Converting prehistoric animals

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Inventor of Super-Toast
Looks good, although I'd change the description to read "...Its spindly form rests on four pairs of...". Because, if it was just legs, spines and a tail, it would be hallucinagenic indeed, not to mention inaccurate.

Demiurge out.

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Creature Cataloguer
demiurge1138 said:
Looks good, although I'd change the description to read "...Its spindly form rests on four pairs of...". Because, if it was just legs, spines and a tail, it would be hallucinagenic indeed, not to mention inaccurate.

good call. :)

posting in homebrews – hopefully we are just about done with these oddballs. ;)


Monster Junkie
Attack: Spine +5 melee (1d4+3)
Skills: Hide -2, Jump -9
Environment: Any land and underground?
CR: 4? (Its not super-tough, but it has alot of attacks for its HD)
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge)?

Acid: Once every 1d4 rounds.


Creature Cataloguer
i usually prefer to leave off the negative mods unless there is a good reason to include them. looks better that way. ;)

updating once more... is there anything left for these fellows?


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
i usually prefer to leave off the negative mods unless there is a good reason to include them. looks better that way. ;)

I'm just the opposite. I like to do as much work for the DM as possible. Heck, only recently have I realized that the dwarf in my campaign should be getting a -6 penalty to Jump checks due to his 20 ft. speed. If only the racial traits had bothered to mention this... ;)

BOZ said:
updating once more... is there anything left for these fellows?

Only one thing. Add "The save DC is Constitution-based" to the acid jet ability.


Monster Junkie
Whittling down the list on this one from recentish sources...

First Edition Monster Manual (1977):
Dinosaurs (Anatosaurus (Tractodon), Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus), Archelon Ischyros (Stormwrack), Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, Ceratosaurus (Serpent Kingdoms), Cetiosaurus, Dinichtys, Diplodocus (Dragon 318), Gorgosaurus, Iguanadon, Lambeosaurus, Megalosaurus, Monoclonius, Mosasaurus (Stormwrack), Paleoscinus, Pentaceratops, Plateosaurus, Plesiosaurus (Stormwrack), Pteranodon (Serpent Kingdoms), Stegosaurus (Serpent Kingdoms, Dragon 318), Styracosaurus, Teratosaurus)
Mammoth (Frostburn)
Mastodon (MMIII)

First Edition Monster Manual II (1982):
Dinosaurs (Ankisaurus, Camptosaurus, Compsognathus (Dragon 318), Dacentrurus, Diplophosaurs, Dimetrodon (Dragon 318), Euparkeria, Kentrosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Masspondylus, Nothosaurus, Ornitholestes, Podokesaurus, Giant Pterosaur, Struthiomimus, Tanystropheus, Tennodontosaurus)

55 - Allosaurus (MMII), therezinosaurus, parasaurolophus(Dragon 318), ankylosarusus (MMII)
112 - Aetosaur, ankylosaur (MMII), carnosaur, ceratopsian, marine chelonian
137 - Alticamelus, ambelodon, arsinotherium, astrapotherium, short-faced bear, giant bison, cattle (auroch), deinotherium, gigantopithecus, glyptodon (Frostburn), macrauchenia, moropus, sivatherium, ground sloth, uintatherium
167 - Agriotherium, amphycion, anancus, andrewsarchus, giant camel, dwarf elephant, eucladoceros, giant hippopotmaus, megalania, metridiochoerus, pelorovis, sarkastodon
176 - Giant opabinia, electric agnath, eurypterid, armored predatory fish, eogyrinus, eryops, cyclotosaurus, cacops, giant platyhystrix, estemennosuchus, early therapsids, giant therapsid, erythrosuchus
204 - Opabinia, yohoia, marrella, odontogriphus, leanchoilia, amiskwia, sanctacaris, wiwaxia, ottoia, anomalocaris

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