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Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]

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Snag draws his falchion and slowly opens the door, taking a peek inside to see if anything is waiting for them before opening it the whole way. If it looks like the way is clear, he quietly slips inside, motioning for the others to follow him.


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 17/17 - Perception (+7)

Skye cleaned her trident on the body of the dead rat, and leered at the fallen creature. "Never fight when you can't win," she remarked to the dead animal. Then she grinned. "Well, with the blood on your coat, you'll be very fashionable in the after-life." She laughed lightly and then looked to see that all four of them were ready to head down the gaping chasm in the earth. "Oh, good. We're all together again. I feel warm and fuzzy all over." With a quick step she started following the others down, storing away her trident for now, but keeping her shield ready.

She reached the jumbled mass of stone and rubble that formed the top of the sunken tower. "Nice place," she said, "I don't feel welcome." She hastily jumbled her hair so that it looked a right mess, and then said, "Ah, that feels better. When in a sunken tower of rubble, you have to fit in." She laughed again, enjoying the experience of the new surroundings, despite the nervous feelings in her heart. She watched as Snag found the trap near the door. "Neat!" was all she said in response.

"I guess the Hucrele's must've come this way. Though I don't see any sign of them. Surely they must've left some indication of their passing? Is there another entrance into this sunken tower, or is this the only one? Did the Hucreles manage to avoid this trap?" She looked perplexed by the lack of information to be found on the lost Hucreles. Saying a few quiet words of prayer, she touched her shield and it burst into light. "Warm and fuzzy, I tell you," she said with a giggle.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Cast Light on her shield. Unless noted otherwise, I'm going to assume that this light is always active on her shield.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


Looking into the tower shell, it's a circular area cobbled with cracked granite, upon which sprawl four goblins, all apparently slain in combat. One stands with its back against the western wall, the killing spear still skewering it and holding it upright. Three wooden doors lead off from this area. Above, a hollow tower of loose masonry reaches 30 feet, but the intervening floors and stairs are gone, except for a couple crumbled ledges.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Thunder straps his sunrod to his upper right arm and keeps his Greatsword at the ready.

Stepping around the pit trap Thunder mutters, "Bloody hell, no shocker there," while stepping into the tower. "We might as well give this place a throrough inspection."

OOC: Taking 20 on a Perception/Search check.


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 17/17 - Perception (+7)

She wrinkled her small nose as she glanced into the remains of the tower, first catching sight of the goblins and then taking a look upwards to the top of the tower. "Drafty," she remarked before looking at the spear that had skewered the goblin. "Kind of stupid, really. Leaving a perfectly good spear behind like this. I mean if whatever was here had killed a wild boar or something, the spear would've been really useful on the fire. But just imagine what goblin tastes like! Ugh!"

The tall human pulled back, allowing Thunder and Snag to take a closer look. "If we don't find a way in there, there's bound to be somewhere else to get in. I suppose I could start looking for some tracks around here." She moved off a little distance, staying within the light and trying to determine if the only way into the Citadel was through the ruined tower.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Take 20 on her Perception check (Result 27) to see if she can spot any recent tracks, or any other obvious entrances into the sunken citadel.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet

Walking Dad

First Post
"At least the goblin smells long dead." says Aramil as he wrinkles his nose.

After seeing Skye lighting her shield he asks her: "Can you light my sword and this pebble, too? You know, evocation is not my strong suit."

Afterwards, he uses his arcane might, to scan the surrounding for magic.

ooc: cast detect magic



There are two visible doors in this room, one leading northwest, the other leading southwest.

Investigation reveals that the four goblin bodies are about a month dead, though rats have gnawed at them. The bodies are looted of all valuables, though each goblin possesses a small longsword.

Further complicating matters, Thunder and Skye find that the stone on the southern wall is loose in one area. Potentially, there could be another chamber through there, if someone can pry it open.

Aramil does not detect the presence of any magic within this room.


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