Corrections to Monsters in the CC

They need adding to the Creature Catalog Index, hopefully I'll remember!

It seems time to update the Creature Catalog Download Version. We've finally completed a few creatures and some of the existing ones need amendments.

I've got a fair few things to do today, but it might get done this week.

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Just noticed an error in Pearl. She's got a "Spot 51+10wis" in Skills that should be "Spot +61".

How the blazes did we not notice that before I added it to the CC?

Ehhh, typo errors just happen. I caught a wrong postal code at the last possible moment on a scientific article just this week!

Ehhh, typo errors just happen. I caught a wrong postal code at the last possible moment on a scientific article just this week!

Well far worse typos are possible in the world of Science.

I vaguely recall a satellite launch that went straight into the ocean because a programmer accidentally typed a minus sign instead of a plus, or was it a plus sign instead of a minus?

Or there's the mixup between SI and US weight units that crashed the Mars Climate Orbiter.

That one was ridiculous. Who in their right minds would use Imperial units for anything serious? Even the US school system uses SI units.

That one was ridiculous. Who in their right minds would use Imperial units for anything serious? Even the US school system uses SI units.

Who knows what was going through their head?

I think NASA still operated using pounds and feet back during the Apollo program, but all serious science has been in metres and kilos for decades.

Also, US Units and Imperial Units are not quite the same, which is why I said "US weight units" above.

See, I wasn't even aware of that difference, which just shows how silly those units are. But at least "pound" is the same in US and Imperial.

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