Converting True Dragons


Monster Junkie
Still can't help thinking we should make at least one of its breaths do some hp damage. Maybe nonlethal for the blinding breath?

I don't think it's necessary. Several dragons lack any direct hit point damage-dealing breath weapons. For example, the shadow dragon only deals energy drain, while the hex dragon only causes Constitution damage.

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Extradimensional Explorer
I don't really see much need for hp damage on top of these, either. So are we agreed on the basics for the breaths?


I don't think it's necessary. Several dragons lack any direct hit point damage-dealing breath weapons. For example, the shadow dragon only deals energy drain, while the hex dragon only causes Constitution damage.

Yes, but both those forms of damage can kill creatures. It just seems funny that the Mustard can't remove beings from the mortal coil with their breath.

Oh well, it's no big deal, let's leave the breath weapons as they are and continue.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, why don't we boost the Str and Dex damage of the diseased breath and say that creatures reduced to 0 Str or Dex die? There's precedent for that.


Hmm, why don't we boost the Str and Dex damage of the diseased breath and say that creatures reduced to 0 Str or Dex die? There's precedent for that.

Sounds good, although I'd prefer the victims to die when their Str and Dex are reduced to zero by the disease.


Would someone care to summarize the breath weapon entry based on all this discussion?

Breath Weapon in two forms.

Disease Breath - Disease causing Str & Dex damage equal to half age category. If Str and Dex both lowered to zero victim dies.

Blinding Breath - permanent blindness if save failed, dazzled (for some period) on a save.

Voidrunner's Codex

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