Original 5E, though easy to grasp, became quickly boring to me, because of several reasons:
Those are my major gripes that come to my mind at the moment. Coming from 14 years of 3.X I do not mind simplifications but to me, they dumbed down too much.
Pathfinder 2e, though being the D20 pinnacle when coming to customizations, can become bloated from mid level up.
Now I am curious, could Level Up be the remedy for my ailments?
- not many options to customize a class beyond the choice of one of 3 archetypes, each with not so many trait
- combat options are very limited
- many advantages get cancelled by only one disadvantage (and vice versa) instead of the amount simply being distracted
- skill checks are inflexible (static attribute/skill) with no true mechanics to ad hoc bonus/malus
- feats too limited, only one every 4 levels and for that you even have to forfeit the attribute raise
- proficiency raise very slow (at level 20 only +4 higher than on level 1)
Those are my major gripes that come to my mind at the moment. Coming from 14 years of 3.X I do not mind simplifications but to me, they dumbed down too much.
Pathfinder 2e, though being the D20 pinnacle when coming to customizations, can become bloated from mid level up.
Now I am curious, could Level Up be the remedy for my ailments?