Craft/Time Point Proposal & Discussion


I figured we should move this into a new thread so it doesn't clutter up the Detail Discussion thread.

I'll be adding some of the info from the Detail Discussion to this first post and then add in the final proposal once discussion has gone on for a bit of time.

Characters begin with one hundred (100) of craft days (abbreviated as CD) which are expended when crafting items (magical or not) outside of an adventure at the normal rate. One craft day per 1000gp in the items base price, with a minimum of at least 1 craft day; potions always only take one craft day. See the creating magic items rules here.

Characters gain one craft day per real life day not spent adventuring. Items crafted while on an adventure do not subtract from a characters craft day total, but crafting in an adventure does take up time in the adventure timeline. Please check with your DM and the adventure's judge when crafting an item during an adventure.
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Right, so I seem to remember the plan involved a crafting limit that began all players with a full allotment == to the number of days in an Eberron year, and each day of IC crafting takes away one of those points, but each day RL regenerates one, to a maximum of the starting amount. Also, we could use this metatiming to create Living World - wide conjunctions and disjunctions of planes.

From what I've seen in LEW, there's no way that anyone is going to be crafting more than 300,000ish of items per RL year unless they're exploiting the system anyway, so this should work. Thus, if we add more of these craft points back based on level-ups and craft feats, we need to reduce the regeneration rate to something smaller per RL day.

Rystil Arden said:
Right, so I seem to remember the plan involved a crafting limit that began all players with a full allotment == to the number of days in an Eberron year, and each day of IC crafting takes away one of those points, but each day RL regenerates one, to a maximum of the starting amount. Also, we could use this metatiming to create Living World - wide conjunctions and disjunctions of planes.

From what I've seen in LEW, there's no way that anyone is going to be crafting more than 300,000ish of items per RL year unless they're exploiting the system anyway, so this should work.

I think this is a generally good idea, although I might give out some bonus "days" by level or in conjunction with item creation feats. That way it's more of a compromise between a time unit and a craft point system.

If its based on RL days, then I don't see the need to give bonuses to crafters. This way we are mimicing tabletop gaming for the purposes of time management.

Erekose13 said:
If its based on RL days, then I don't see the need to give bonuses to crafters. This way we are mimicing tabletop gaming for the purposes of time management.
Yep. They are already going to have enough to make whatever they want unless they do something egregious ;)

I will again bring up my questioning of cooperation on all crafting modes. Here are the ones I'm fine with:
- Staffs
- Rods
- Rings
- Weapons/Armor
- Wondrous items
- Artifacts ;)
The ones that I question:
- Scrolls
- Potions
- Wands (sort-of)

Now, from one point, a 1st level wizard crafting a 9th level spell scroll won't do that much harm to the game---its going to fail the majority of the time. However, assisting on scrolls means 1st level wizards can scribe *any* scroll of *any* type of *any* level, even if they cannot cast it (or it is from a spell-like ability): The 1st level wizard scribes, the mysterious cooperator casts the spell. This is also true of artificers.

I would like to hear other's opinion of this. If I were to propose something, it would be kabosh assisting on scrolls, most-likely and potions, and possibly on wands. A weaker proposal would be only create scrolls with assist from spells that are on your spell list and with a UMD check for artificers (to emulate the "on-spell-list" req.).

stonegod said:
I will again bring up my questioning of cooperation on all crafting modes. Here are the ones I'm fine with:
- Staffs
- Rods
- Rings
- Weapons/Armor
- Wondrous items
- Artifacts ;)
The ones that I question:
- Scrolls
- Potions
- Wands (sort-of)

Now, from one point, a 1st level wizard crafting a 9th level spell scroll won't do that much harm to the game---its going to fail the majority of the time. However, assisting on scrolls means 1st level wizards can scribe *any* scroll of *any* type of *any* level, even if they cannot cast it (or it is from a spell-like ability): The 1st level wizard scribes, the mysterious cooperator casts the spell. This is also true of artificers.

I would like to hear other's opinion of this. If I were to propose something, it would be kabosh assisting on scrolls, most-likely and potions, and possibly on wands. A weaker proposal would be only create scrolls with assist from spells that are on your spell list and with a UMD check for artificers (to emulate the "on-spell-list" req.).

I don't really have a problem letting item crafters have a co-crafter who donates the pre-requisites including any spells known to the crafting of an item, so long as it doesn't change the nature of the spell (arcane or divine wise).

Basically, if a divine caster wants a wizard or artificer to scribe a scroll for them, the spells scribed to the scroll would still be divine and not arcane. Likewise the reverse would be true if we use the archivist, a sorcerer could use his spell known to assist the archivist who is scribing, but the sorcerer spell would still be an arcane spell and unable to be used by the archivist.

I don't really see any problems with any of this.

I have no problem with this. The caveat is that you aren't going to find a 'mysterious assistant' NPC, not in Eberron, the land where the heads of major religions are level 2.

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