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Planescape Converting Planescape monsters

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Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
That'll probably suffice, although I think Cha should be even higher, maybe 27.

respectable. :D

Shade said:
I vaguely remember empathy. For some reason I thought it was psionic.

I started a thread about it, but it doesn't seem that anyone else was quite sure about it either. ;) it seems to be a sort of sense like telepathy where emotions are read instead of thoughts, and works equally well on creatures whether or not they have a language (which includes animals).

MC8 said:
These natural attacks we capable of doing damage to any creature, even those normally only hit by magical weapons.

PSMC2 said:
Its natural attacks're considered the equal of +5 weapons for purposes of harming creatures struck only by enchanted weapons.

BOZ said:
the ki-rin already have a power like this, so we can copy that as well.

A t'uen-rin's horn is a +5 magic weapon, though its power disappears if it is removed from the t'uen-rin.

MC8 said:
T'uen-rin may use mage spells at 20th level of ability. Each day they may use 15 1st-level spells, 14 2nd4evel spells, 13 3rd level spells, etc., all the way up to 7 9th-level spells.

PSMC2 said:
T'uen-rin can cast wizard spells at the 20th level of ability. Each day, they may use 15 1st-level spells, 14 2nd-level spells, 13 3rd-level spells, on up to 7 9th-level spells. They're especially fond of the schools of illusion and enchantment but won't hesitate to use extremely powerful spells such as symbols, wishes, or power words against very powerful evil entities.

now, of course, the # of spells per day will be a bit different (9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3, but that's cool. We can work on the spell list a bit, but here's a starter:

Spells: T'uen-rin cast arcane spells as 20th-level sorcerers (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 18 + spell level). A typical t'uen-rin has access to the following spells: 0 - daze, ghost sound; 1st - hypnotism, silent image, sleep, ventriloquism; 2nd - blur, invisibility, misdirection, Tasha's hideous laughter; 3rd - displacement, suggestion; 4th - charm monster, confusion; 5th - symbol of sleep; 6th - symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion; 7th - power word blind, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness; 8th - power word stun, symbol of death, symbol of insanity; 9th - power word kill, wish. The save DCs are Charisma-based. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

MC8 said:
Tuen-rin may, once per day, create an awe effect, using their nearly divine presence to stun opponents. When creating an awe effect, the t'uen-rin rears up on its hind legs and lets out a commanding cry, Any being of a non-divine nature must immediately a save vs. spells at a - 6 penalty or be in awe. Awed beings will stand and stare at the t'uen-rin for a number of rounds equal to 20 minus their wisdom wore. For example, if a t'uen-rin awes two opponents-one of a 15 wisdom, the other of a 10 wisdom-the former will be stunned for five rounds, the latter for ten. Normally, a t'uen-rin will not attack awed opponents unless they are of great evil and need to be destroyed.

PSMC2 said:
Once per day, a t'uen-rin may create an aura of divine awe. Any being of a nondivine nature within sight must survive a saving throw versus spell at -6 or be awed. Awed beings stand motionless for a number of rounds equal to 20 minus the creature's Wisdom score. For example, a character with a Wisdom of 12 would be awed for 8 rounds. Awed creatures recover after a 1-round delay it attacked physically. If the t'uen-rin chooses, it may follow up the awe with a special suggestion or emotion spell that affects every awed creature. A t'uen-rin could use this power to inspire an entire army to courage, or put a legion of evil creatures to flight. Normally, t'uen-rin don't attack creatures they've awed unless the creatures are evil and must be destroyed to deter them from their purpose.

BOZ said:
as I said before, this is similar to the divine aura power in the D&DG book.

Shade said:
Is that in the SRD? I have'nt looked at D&DG stuff in ages.

Why yes, yes it is! Similar or no?

SRD said:
Divine Aura: The mere presence of a deity of rank 1 or higher can deeply affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. Mortals and other deities of lower rank can resist the aura's effects with successful Will saves; the DC is 10 + the deity's rank + the deity's Charisma modifier. Deities are immune to the auras of deities of equal or lower rank. Any being who makes a successful saving throw against a deity's aura power becomes immune to that deity's aura power for one day. Divine aura is an emanation that extends around the deity in a radius whose size is a function of divine rank. The deity chooses the size of the radius and can change it as a free action. If the deity chooses a radius of 0 feet, its aura power effectively becomes non-functional. When two or more deities' auras cover the same area, only the aura that belongs to the deity with the highest rank functions. If divine ranks are equal, the auras coexist.

Divine Rank Divine Aura Size
1-5 10 ft./rank
6-10 100 ft./rank
11-15 100 ft./rank
16-20 1 mile/rank

The deity can make its own worshipers, beings of its alignment, or both types of individuals immune to the effect as a free action. The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain affected as long as they remain within the aura's radius. The deity can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.
Daze: Affected beings just stare at the deity in fascination. They can defend themselves normally but can take no actions.
Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the deity makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.
Resolve: The deity's allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the deity's foes receive a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

MC8 said:
All truen-rin have powerful telepathic powers that allow them to read conscious thought, thus making it impossible to surprise one. They may also use this ability to detect lie without error.

PSMC2 said:
The t'uen-rin's telepathy ability enables them to monitor conscious thoughts nearby, making them impossible to surprise. This also allows the t'uen-rin to know alignment and detect lie without error.

BOZ said:
sounds a lot like the noctral doesn't it? ;)

Discern Lies (Su): When a t'uen-rin uses its telepathy to communicate with a creature, the t'uen-rin can discern lies, as the spell (caster level Xth) as a free action. The creature can resist with a DC X Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.

MC8 said:
A t'uen-rin, in addition to possessing all abilities of a ki-rin (the Monstrous Compendium, Volume 11, ki-rin entry), have the following divine abilities:

o Goodharvest: By using this ability, a t'uen-rin can cause any crops in a 20 square mile area to grow at maximum speed and yield a maximum harvest. They will often use this ability to aid farmers in trouble or reward those who have lived with integrity.

o Attack Evil; t'uen-rin, with the divine help of a god, can make a direct telepathic attack on all evil creatures in a 50 square mile area. Any evil beings of a nondivine nature in the area of affect of this power must make a saving throw vs. spells or migrate nut of the area within one week. Evil creatures will not enter the area for at least a month. This power is used to rid places of strong evil presences.

o End Blight: When a t'uen-rin uses its end blight ability, it can stop the spread of disease or plague within a 100 mile radius. This will cure all nonevil creatures within the area and stop the spread of the disease for one year.

BOZ said:
not sure what to do with these - guess they are individual powers.

Shade said:
I suppose so.

any thoughts?

PSMC2 said:
No natural nonevil animal'll ever offer harm to a t'uen-rin.

PSMC2 said:
Creatures of elemental air don't attack a t'uen-rin unless compelled by an evil force at least as powerful as the t'uen-rin.

we can combine these two into one, or have them as two separate but similar abilities. What else is similar to this?

PSMC2 said:
Each day, the t'uen-rin can create nutritious food and beverage for 10d10 people, as well as 100 cubic feet of soft goods, 50 cubic of wood, and 20 cubic feet of stone or metal items. These creations are permanent.

T'uen-rin can assume gaseous form, become invisible, summon weather, and call lightning at will. They can freely enter the Ethereal or Astral Planes.

Copied directly from the ki-rin's entry (we should add invisibility):

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - astral projection (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), call lightning, control weather, etherealness (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), gaseous form, permanent image, wind walk. Once per day, a ki-rin can use a permanent creation ability that can create nutritious food and beverages for 2d12 people, 52 cubic feet of soft goods (cloth, pillows, blankets, clothing), or 18 cubic feet of wooden items. These creations are permanent, but otherwise similar to the major creation spell. Alternatively, the t'uen-rin can create metal items with a total weight up to 400 pounds, but such items last only ten times as long as similar items created with major creation.

All ki-rins' spell-like abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level caster (save DC 16 + spell level).

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Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
A t'uen-rin's horn is a +5 magic weapon, though its power disappears if it is removed from the t'uen-rin.

BOZ said:
now, of course, the # of spells per day will be a bit different (9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3, but that's cool. We can work on the spell list a bit, but here's a starter:

Spells: T'uen-rin cast arcane spells as 20th-level sorcerers (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 18 + spell level). A typical t'uen-rin has access to the following spells: 0 - daze, ghost sound; 1st - hypnotism, silent image, sleep, ventriloquism; 2nd - blur, invisibility, misdirection, Tasha's hideous laughter; 3rd - displacement, suggestion; 4th - charm monster, confusion; 5th - symbol of sleep; 6th - symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion; 7th - power word blind, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness; 8th - power word stun, symbol of death, symbol of insanity; 9th - power word kill, wish. The save DCs are Charisma-based. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
A good start.

BOZ said:
Why yes, yes it is! Similar or no?
Here it is:

SRD said:
Divine Aura: The mere presence of a deity of rank 1 or higher can deeply affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. Mortals and other deities of lower rank can resist the aura’s effects with successful Will saves; the DC is 10 + the deity’s rank + the deity’s Charisma modifier. Deities are immune to the auras of deities of equal or lower rank. Any being who makes a successful saving throw against a deity’s aura power becomes immune to that deity’s aura power for one day. Divine aura is an emanation that extends around the deity in a radius whose size is a function of divine rank. The deity chooses the size of the radius and can change it as a free action. If the deity chooses a radius of 0 feet, its aura power effectively becomes non-functional. When two or more deities’ auras cover the same area, only the aura that belongs to the deity with the highest rank functions. If divine ranks are equal, the auras coexist.

Divine Rank

Divine Aura Size


10 ft./rank

100 ft./rank

100 ft./rank

1 mile/rank

The deity can make its own worshipers, beings of its alignment, or both types of individuals immune to the effect as a free action. The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain affected as long as they remain within the aura’s radius. The deity can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.

Daze: Affected beings just stare at the deity in fascination. They can defend themselves normally but can take no actions.

Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the deity makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.

Resolve: The deity’s allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the deity’s foes receive a –4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

BOZ said:
Discern Lies (Su): When a t'uen-rin uses its telepathy to communicate with a creature, the t'uen-rin can discern lies, as the spell (caster level Xth) as a free action. The creature can resist with a DC X Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Cool. Caster level 18th?

MC8 said:
A t'uen-rin, in addition to possessing all abilities of a ki-rin (the Monstrous Compendium, Volume 11, ki-rin entry), have the following divine abilities:

o Goodharvest: By using this ability, a t'uen-rin can cause any crops in a 20 square mile area to grow at maximum speed and yield a maximum harvest. They will often use this ability to aid farmers in trouble or reward those who have lived with integrity.

o Attack Evil; t'uen-rin, with the divine help of a god, can make a direct telepathic attack on all evil creatures in a 50 square mile area. Any evil beings of a nondivine nature in the area of affect of this power must make a saving throw vs. spells or migrate nut of the area within one week. Evil creatures will not enter the area for at least a month. This power is used to rid places of strong evil presences.

o End Blight: When a t'uen-rin uses its end blight ability, it can stop the spread of disease or plague within a 100 mile radius. This will cure all nonevil creatures within the area and stop the spread of the disease for one year.
BOZ said:
any thoughts?

Goodharvest (Su): Once per month (?), a t'uen-rin can cause enahnce the growth of crops in an area to yield a maximum harvest. This functions as the enrichment effect of the plant growth spell, except the area is 20 square miles. They will often use this ability to aid farmers in trouble or reward those who have lived with integrity.

Repel Evil (Su): Once per month (?), a t'uen-rin can attempt to telepathically drive all evil creatures away. All evil beings without a divine rank within 50 square miles must make a DC X Will save. Those that fail the save must immediately exit the area to the best of their abilities. This ability otherwise functions as the repulsion spell, except it only effects evil creatures without a divine rank, and it has a duration of one month. The save DC is Charisma-based.

End Blight (Su): Once per year (?), a t'uen-rin can stop the spread of disease or plague within a 100 mile radius. All nonevil creatures within the area are affected by a remove disease spell (caster level Xth). No new diseases (whether naturally occurring, spread by a creature's attacks, or magically-created) may be transmitted within the area for one year.

BOZ said:
we can combine these two into one, or have them as two separate but similar abilities. What else is similar to this?
Combine into one. I am almost certain this ability already exists, but I'm currently at a loss. The closest thing I can think of right now is the unnatural aura of spectres.

BOZ said:
Copied directly from the ki-rin's entry (we should add invisibility):

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - astral projection (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), call lightning, control weather, etherealness (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), gaseous form, permanent image, wind walk. Once per day, a ki-rin can use a permanent creation ability that can create nutritious food and beverages for 2d12 people, 52 cubic feet of soft goods (cloth, pillows, blankets, clothing), or 18 cubic feet of wooden items. These creations are permanent, but otherwise similar to the major creation spell. Alternatively, the t'uen-rin can create metal items with a total weight up to 400 pounds, but such items last only ten times as long as similar items created with major creation.

All ki-rins' spell-like abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level caster (save DC 16 + spell level).

Cool. We might also want to increase the output of the permanent creation ability.

BOZ said:
gotcha. :) same here for the draknor. ;)
Quid pro quo, Clarice. ;)


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
I vaguely remember empathy. For some reason I thought it was psionic.

BOZ said:
I started a thread about it, but it doesn't seem that anyone else was quite sure about it either. ;) it seems to be a sort of sense like telepathy where emotions are read instead of thoughts, and works equally well on creatures whether or not they have a language (which includes animals).

do you think we should come up with something for empathy, or is it even important?

BOZ said:
A t'uen-rin's horn is a +5 magic weapon, though its power disappears if it is removed from the t'uen-rin.

I also noticed this from the Seraph of Babel's writeup:

Seraph of Babel said:
Epic Horn (Su): Its horn is a naturally +5 weapon, but is also considered an epic and good-aligned weapon with regards to bypassing damage reduction.

Now, I'm not quite sure which way to go here... how exactly should this be set up to work well with modern DR rules?

Any more ideas for the spell list? The spells it should know are 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3:

Spells: T'uen-rin cast arcane spells as 20th-level sorcerers (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 18 + spell level). A typical t'uen-rin has access to the following spells: 0 - daze, ghost sound; 1st - hypnotism, silent image, sleep, ventriloquism; 2nd - blur, invisibility, misdirection, Tasha's hideous laughter; 3rd - displacement, suggestion; 4th - charm monster, confusion; 5th - symbol of sleep; 6th - symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion; 7th - power word blind, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness; 8th - power word stun, symbol of death, symbol of insanity; 9th - power word kill, wish. The save DCs are Charisma-based. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

MC8 said:
Tuen-rin may, once per day, create an awe effect, using their nearly divine presence to stun opponents. When creating an awe effect, the t'uen-rin rears up on its hind legs and lets out a commanding cry, Any being of a non-divine nature must immediately a save vs. spells at a - 6 penalty or be in awe. Awed beings will stand and stare at the t'uen-rin for a number of rounds equal to 20 minus their wisdom wore. For example, if a t'uen-rin awes two opponents-one of a 15 wisdom, the other of a 10 wisdom-the former will be stunned for five rounds, the latter for ten. Normally, a t'uen-rin will not attack awed opponents unless they are of great evil and need to be destroyed.

PSMC2 said:
Once per day, a t'uen-rin may create an aura of divine awe. Any being of a nondivine nature within sight must survive a saving throw versus spell at -6 or be awed. Awed beings stand motionless for a number of rounds equal to 20 minus the creature's Wisdom score. For example, a character with a Wisdom of 12 would be awed for 8 rounds. Awed creatures recover after a 1-round delay it attacked physically. If the t'uen-rin chooses, it may follow up the awe with a special suggestion or emotion spell that affects every awed creature. A t'uen-rin could use this power to inspire an entire army to courage, or put a legion of evil creatures to flight. Normally, t'uen-rin don't attack creatures they've awed unless the creatures are evil and must be destroyed to deter them from their purpose.

SRD said:
Divine Aura: The mere presence of a deity of rank 1 or higher can deeply affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. Mortals and other deities of lower rank can resist the aura's effects with successful Will saves; the DC is 10 + the deity's rank + the deity's Charisma modifier. Deities are immune to the auras of deities of equal or lower rank. Any being who makes a successful saving throw against a deity's aura power becomes immune to that deity's aura power for one day. Divine aura is an emanation that extends around the deity in a radius whose size is a function of divine rank. The deity chooses the size of the radius and can change it as a free action. If the deity chooses a radius of 0 feet, its aura power effectively becomes non-functional. When two or more deities' auras cover the same area, only the aura that belongs to the deity with the highest rank functions. If divine ranks are equal, the auras coexist.

Divine Rank Divine Aura Size
1-5 10 ft./rank
6-10 100 ft./rank
11-15 100 ft./rank
16-20 1 mile/rank

The deity can make its own worshipers, beings of its alignment, or both types of individuals immune to the effect as a free action. The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain affected as long as they remain within the aura's radius. The deity can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.
Daze: Affected beings just stare at the deity in fascination. They can defend themselves normally but can take no actions.
Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the deity makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.
Resolve: The deity's allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the deity's foes receive a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

Got a start for me on the awe writeup? :)

MC8 said:
A t'uen-rin, in addition to possessing all abilities of a ki-rin (the Monstrous Compendium, Volume 11, ki-rin entry), have the following divine abilities:

o Goodharvest: By using this ability, a t'uen-rin can cause any crops in a 20 square mile area to grow at maximum speed and yield a maximum harvest. They will often use this ability to aid farmers in trouble or reward those who have lived with integrity.

o Attack Evil; t'uen-rin, with the divine help of a god, can make a direct telepathic attack on all evil creatures in a 50 square mile area. Any evil beings of a nondivine nature in the area of affect of this power must make a saving throw vs. spells or migrate nut of the area within one week. Evil creatures will not enter the area for at least a month. This power is used to rid places of strong evil presences.

o End Blight: When a t'uen-rin uses its end blight ability, it can stop the spread of disease or plague within a 100 mile radius. This will cure all nonevil creatures within the area and stop the spread of the disease for one year.

Shade said:
Goodharvest (Su): Once per month (?), a t'uen-rin can cause enahnce the growth of crops in an area to yield a maximum harvest. This functions as the enrichment effect of the plant growth spell, except the area is 20 square miles. They will often use this ability to aid farmers in trouble or reward those who have lived with integrity.

Repel Evil (Su): Once per month (?), a t'uen-rin can attempt to telepathically drive all evil creatures away. All evil beings without a divine rank within 50 square miles must make a DC X Will save. Those that fail the save must immediately exit the area to the best of their abilities. This ability otherwise functions as the repulsion spell, except it only effects evil creatures without a divine rank, and it has a duration of one month. The save DC is Charisma-based.

End Blight (Su): Once per year (?), a t'uen-rin can stop the spread of disease or plague within a 100 mile radius. All nonevil creatures within the area are affected by a remove disease spell (caster level Xth). No new diseases (whether naturally occurring, spread by a creature's attacks, or magically-created) may be transmitted within the area for one year.

I'm not at all sure that the number of uses should be so limited. Maybe 1/day, as a wild guess. I'll take a further look at these writeups later.

PSMC2 said:
No natural nonevil animal'll ever offer harm to a t'uen-rin.

PSMC2 said:
Creatures of elemental air don't attack a t'uen-rin unless compelled by an evil force at least as powerful as the t'uen-rin.

Shade said:
Combine into one. I am almost certain this ability already exists, but I'm currently at a loss. The closest thing I can think of right now is the unnatural aura of spectres.

nahh... similar, but completely different - more like an opposite, really. Had any recollections yet? :D

Shade said:
Cool. We might also want to increase the output of the permanent creation ability.

considering that the 2E ki-rin creation powers were copied almost exactly into the 3E conversion, I'd imagine we can do the same with this fellow:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - astral projection (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), call lightning (DC 29), control weather, etherealness (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), gaseous form, invisibility, permanent image (DC 32), wind walk. Once per day, a t'uen-rin can use a permanent creation ability that can create nutritious food and beverages for 10d10 people, 100 cubic feet of soft goods (cloth, pillows, blankets, clothing), 50 cubic feet of wooden items, or 20 cubic feet of stone or metal items. These creations are permanent, but otherwise similar to the major creation spell.

All t'uen-rins' spell-like abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level caster. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Shade said:
Quid pro quo, Clarice. ;)

sure buddy... as long as you don't try to eat me. :uhoh:


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
do you think we should come up with something for empathy, or is it even important?
Let's try to incorporate it. We wouldn't want to get any "hate mail" like we did on the visage conversion for leaving off lucidity. ;)

We can probably use the empathic link ability of familiars as a starting point.

"Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master cannot see through the familiar’s eyes, but they can communicate empathically. Because of the limited nature of the link, only general emotional content (such as fear, hunger, happiness, curiosity) can be communicated. Note that the low Intelligence of a low-level master's familiar limits what the creature is able to communicate or understand, and even intelligent familiars see the world differently from humans, so misunderstandings are always possible.
Because of this empathic link, the master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does. For instance, if a has seen a room, the master can teleport into that room, as if he has seen it too."

Here's a rough draft...

"Empathy (Su): A tuen'rin can communicate empathically with any creature within X range, even if it does not have a language. The tuen'rin cannot see through the creature's eyes, but they can communicate empathically. Because of the limited nature of the link, only general emotional content (such as fear, hunger, happiness, curiosity) can be communicated. Note that the low Intelligence of a creature may limit what the creature is able to communicate or understand, and even intelligent creature may see the world differently from a tuen'rin, so misunderstandings are always possible.

Because of this empathic link, the tuen'rin has the same connection to an item or place that the creature does. For instance, if the creature has seen a room, the tuen'rin can teleport into that room, as if the tuen'rin has seen it too."

BOZ said:
Now, I'm not quite sure which way to go here... how exactly should this be set up to work well with modern DR rules?
Generally, it is based on the creature's own DR. If the tuen'rin has DR/magic, its attacks are treated as magic. If it has DR/epic, its attacks are treated as epic. If it has an alignment subtype, it usually has DR of the opposite alignment and its weapons are usually treated as the opposite. If it has no DR, its weapons probably aren't treated as anything other than magic, since the horn is specifically treated as a +5 weapon.

BOZ said:
Any more ideas for the spell list? The spells it should know are 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3:

Spells: T'uen-rin cast arcane spells as 20th-level sorcerers (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 18 + spell level). A typical t'uen-rin has access to the following spells: 0 - daze, ghost sound; 1st - hypnotism, silent image, sleep, ventriloquism; 2nd - blur, invisibility, misdirection, Tasha's hideous laughter; 3rd - displacement, suggestion; 4th - charm monster, confusion; 5th - symbol of sleep; 6th - symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion; 7th - power word blind, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness; 8th - power word stun, symbol of death, symbol of insanity; 9th - power word kill, wish. The save DCs are Charisma-based. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Add the following:

0 - detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mending, message, read magic, resistance
1 - true strike
2 - mirror image
3 - heroism, magic circle against evil
4 - dimensional anchor, rainbow pattern
5 - dismissal, teleport, wall of force
6 - antimagic field
7 - none
8 - none
9 - gate

BOZ said:
Got a start for me on the awe writeup? :)
Not yet. :)

BOZ said:
I'm not at all sure that the number of uses should be so limited. Maybe 1/day, as a wild guess. I'll take a further look at these writeups later.
That's fine. I limited them because of the massive areas and lengthy durations of some of these effects.

BOZ said:
nahh... similar, but completely different - more like an opposite, really. Had any recollections yet? :D
Not yet. I'll keep looking.

BOZ said:
considering that the 2E ki-rin creation powers were copied almost exactly into the 3E conversion, I'd imagine we can do the same with this fellow:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - astral projection (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), call lightning (DC 29), control weather, etherealness (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), gaseous form, invisibility, permanent image (DC 32), wind walk. Once per day, a t'uen-rin can use a permanent creation ability that can create nutritious food and beverages for 10d10 people, 100 cubic feet of soft goods (cloth, pillows, blankets, clothing), 50 cubic feet of wooden items, or 20 cubic feet of stone or metal items. These creations are permanent, but otherwise similar to the major creation spell.

All t'uen-rins' spell-like abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level caster. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

BOZ said:
sure buddy... as long as you don't try to eat me. :uhoh:


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
We can probably use the empathic link ability of familiars as a starting point.

perhaps, but I’m thinking it would also have much in common with Telepathy, and I would give it the same range.

Empathy (Su): A t’uen-rin can communicate empathically with any creature within 100 feet, even if it does not have a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once empathically, although maintaining an empathic exchange with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.

A t’uen-rin cannot see through the other creature’s eyes, but can communicate general emotional content (such as fear, hunger, happiness, curiosity). Note that the low Intelligence of a creature may limit what the creature is able to communicate or understand, and even intelligent creatures may see the world differently from a t’uen-rin, so misunderstandings are always possible.

Because of this empathic link, the t’uen-rin has the same connection to an item or place that the creature does. For instance, if the creature has seen a room and shares this with the t’uen-rin, the t’uen-rin could teleport into that room, as if the t’uen-rin had seen it too.

Shade said:
Generally, it is based on the creature's own DR. If the tuen'rin has DR/magic, its attacks are treated as magic. If it has DR/epic, its attacks are treated as epic. If it has an alignment subtype, it usually has DR of the opposite alignment and its weapons are usually treated as the opposite. If it has no DR, its weapons probably aren't treated as anything other than magic, since the horn is specifically treated as a +5 weapon.

yeah, I wasn’t planning on giving it DR so this would probably be a separate ability. Now here’s a question. Do non-outsider extraplanar creatures ever have alignment subtypes? If so, I figure something like this should do just fine:

“Magic Horn” (Su): A t’uen-rin’s horn is a +5 magic weapon, though its power disappears if it is removed from the t’uen-rin. It is treated as a magic weapon, (as well as good-aligned and lawful-aligned?) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Now, for some of this creature’s powers, keep in mind… this guy is almost as tough as a DR 0 deity, kind of like a solar. Almost there, but not quite.

Awe (Su): Once per day, a t’uen-rin may create an aura that can deeply affect mortals. It does this by rearing up on its hind legs, and letting out a commanding cry. Creatures that can see the t’uen-rin must succeed on a DC 26 Will save to avoid the effects. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw remains immune to that t’uen-rin's awe for 24 hours. This effect lasts for (X rounds?). This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

A t’uen-rin can choose from the following effects each round as a free action:

Daze: Affected beings just stare at the t’uen-rin in fascination. Awed creatures may defend themselves normally, but can take no actions. If a creature attacked physically, it will recover in the following round.

Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the t’uen-rin makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.

Resolve: The t’uen-rin’s allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the t’uen-rin’s foes receive a –4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

Shade said:
I limited them because of the massive areas and lengthy durations of some of these effects.

As for the abilities of Goodharvest, Repel Evil, and End Blight – think of them as something kind of like Salient Divine Abilities. You know… badass naughty word that only a god can do. ;) I changed goodharvest to 1/day, and end blight to 1/month and kept them as-is. I set the caster level to 18, equal to the spell-like abilities. I kept repel evil at 1/month.

PSMC2 said:
No natural nonevil animal'll ever offer harm to a t'uen-rin.

PSMC2 said:
Creatures of elemental air don’t attack a t'uen-rin unless compelled by an evil force at least as powerful as the t’uen-rin.

Shade said:
Combine into one. I am almost certain this ability already exists, but I'm currently at a loss. The closest thing I can think of right now is the unnatural aura of spectres.

don’t forget these. ;)

I changed this ability a bit, as I forgot to include the know alignment aspect (and I need a new name):

“Telepathic Alertness” (Su): When a t’uen-rin uses its telepathy to communicate with a creature, the t’uen-rin can use detect evil, detect good, and discern lies, as the spells (caster level 18th) as free actions. The creature can resist discern lies with a DC 26 Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
perhaps, but I’m thinking it would also have much in common with Telepathy, and I would give it the same range.

Empathy (Su): A t’uen-rin can communicate empathically with any creature within 100 feet, even if it does not have a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once empathically, although maintaining an empathic exchange with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.

A t’uen-rin cannot see through the other creature’s eyes, but can communicate general emotional content (such as fear, hunger, happiness, curiosity). Note that the low Intelligence of a creature may limit what the creature is able to communicate or understand, and even intelligent creatures may see the world differently from a t’uen-rin, so misunderstandings are always possible.

Because of this empathic link, the t’uen-rin has the same connection to an item or place that the creature does. For instance, if the creature has seen a room and shares this with the t’uen-rin, the t’uen-rin could teleport into that room, as if the t’uen-rin had seen it too.
Cool. I like it.

BOZ said:
yeah, I wasn’t planning on giving it DR so this would probably be a separate ability. Now here’s a question. Do non-outsider extraplanar creatures ever have alignment subtypes? If so, I figure something like this should do just fine:

“Magic Horn” (Su): A t’uen-rin’s horn is a +5 magic weapon, though its power disappears if it is removed from the t’uen-rin. It is treated as a magic weapon, (as well as good-aligned and lawful-aligned?) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
I don't see any extraplanar magical beasts with an alignment subtype. I don't think this even warrants an entry. Check out the unicorn...the fact that its horn is a +3 weapon that loses its powers if removed is mentioned only in the flavor text. Same goes for the ki-rin.

BOZ said:
Now, for some of this creature’s powers, keep in mind… this guy is almost as tough as a DR 0 deity, kind of like a solar. Almost there, but not quite.

Awe (Su): Once per day, a t’uen-rin may create an aura that can deeply affect mortals. It does this by rearing up on its hind legs, and letting out a commanding cry. Creatures that can see the t’uen-rin must succeed on a DC 26 Will save to avoid the effects. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw remains immune to that t’uen-rin's awe for 24 hours. This effect lasts for (X rounds?). This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

A t’uen-rin can choose from the following effects each round as a free action:

Daze: Affected beings just stare at the t’uen-rin in fascination. Awed creatures may defend themselves normally, but can take no actions. If a creature attacked physically, it will recover in the following round.

Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the t’uen-rin makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.

Resolve: The t’uen-rin’s allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the t’uen-rin’s foes receive a –4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Nice work!

BOZ said:
As for the abilities of Goodharvest, Repel Evil, and End Blight – think of them as something kind of like Salient Divine Abilities. You know… badass :):):):) that only a god can do. ;) I changed goodharvest to 1/day, and end blight to 1/month and kept them as-is. I set the caster level to 18, equal to the spell-like abilities. I kept repel evil at 1/month.
Sounds good. Repel evil is the only one that is ultra-powerful, so 1/month should limit its use reasonably.

BOZ said:
don’t forget these. ;)
"Majestic Awe" (Su): Nonevil animals will not attack a t'uen-rin under any circumstance. Creatures of the air subtype will only attack a t'uen-rin if magically compelled by an evil creature (such as via a dominate monster effect). Even then, the evil creature must succeed on a caster level check (DC = 20 + t'uen-rin's HD) to force the compelled creature to attack the t'uen-rin.

BOZ said:
I changed this ability a bit, as I forgot to include the know alignment aspect (and I need a new name):

“Telepathic Alertness” (Su): When a t’uen-rin uses its telepathy to communicate with a creature, the t’uen-rin can use detect evil, detect good, and discern lies, as the spells (caster level 18th) as free actions. The creature can resist discern lies with a DC 26 Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Looks good. How about "telepathic discernment" or "omniscient telepathy"?


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
"Majestic Awe" (Su): Nonevil animals will not attack a t'uen-rin under any circumstance. Creatures of the air subtype will only attack a t'uen-rin if magically compelled by an evil creature (such as via a dominate monster effect). Even then, the evil creature must succeed on a caster level check (DC = 20 + t'uen-rin's HD) to force the compelled creature to attack the t'uen-rin.

cool, where’d you get that one? :) I’d change the name, since it already has a power called Awe.


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
cool, where’d you get that one? :) I’d change the name, since it already has a power called Awe.
It's a "Shade Original" TM. ;)

Good point on the name redundancy. Perhaps "Natural Eminence" or "Nature's Majesty"?

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