Creature Cataloguer
This bizarre creature almost defies description. Its spindly form has a tentacled tail-like organ at one end, and a set of over a dozen sharp, flexible, spiny legs that prop it upright.
The hallucigenia, perhaps aptly named because some explorers swear that it must be a hallucination, is a creature with an anatomy so strange that nothing about it can be assumed. This subspecies of hallucigenia is a pure carnivore, subsisting on blood alone. It has evolved somewhat to live in caverns on dry land.
A hallucigenia is 3 feet long and weighs about X pounds.
A cave hallucigenia hunts by wrapping its tail-tentacles around a stalactite, hanging over a passage or intersection and waiting for prey. When it spots a suitable target its tail stretches to several times its length, allowing the hallucigenia to strike from above. It draws the prey back upwards by retracting its tail, where it may drain the victim’s blood at leisure. Drained victims are dropping on the floor, possibly providing a warning of danger to other travelers.
The hallucigenia, perhaps aptly named because some explorers swear that it must be a hallucination, is a creature with an anatomy so strange that nothing about it can be assumed. This subspecies of hallucigenia is a pure carnivore, subsisting on blood alone. It has evolved somewhat to live in caverns on dry land.
A hallucigenia is 3 feet long and weighs about X pounds.
A cave hallucigenia hunts by wrapping its tail-tentacles around a stalactite, hanging over a passage or intersection and waiting for prey. When it spots a suitable target its tail stretches to several times its length, allowing the hallucigenia to strike from above. It draws the prey back upwards by retracting its tail, where it may drain the victim’s blood at leisure. Drained victims are dropping on the floor, possibly providing a warning of danger to other travelers.