D&D General Crummy online product catalog


I remember how, in the days before the internet, TSR used to send product catalogs to friendly local game stores which customers could use to see what was going to be released over the next few months or, occasionally, the entire year. This was supplemented with the TSR Previews announcements in Dragon magazine. These were useful and pretty thorough. When the internet soaked into peoples lives, these catalogs moved online and they were still useful and thorough . . . at least until the last few years. Because there are many fewer D&D game products produced, it's not difficult to keep track of what's coming out these days if someone wants to do a little digging (checking on this site, for instance) but what surprises me is that WotC doesn't really seem to care about their official online product catalog anymore ( https://dnd.wizards.com/products ). Some time back, they started skipping some releases and as time went on they started listing fewer and fewer of them in the online catalog. Now, they seem to have given up on it completely since it hasn't been updated in months. Although the product release catalog is not as important as it once was, it just seems somewhat irresponsible to me that somebody in the company couldn't take the time to update it now and then to show all the upcoming releases instead of making their customers look elsewhere to find the information. It makes it seem as though they don't care whether or not people buy their products.

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Although the product release catalog is not as important as it once was, it just seems somewhat irresponsible to me that somebody in the company couldn't take the time to update it now and then to show all the upcoming releases instead of making their customers look elsewhere to find the information. It makes it seem as though they don't care whether or not people buy their products.
Maybe WotC has found that their customers do not go to that page. That they don't even go to their website anymore. It seems likely that at some point they decided that the dollars it takes them to keep that website updated is no longer worth the near zero traffic it sees and the miniscule sales that are tracked to it.

In short, the world has changed, you might be the last person looking for a product catalog to buy or be informed about D&D. Or, maybe not ;)

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