Corrections to Monsters in the CC


I'm going to make the Corrections/Updates in post #68 to the Creature Catalog entries.

We could also do with adding a News item to the front page. Any preferences for that?

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I'm going to make the Corrections/Updates in post #68 to the Creature Catalog entries.

We could also do with adding a News item to the front page. Any preferences for that?

The Ba'atun, Gurrash and Silver Slime have been corrected, but I couldn't correct the Cobra Dragon or Ichthyodrake.

The feature to edit a dragon entry appears to have gone AWOL. Whenever I try to use it the CC gives me a "404 Not Found" error.


Extradimensional Explorer
I think a news entry mentioning some recent corrections and that conversion work is ongoing would be good. I feel like you should do the honors, as you've been doing most of the work recently.

I have a vague feeling we couldn't edit true dragons back in 2012 either, now that I think about it...


I think a news entry mentioning some recent corrections and that conversion work is ongoing would be good.

Yes, we'd already talked about adding a news entry once some entries have been updated.

I feel like you should do the honors,

I was waiting to see whether anyone had any preferences for it, but since you don't mind I'll go ahead and post something...

, as you've been doing most of the work recently.

Yes, I noticed! :p

I have a vague feeling we couldn't edit true dragons back in 2012 either, now that I think about it...

Hmm, I vaguely remember editing the flavour text of one of them, but I might have been mistaken.


JohnSmith has pointed out that the 3.5 Creature Catalog conversion of the Darter is Challenge Rating 6.

It probably ought to be CR 1 like the 3.0 conversion of the Darter.

Anyone object to me changing the 3.5 Darter to CR 1?


First Post
Templates & Edition Listed

There are several templates,

Greater Vampire, Arch-Lord
Greater Vampire, Arch-Prince
Greater Vampire, Lord
Greater Vampire, Prince
Greater Vampire, Princeling
as examples, that have sample creatures that are 3.5 :)
But the index entry states edition 3. There are more of course, though some only feature 3rd edition monsters.


There are several templates,

Greater Vampire, Arch-Lord
Greater Vampire, Arch-Prince
Greater Vampire, Lord
Greater Vampire, Prince
Greater Vampire, Princeling
as examples, that have sample creatures that are 3.5 :)
But the index entry states edition 3. There are more of course, though some only feature 3rd edition monsters.

That's another quirk of the messy way the Creature Catalog database is coded - the template entries don't have a data field for edition and always lists them as 3.0.

Not much we can do about it without recoding the whole thing, which we don't have the time/money/ability for, unfortunately.

Voidrunner's Codex

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