Converting "Real World" Animals and Vermin

That skill solution works for me.

Fine, I'll add it in then.

It seems to me that the mechanical statement of snaresensing is all in the second paragraph; anyone can detect the snares you describe up to Search DC 20 with a Search check. I like the idea, but why not cut the extra words?

I want to have a fairly clear definition as to what counts as a "snare" as far as the ability is concerned. Much of the first draft's text was copied over from the detect snares and pits spell description.

That said, I'd like to tidy it up a bit. Here's a revised version:

Snaresensing (Ex): A giant lynx can sense simple pits, deadfalls, and snares as well as mechanical traps concealed in natural objects, such as an arrow trap hidden in a tree. Snaresensing also detects natural hazards that exist in the lynx's wilderness environment, such as quicksand, a sinkhole, or unsafe walls of natural rock. Snaresensing cannot detect magical traps. It cannot sense mechanical traps that are part of a larger artificial object, such as a secret trapdoor in a building's floor, or a poison needle trap hidden in lock.

The giant lynx must make at a Search check to locate a snare. A giant lynx who merely passes within 5 feet of a snare is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if they were actively looking for it. Snaresensing can locate traps with a Search DC higher than 20.

I do agree that trap sense seems like too much on top of that.

Agreed, I won't be adding that.

Updating Giant Lynx Working Draft.

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Well, it works well enough.

How about we give them Track and Weapon Finesse for feats and add a few ranks in Survival for the heck of it? It makes some sense.

Let's distribute the skill ranks as follows: Jump 4, Listen 4, Search 4, Survival 3. That would give them Balance +12, Climb +12,Hide +8*, Jump +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Search +5, Spot +6, Survival +5, Swim +8, I think.

Well, it works well enough.

How about we give them Track and Weapon Finesse for feats and add a few ranks in Survival for the heck of it? It makes some sense.

Let's distribute the skill ranks as follows: Jump 4, Listen 4, Search 4, Survival 3. That would give them Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +8*, Jump +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Search +5, Spot +6, Survival +5, Swim +8, I think.

Hmm, those Listen/Spot and Hide/Move Silently look too low to me. The original was far sneakier (-6 vs -3) and harder to surprise than a Leopard, but it's got the same numbers.

Give it a better racial bonus? The SRD Deinonychus gets a +8 in Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot and Survival, so we have some precedent.

How about...

Skill Ranks (15): Hide 2, Listen 2, Move Silently 2, Search 3, Spot 2, Survival 4
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +12*, Jump +5, Listen +10, Move Silently +12, Search +10, Spot +10, Survival +6, Swim +8

Giant lynxes have a +6 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Swim checks. Giant lynxes have a +8 racial bonus to Balance and Climb checks and can use their Dexterity or Strength for Climb and Swim checks. A giant lynx can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

*In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +12.

Let's cut the Jump bonus and reduce the Spot bonus to +4. No need to overdo it. ;) But it looks good, and I don't object if you really want to keep those.

Let's cut the Jump bonus and reduce the Spot bonus to +4. No need to overdo it. ;) But it looks good, and I don't object if you really want to keep those.

Well, Lynxs supposedly have extraordinarily keen eyesight, hence the expression "lynx-eyed". The original text says they normally jump 15 feet, which is a DC 15, hence theyr +5 Jump bonus.

I suppose I'd be OK reducing the Spot to +8 and moving a skill point across from Search to give them +9 in both. That would let it Spot/Search a DC 15 snare on a 6+, which matches the original's "75% chance of detecting traps".

I'd also be OK lowering the racial bonus to Hide in undergrowth:

That would make it:

Skill Ranks (15): Hide 2, Listen 2, Move Silently 2, Search 2, Spot 3, Survival 4
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +12* [+16 in undergrowth], Jump +5, Listen +10, Move Silently +12, Search +9, Spot +9, Survival +6, Swim +8

Giant lynxes have a +6 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently and Search checks and a +4 racial bonus on Jump, Spot and Swim checks. Giant lynxes have a +8 racial bonus to Balance and Climb checks and can use their Dexterity or Strength for Climb and Swim checks. A giant lynx can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

*In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +10.

A spotted brown cat with pointed and tufted ears, this creature has a short tail and large paws.

That's based a bit on the wikipedia page.

Tactics: Like other felines, a giant lynx prefers to pounce from stealth, making use if its rake attacks quickly. Their native intelligence also allows them to orchestrate elaborate ambushes, but their snaresensing skill allows them to avoid traps very well themselves.

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