Critical Role Teases Upcoming Syndicult RPG

Darrington Press, Critical Role's publishing arm, is set to produce a new TTRPG called Syndicult. Written by Critical Role's Matt Mercer, Syndicult is described as a "a modern magic role-playing game... where underground syndicates vie for magical powers in a world of artifacts, mysteries, and crime." Accompanying this is a comic panel--and that's it. No release date has been mentioned yet, so...

Darrington Press, Critical Role's publishing arm, is set to produce a new TTRPG called Syndicult. Written by Critical Role's Matt Mercer, Syndicult is described as a "a modern magic role-playing game... where underground syndicates vie for magical powers in a world of artifacts, mysteries, and crime." Accompanying this is a comic panel--and that's it. No release date has been mentioned yet, so we'll have to wait to hear more about the game.

Last year, Syndicult was announced as "an original modern magic roleplaying game designed by Matthew Mercer in which mob families jealously guard secrets and battle it out for power on the city streets.”



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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
The relevant blurb from Darrington Press's website: "Syndicult is an original modern magic roleplaying game designed by Matthew Mercer in which mob families jealously guard secrets and battle it out for power on the city streets. Featuring an elegant storytelling dice mechanic, Syndicult is a low magic world where all bets are off."

It doesn't sound like a 5E hack to me.

I’ve wondered lately if one of WotC’s biggest threats with D&D is the possibility that Critical Role ever decides to switch systems again. Right now they’ve got a nice little strategic partnership going, but Critical Role is a valuable brand in its own right—maybe one day they decide to publish their own game and cut out WotC’s middleman?

Haiku Elvis

Knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts.
I did wonder about the system, a D20 or adjacent system would probably be better for sales but it'll do well, at least initially, anyway no matter what they use.

It sounds interesting in terms of setting but the name is rubbish.

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