Corrections to Monsters in the CC

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How did that happen? Yes, it should be CR 1.

I've corrected the CC to Challenge Rating 1.

Living Hair:angel:

Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 (HD)

I guess it must be;

6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)

Well that's obviously not right!

I've corrected the last half of the Size to 11-15 HD (Large).

Unfortunately this changes the Size/Type from "Medium Construct" to "Medium-size Construct" since the editing suite we've got for the CC database only has 3.0 options for the size and attack/damage fields.

It's not to bad for the sizes, but is really aggravating for the damage/attack fields as it means we can't edit the Full Attack field - if it has an error, the only way we have to fix it is to re-enter the whole monster.


I assume that you don't have access to it like you would a local copy, so html could be changed easily.

Most of the monsters aren't html, but are stored in some sort of PHP/SQL database. Some of the older monsters are html files, such as the Air Sentinel, and their entries on the database just link to their html file.

We don't have any access to the server so can't fiddle with anything directly - which, among other things, means we can't add any hazards to the Creature Catalog.

The Creature Catalog server's "techie guy" is Darjr, but he's had a lot of more urgent things to sort out and hasn't been able to unravel the rather cludgy set up of the CC website.


Is it absolutely impossible to download the hmtl files, edit them in notepad, and then reupload them corrected?

Freyar and I have no access to the server except for an "Admin Access" to the PHP database.

Darjr could edit the html files, but fixing the monsters isn't his job.

Besides, as I said earlier, most of the monsters aren't recorded as html files - it's only some of the older 3.0 edition ones that are in that format. I'm not sure how many of those there are, but it's only several hundreds out of couple of thousand conversions we've got there. Those 3.0 monsters we've updated also got converted into 3.5 in the process, and ALL the 3.5 monsters are on the PHP database.


Extradimensional Explorer
Is it absolutely impossible to download the hmtl files, edit them in notepad, and then reupload them corrected?

Unfortunately, as far as we know, it's impossible. First of all, as Cleon said, most of the monsters are not stored as html files but as database entries. I think the html formatting may be regenerated each time a given critter is accessed. And we currently have no way to upload html or pdf entries for monsters. You see, the CC was first created circa 2000 and has survived a couple of major EN World crashes (like when hackers took the whole site down for weeks a couple years ago). As a result, the database software isn't all working properly. Too make things more complicated, we don't know who wrote the database originally, and our "tech support" darjr is also the main systems admin for EN World. He's managed to keep it running, but returning the CC to full functionality would be a major project. So, in the meantime, we work on conversions and correct what we can.


Unfortunately, as far as we know, it's impossible. First of all, as Cleon said, most of the monsters are not stored as html files but as database entries. I think the html formatting may be regenerated each time a given critter is accessed. And we currently have no way to upload html or pdf entries for monsters. You see, the CC was first created circa 2000 and has survived a couple of major EN World crashes (like when hackers took the whole site down for weeks a couple years ago). As a result, the database software isn't all working properly. Too make things more complicated, we don't know who wrote the database originally, and our "tech support" darjr is also the main systems admin for EN World. He's managed to keep it running, but returning the CC to full functionality would be a major project. So, in the meantime, we work on conversions and correct what we can.

Yes, that's pretty much it.

The CC website has a fair few technical problems, and sorting out the database would likely entail rebuilding the whole thing from scratch, which isn't likely to be happening any time soon (if ever).


First Post
Slam Attacks

Do vampires get only 1 slam attack per round, except when they are a monk? (There is one in the MM I 3.5) Or can they strike as many as they can as fighters or whatever their base attack allows?

Asking due to; Greater Vampire, Prince (Template)

These templates have samples with only 1 slam attack per round, regardless of fighter levels.

Thank you


Do vampires get only 1 slam attack per round, except when they are a monk? (There is one in the MM I 3.5) Or can they strike as many as they can as fighters or whatever their base attack allows?

Asking due to; Greater Vampire, Prince (Template)

These templates have samples with only 1 slam attack per round, regardless of fighter levels.

Thank you

Natural weapons like slams are normally incapable of making iterative attacks, so even a high-level vampire fighter can only make 1 slam per attack action. A vampire can usually only make more than one slam per attack if its base creature already had multiple natural weapon slam attacks.

A high-level vampire monk can make multiple unarmed attacks per round when full attacking, but these are unarmed strikes, not slam attacks.

Vampires can make an energy drain attack with any natural weapon they possess, which includes unarmed strikes, but they can only energy drain once per round. Thus a vampire monk that hits four different targets using flurry of blows can only use energy drain on one of its hits (presumably the first one).

A vampire can make its energy draining slam as a secondary attack, so it could make a iterative attack with a weapon as well as an energy draining slam (or another natural weapon if it has one) as a full round action.

Note that it needs a free hand to make a secondary slam attack, so the sample Greater Vampire Prince is unable to use this tactic with its spiked chain, as it's a two handed weapon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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