halfling (not including its horns). An average female ovinaur is 2 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds, an average male ovinaur is 3 feet 1 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds.
Ovinaur can usually outmaneuver battlefield opponents due to their superior speed and jumping ability. They are as fond of ranged combat as they are melee. Ovinaur favor hit-and-run strikes that move in and out of their weapon's optimal attack range. While casting missiles or spells from a distance is often their most advantageous option, they really enjoy using their opportunity kick ability while in melee.
Ovinaur will flee from a fight as swiftly as they'll charge into one, but they are by no means cowards and frequently regroup to attack again.
Discerp (Su): Once per month, an ovinaur can drain energy from an undead creature or a creature with the Extraplanar subtype. The victim must be physically or magically restrained in some way. Each minute that the ovinaur concentrates on discerping, the victim gains a negative level (positive level in the case of undead) and the ovinaur gains 10 empowerment points. An ovinaur can discerp a maximum number of levels equal to half its HD (round down). If the victim has as many negative levels as HD, it falls unconscious rather than dying. Negative levels are recovered at the rate of 1/day and never become permanent.
An ovinaur may never have more empowerment points from discerping than 5 times its Hit Dice. Ovinaurs can gain additional empowerment points using their sin eating ability (see below).
Empowerment (Su): Any goatkin able to obtain empowerment points with a Discerp ability (see above) can expend those points to enhance its abilities. Using empowerment is a swift action unless it is stated otherwise below. Goatkin can only use empowerment once per round, but they can enhance themselves with multiple empowerments they made on separate rounds. A goatkin can use empowerment for the following benefits:
- Attack: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells, spell-like abilities, and natural weapons) for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make an attack roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
- Damage: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next damage roll (including spells, spell-like abilities, and natural weapons) for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a damage roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
- Checks: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next skill or ability check for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a skill or ability check within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
- Armor Class: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor bonus for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5). This empowerment lasts for three rounds.
- Saves: The goatkin gains a +1 bonus to its next saving throw for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a saving throw within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
- Spell Magnitude: The next spell (or spell-like ability) the goatkin casts gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its caster level for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5 caster levels). For standard spells, this caster level bonus only applies to the spell's range, duration and checks to overcome spell resistance and does not increase any other level-based variable (damage, area of effect, number of targets, et cetera). Goatkin have special spells that have the spell magnitude empowerment bonus apply to all their level-based variables, including every spell in the Goat Magic Spells section of the goatling entry. If the goatkin does not cast a spell within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
- Fate: As an immediate action, a goatkin can expend 10 empowerment points to reroll any check or roll. The goatkin must accept the result of the reroll.
- Life Protection: A goatkin with at least 15 empowerment points who is dead or dying can protect its life by spending all its empowerment points as an immediate action. The goatkin instantly becomes stable at 0 hp. If the goatkin died from Constitution loss or energy drain it stabilizes at Con 1 or 1 HD as appropriate. A goatkin that has been struck dead must use this ability immediately if it wishes to save its life, it cannot wait until after the moment of its death then revive itself. Goatkin can use life protection when they are otherwise unable to act (stunned, paralyzed, unconscious, helpless et cetera).
Goat Magic (Sp): An ovinaur with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher has spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice, as indicated on the table. The abilities are cumulative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals half the creature’s HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based.
Ovinaur Spell-Like Abilities
HD | Abilities |
1-5 | detect magic, protection from evil |
6-9 | binding circle |
10-13 | dispel magic, occultation |
14-17 | dimension door, sunfire whip |
18-21 | contact outer plane (1/week), magic jar (1/month) |
22-29 | antimagic field, binding cage (1/month) |
30+ | summon coven (1/month) |
Great Leap (Ex): Ovinaurs are natural high-jumpers. When an ovinaur makes a high jump, the Jump DC is equal to 2 times the distance to be cleared, not 4 times. In addition, ovinaurs have a +6 racial bonus on Jump checks, can always choose to take 10 on Jump checks, and can use their Dexterity modifier on Jump checks if it is better than their Strength modifier.
Great Speed (Ex): An ovinaur's land speed includes a racial bonus of +20 feet. This benefit applies only when the ovinaur is wearing no armor or light armor and carrying no load or a light load.
Halfling Traits (Ex): Ovinaurs inherit the following racial traits from their halfling ancestors.
● +2 racial bonus on Move Silently and Listen checks.
● +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
● +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the ovinaur’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
● +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
● Halfling Blood: For all effects related to race, an ovinaur is considered a halfling.
Opportune Critical (Ex): If an ovinaur confirms a critical hit with a melee attack, it can make an opportunity kick attack with a +4 circumstance bonus to attack against the target of that critical hit. This additional attack counts as a normal attack of opportunity.
Opportunity Kick (Ex): An ovinaur can strike with both its front hooves or both its rear hooves as an attack of opportunity. It resolves this action with a single attack roll, dealing 2d4 damage plus 1½ times the ovinaur’s Strength bonus. A typical ovinaur's opportunity kick is attack bonus +4 melee, damage 2d4–1.
Sin-Eating (Su): Ovinaurs have the ability to absorb spiritual contaminants from a recently deceased creature, a process known as
sin-eating. Folklore claims that a dead being will suffer fewer punishments in their afterlife if their sins have been eaten, but most clerics say this is unsubstantiated nonsense. Sin-eating only works on the corpse of a creature that was evil in life or under the effect of a curse of some kind and must take place within a week of the subject's death. Constructs, elementals and outsiders can't be sin-eaten. The destroyed body of an undead creature can't be sin-eaten, but a corpse that is doomed to turn into an undead (such as a victim of an undead with the Create Spawn ability) can be sin eaten and this will prevent its transition into undeath.
To perform sin-eating, someone with a connection to the deceased, usually a relative, hands the ovinaur a bowl of ale and piece of bread over the corpse to be sin-eaten. The ovinaur then performs a brief ceremony and consumes the food and drink. The ceremony takes 1 minute to perform.
Sin-eating grants the ovinaur a number of bonus empowerment points equal to the Hit Dice or level the deceased had when it died. The maximum number of bonus empowerment points the ovinaur can amass from sin-eating equals 5 times the ovinaur's HD.
Sin-eating comes with serious costs. The ovinaur retains the spiritual contaminants it absorbed from the corpse, measured in
corruption points. This corruption produces
afflictions which penalize the ovinaur's Charisma or Constitution. A more terrible risk is that an ovinaur who dies while carrying corruption points will become an undead creature (see the
Undeath section for details).
Whenever an ovinaur completes a sin-eating ceremony it gains corruption points equal to the HD or level of the evil creature whose sins it absorbed. These corruption points are cumulative.
Each time the ovinaur eats sins, it must compare its current corruption total to its own Hit Dice on the Sin Ratio Table and roll the indicated
affliction dice. The ovinaur receives an affliction penalty from that sin-eating equal to half the affliction dice result rounded up. If the affliction dice result is an odd number the penalty applies to Charisma, if it is an even number the penalty applies to Constitution. The affliction penalty can also be determined by looking up the affliction dice roll result on the Sin-Eating Affliction Table.
Affliction penalties do not stack but Con and Cha penalties are counted separately. For example, an ovinaur with a –3 Cha affliction penalty that rolls a –2 Cha penalty stays at a –3 Cha penalty, but if it rolled a –2 Con penalty it would now have both –3 Cha and –2 Con penalties.
Sin Ratio Table
Sin Ratio* .Affliction Dice . Purification DC
up to 0.25 . . . .1d2 . . . . . . DC 10
up to 0.5 . . . . 1d4 . . . . . . DC 12
up to 0.75 . . . .1d6 . . . . . . DC 14
up to 1.0 . . . . 1d6+2 . . . . . DC 16
up to 1.5 . . . . 1d8+2 . . . . . DC 17
up to 2.0 . . . .1d10+2 . . . . . DC 18
up to 2.5 . . . .1d12+2 . . . . . DC 19
up to 3.0 . . . .1d12+4 . . . . . DC 20
up to 4.0 . . . .1d12+6 . . . . . DC 22
more than 4.0 . .1d12+8 . . . . . DC 24
* To determine the Sin Ratio, divide the ovinaur's corruption points by its Hit Dice. For example, a 5 HD ovinaur that has accumulated 12 corruption points has a sin ratio of 12 divided by 5 or 2.4, so uses the "up to 2.5" row of the Sin Ratio Table.
Sin-Eating Affliction Table
Affliction Roll . Affliction Penalty
1 . . . . . . . . . . . -1 Cha
2 . . . . . . . . . . . -1 Con
3 . . . . . . . . . . . -2 Cha
4 . . . . . . . . . . . -2 Con
5 . . . . . . . . . . . -3 Cha
6 . . . . . . . . . . . -3 Con
7 . . . . . . . . . . . -4 Cha
8 . . . . . . . . . . . -4 Con
9 . . . . . . . . . . . -5 Cha
10 . . . . . . . . . . . -5 Con
11 . . . . . . . . . . . -6 Cha
12 . . . . . . . . . . . -6 Con
13 . . . . . . . . . . . -7 Cha
14 . . . . . . . . . . . -7 Con
15 . . . . . . . . . . . -8 Cha
16 . . . . . . . . . . . -8 Con
17 . . . . . . . . . . . -9 Cha
18 . . . . . . . . . . . -9 Con
19 . . . . . .. . . . . -10 Cha
20 . . . . . .. . . . . -10 Con
Affliction penalties manifest as degradations to the ovinaur's apparent health and behavior. Constitution penalty afflictions manifest as boils, pox marks, incontinence and other health problems. Charisma penalty afflictions manifest as involuntary swearing, crazed bleating, kleptomania and other antisocial acts. The higher the affliction penalty the more repulsive the symptoms. An ovinaur PC should collaborate with their DM on what affliction symptoms they will display.
An ovinaur's corruption points cannot be transferred to another creature by any means, including sin-eating. The only way to remove corruption points and their associated afflictions is the
lunar purification ceremony (see below).
Lunar Purification Ceremony
An ovinaur can cleanse itself of its corruption points and their associated afflictions by performing a purification ceremony on a night of the new moon (one of the first three nights in a lunar month). The ovinaur can attempt this ceremony once each new moon night. If it fails the ceremony and survives the ovinaur can try again on another night.
The lunar purification ceremony is long and extremely strenuous. To complete the purification, the ovinaur must perform the ceremony for a duration equal to 10 minutes times the result of a roll of its current affliction dice according to the Sin Ratio Table. If its concentration is interrupted during this time the ceremony fails. At the end of each 10 minute period the ovinaur suffers 1 point of Strength damage (thus, the total Strength damage it will receive at the end of the ceremony is equal to the affliction dice result). If this ability damage reduces the ovinaur's Strength to 0 the ovinaur must make a DC 10 Constitution check or suffer a fatal heart attack. The DC of this check increases by +1 for each previous attempt during the purification ceremony. Should the ovinaur fail one of these Constitution checks, they fail unconscious (0 hit points in the first round), in the second round they drop to –1 hit points and are dying, and in the third round they die and transform into an undead (see
Undeath). The ovinaur can be saved from this fate by any ability that will restore the life of a dead or dying creature, such as the
revivify spell.
If the ovinaur manages to reach the end of the purification ceremony's duration they must make a Wisdom check against the
Purification DC indicated in the Sin Ratio Table. If they succeed, the ovinaur has completed the ceremony and removes all corruption points, affliction penalties and affliction symptoms they have accumulated. If the ovinaur fails this Wisdom check the lunar purification ceremony is a failure.
The ovinaur can attempt to cancel the lunar purification ceremony at any time with a DC 5 Wisdom check. If any of the purification ceremony's Strength damage is healed during the ceremony, this breaks the ovinaur's concentration and the ceremony immediately fails. The ovinaur can use any means at its disposal to increase its chances of succeeding at the purification ceremony's Constitution and Wisdom checks (spells, Aid Another from allies, empowerment points, et cetera).
If an ovinaur dies while it has corruption points it will rise as an undead 4d12 hours after its death. The DM should determine the type of undead; more powerful ovinaurs and greater sin ratios result in more powerful undead. Suggested undead are zombie, ghoul, ghast, wight, wraith, ghost, spectre, devourer, mohrg, bodak, and nightwalker.
The resulting undead has the same number of Hit Dice as the ovinaur. If the undead has an Intelligence of 10 or higher it will retain the ovinaur's special abilities of discerp and empowerment as well as any empowerment points it may have accumulated by discerping. Undead ovinaurs are incapable of sin-eating, so always lose their sin-eating power and any corruption points, afflictions, or sin-eating bonus empowerment points they may have possessed when alive.
Skills: An ovinaur has a +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks and a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks. In addition, it can always choose to take 10 on Jump checks, and can use its Dexterity modifier on Jump checks if this is better than its Strength modifier.
Ovinaurs As Characters
Ovinaur characters possess the following racial traits.
- -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.
- Size Medium.
- An ovinaur's base land speed is 50 ft.
- Racial Hit Dice: An ovinaur begins with three levels of outsider, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +3, and Will +3.
- Racial Skills: An ovinaur's outsider levels give it skill points equal to 6 × (8 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Balance, Climb, Concentrate, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Tumble.
- Racial Feats: An ovinaur's outsider levels give it two feats.
- Special Attacks: Discerp, empowerment, goat magic, opportune critical, opportunity kick.
- Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., great leap, great speed, halfling traits, sin-eating.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Goatspeech. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Goatfolk, Goblin, Orc.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level Adjustment: +3.
Originally appeared in Goatmen of Kavaja (Bruce Heard, 2012).
sourced from http://bruce-heard.blogspot.co.uk/20...of-kavaja.html.)
Published with permission from Bruce Heard.
Skill Ranks: Balance 4, Climb 6, Concentration 3, Hide 4, Jump 6, Knowledge (religion) 4, Listen 4, Move Silently 4, Spot 4, Survival 4, Tumble 5
Skills: Balance +7*, Climb +5*, Concentration +3, Hide +7*, Jump +22*, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +7, Spot +5, Survival +5, Tumble +8*
* includes –X armor check penalty