Critical Role Announces Two New RPGs

Illuminated Worlds and Daggerheart coming soon

Critical Role’s publishing arm, Darrington Press, has released a ‘State of the Press’ video announcing two new tabletop RPGs.


Two new RPG systems we’ll be releasing: Illuminated Worlds, optimized for short story arcs and adaptable to myriad settings, and Daggerheart, a fresh take on fantasy RPGs with emphasis on longer campaigns and rich character options.

At Gen Con this year, you’ll be able to play AND purchase Queen by Midnight, and you’ll even be able to take our two upcoming RPGs for a spin. We hope to see you there!


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This is a very weird take, given Spencer Starke is a highly lauded game designer.
I think people could ask, highly lauded…then look at his game design credit and think he’s not there yet. Some obliviously do. Just a difference of opinion is all this is.

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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
This thread has devolved, as most do I guess.

I have never watched CR (and won't start now) - but I was wondering how transparent are the mechanics in their streams? Does it really matter what the system is?


B/X Known World
This thread has devolved, as most do I guess.

I have never watched CR (and won't start now) - but I was wondering how transparent are the mechanics in their streams? Does it really matter what the system is?
They are very transparent with the mechanics. Announcing rolls, results, damage numbers, calling out spells, maps and minis, pausing play to look up rules, etc. Them playing a system that supports rather than fights their narrative, story-focused style would be great.
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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
They are very transparent with the mechanics. Announcing rolls, results, damage numbers, calling out spells, maps and minis, pausing play to loom up rules, etc. Them playing a system that supports rather than fights their narrative, story-focused style would be great.
Oh I didn't realize that. Ok, then that makes sense. I'll go back to lurking, and folks can get back to fighting over what counts as an official game designer (or as they say, Gâme Désigneur)


Book-Friend, he/him
This thread has devolved, as most do I guess.

I have never watched CR (and won't start now) - but I was wondering how transparent are the mechanics in their streams? Does it really matter what the system is?
Just as transparent as any game I've ever been in: they don't edit for time or elite over anything that happens at the table.

Voidrunner's Codex

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