Corrections to Monsters in the CC

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Just noticed an accreditation error in the Purple Lichen.

It's listed as originating from Dungeon Magazine #33 (1992) when in fact it's from Dungeon Magazine #81 (2000) - it's on page 38 in the adventure “Divisions of the Mind“ by Charles C. Reed to be precise.

Must have got garbled somewhere. It's mis-credited in both its Original Text and the Conversion post on New Conversions (Part Two) as well.

I'll update my Archive and send Darjr a correction.


Just noticed a few errors in some of the Lycanthropes' "Empathy" abilities.

The werebadger should have "badgers and dire badgers", not "badger and dire badger".

The Werebison should have "Charisma-based checks against bison" not "Charisma-based checks against werebison".

The Weremylodon and Weresloth should have "tree sloths, ground sloths and dire sloths" not "tree sloth, ground sloth and dire sloth".

The Wereweasel should have "weasels and dire weasels" not "weasel and dire weasel". EDIT: noticed another type - should have "wear their hair short" not "were their hair short".

All the above are simple corrections, however there is another that's slightly more problematic.

The Weresheep has multiple references to "dire sheep" when its based on the Giant Sheep. As far as I know there are no official stats for a Dire Sheep, so we kind of messed that one up!

The simplest solution is to change all the "dire sheep" into "giant sheep" but I'm tempted to mention dire sheep in the empathy section, just 'cause I find the notion of dire sheep amusing.

So, I'm thinking we could make it either:

Sheep Empathy (Ex): Communicate with sheep, dire sheep and giant sheep, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against sheep, dire sheep and giant sheep.


Ovine Empathy: A weresheep can communicate with any animal of the sheep family, including sheep, dire sheep and giant sheep. A weresheep also has a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against ovines.

I prefer the "ovine empathy" version.

What do you fancy? Meanwhile, I'll correct the other Lycanthropes' empathy sections since they're just straightforward typos.
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What do you fancy? Meanwhile, I'll correct the other Lycanthropes' empathy sections since they're just straightforward typos.

I've corrected the typos in my CC archive so they'll be fixed on the next update. I don't have access to the Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions (Part Two) thread to correct the versions on this forum.

I could update the Working Drafts I posted on Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk, but it doesn't seem worth the effort tracking them down at the moment since they're only typos and I have other things to do today.

I'll probably do it the next time I've got time to kill.


Go for "ovine empathy." Now we have to create dire sheep!

Rereading the Weresheep entry I realized its stats don't match the Giant Sheep.

It has a gore attack, a Powerful Charge special attack and better physical stats than a Giant Sheep would Give it (Str +10, Con +8 instead of Str +8, Con +6).

So did we already stat up a "Dire Sheep" with better stats? In which case we could just reverse-engineer the stats from the Weresheep.

That'd require us to improve the Weresheep's Will save, since the Dire Sheep ought to have all good saves, but it ought to be the only mechanical tweak we need to make to the creature.

Oh heck, what am I thinking. I should have just checked the thread. Turns out I whipped up stats for a Ram and a Giant Ram and we used the latter for the Weresheep.

So how about we give the Giant Ram a good Will save and change the flavour text to make it a Dire Sheep, then tweak the Weresheep working draft to match?


That'll work for me...

I've noticed something else about the Giant Sheep. It's described as "larger than a horse" but only weighs 700-900 pounds, which is light for a horse. An average riding horse is about 1000-1200 pounds and a heavy horse weighs 1500-2000 pounds or even more, with the world record estimated to be 3,360 pounds.

Scaling up some regular sheep breeds to be 6 feet at the shoulder (the height that AD&D gives Giant Rams) I came up with figures ranging from ~1400-2000 pounds.

Dire Animals are often portrayed as burlier than their normal counterparts, so I'll say an "average" Dire Sheep is 2,000 to 3,000 pounds.

EDIT: Hopefully I'll whip up a Dire Sheep later today but I have stuff to do over the next couple of hours.
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