Shinkokku Old Gods
The Gods of Shinkokku used to worship Sidereals they callled the Astral Gods or simply the Old Gods. The church of the Astral Deities was known as The Syndicate and at one point held immense power over all of Shinkokku. During the Dawning War, the war between the ancient Anyothen Empire and the Demigods of Shinkokku, the Akashic Aspects attacked the Gods.
Tyr, who had the incredible ability to inflate divine power, that is, she could turn demigods into higher and higher levels of deity by temporarily multiplying the Quintessence a being effectively had, was able to use her power to give the Demigods a fighting chance against the Omnific level threats leveled against them.
Once Deimos, the God of Outrage returned victorious against Thychen the Eternal, the worship of the Astral Deities seemed moot. The Sidereals could do nothing to protect Shinkokku against the Omnific Wrath levelled against it and it was one of their own, a Goddess, The Goddess, who saved them in the end.
Worship of the Old Gods became unfashionable and fell out of favor and eventually became illegal, unless in a private setting, except for very few Sidereals.
The Syndicate
Once the second most powerful organization in all of Shinkokku, holding power like the Eternal Government, now a cult of Demigods trying to "resurrect" their Overgods or the Astral Deities (Sidereals) as they're known who were "killed" (outlawed their worship) by the Demigods in the so called Great Betrayal.
They once lived in a series of 'Iterations' new versions of the civilization custom-built for both the cult's and the citizens of Shinkokku's purposes, which house them luxuriously, and in peace, and their thousands of mortal slaves ("Citizens") considerably less so. When one iteration ends, they massacre its Citizens, and the citizens of Shinto below, in a bloody sacrifice at one point to empower those overgods. These Iterations still exist however now serve to empower the Demigods and the 8 Dieties to defeat Vlitra or other threats out of there capability to defeat during time of great need. They then destroy the civilization they created and create a new one using the residual power of those who were sacrificed to honor their memories forever and use the moment to modernize and advance their technological prowess
Unless otherwise stated, all the Old Gods are considered Unaligned or beyond alignment but I'll post their effective alignment and portfolios.
The Crying Grudge
NE, Hate, Murder, Revenge
A Sidereal of cynic hatred, seething, murder and plotting. Appears as a monk like robed figure with mala beads and a head of green ethereal energy and a burning skull of green fire. It is still worshipped today as a tool of vengeance against both man and demigod alike, Crying Grudge grants feats of foresight and hidden knowledge, detached peace and the satisfaction of vengeance but requires constituents to permanently scar themselves with a pound of actual flesh removed from their bodies and mediation upon the pain for 10 to 10000 years to weigh the price of vengeance over simply letting it go. If after that Crying Grudge has deemed the petitioner worthy, it will grant them their revenge or the ability to enact that vengeance themselves.
Kiss Me To The Moon
N, Passion, Love, Carnality
Kiss Me To The Moon is a Sidereal of last chances, love, and most importantly unbridled passions. Kiss Me is considered a benevolent being but it's power is neutral at best. Usually appearing as a miles tall beautiful woman with black angelic wings and dark seafoam green hair, she hungers for acts of passion for acts of emotions, both negative and positive but generally creates positive emotions and love vice outrage and hate as those emotions are easier to cultivate long term than the generally one time emotional outbursts of murder and rage. She, it, is a Sidereal of extremes and never does things halfway, the emotions she created are deep, pure, raw and without equal. She requires sincere emotional desire and a pure heartfelt request and not much more than that but the emotions she elicits can cause very real damage and calling upon her has been outlawed with the exception of a signed contract between all involved parties and a legal release and understanding of all damages potentially accruing due to her involvement signed first by the petitioners and also the Marshalls and Judge herself. Marriages are often done in the name of Kiss Me To The Moon.
Lady of Cinders
LN, Justice, Law
The Lady of Cinders is the Matron of the Marshalls and of justice being meted out against those who feel that they're beyond reproach. She's a wolf headed goddess who's made of ashes, star metals and cosmic flames. She is basically a paladin archetype but holds no quarter with any being she feels violates true justice nor will she spare her constituents the same heavy hand if they fail to pursue and mete out the same. The Marshall's power comes from her directly and she's one of the few Sidereals actively worshipped but she has no temples and only one statue in the Marshalls headquarters in Terra Astra.
Wounded Eyes
NE, Anger, Strength, Fire
A Sidereal of anger, strength and flames, Wounded Eyes was a Sidereal who was worshipped but who rarely took notice of it's worshippers. His worshippers being those who value might as right and strength of arms more than anything else. Wounded Eyes worship was outlawed in the 12th Iteration after his power was called upon by the fallen hero Mer who called the being onto our world to wipe out the Dev in an ill fated war between the Dev and Demigods. Wounded Eyes nearly awoke Vlitra and exterminated the Dev down to a few hundred from a population of billions, the Demigods were more concerned that the quintessential energy of the Dev was annihilated in the attack and that their culture and technology was destroyed rather than the loss of life itself and it's for that reason that all overt worship of Wounded Eyes was entirely outlawed and Mer and his followers were Purified.
One Last Night
CG, Proletariats, The Forsaken, Undeath, Rebellion
One Last Night is a Sidereal of ghosts, undeath, secrets and the forlorn and forgotten. She's one of few Sidereals who was originally a mortal woman. She was killed a few Iterations ago in the 23rd Iteration when her lover, Capricus of the 8 Dieties betrayed her and she was saved by the Supernal Solarius for unknown reasons. Solarius gave her a second chance, to either live again or to make sure other beings like her potentially never had to suffer a similar fate. She chose the latter and became the being One Last Night. She is worshipped by mediums, protestors, rebels, and necromancers and is one of the most active of all the Sidereals often times showing up directly and though she never gets involved physically, she will give her perspective and challenge enemies to her cause through words and logic on behalf of her followers. She's kind, but distant, and one of the few Sidereals who wants nothing but the best for her petitioners, worshippers and devotees, and doesn't require anything other than sincerity on the part of her followers.
U, The Sun, Light, Life, Death
The Local Solar Sidereal and an aspect of the greater Demiurge Erohim, Taiia is an all encompassing all engrossing being who's power is unquestionable. She is more feared than worshipped but she is loved more than feared. She has many celebrations and festivals in her honor and is actively worshipped even still though now it is in more of a cultural customs way vice true worship but of all the Sidereals only she has statuary and monuments that are actively manned and still have prominence in all major cities in both the Lower Divines and Shinto alike. Her worshippers, called Justiciars, work alongside the Marshalls and are given a blank check to root out injustice and crime as they see fit, one of very few orders allowed to do so and a throwback from the 1st Iteration when the Justiciars worked as the only real paramilitary force, police, paladins and investigators all rolled into one, and though largely hated by the population at large, they are given freedom to conduct their affairs the way they are fit and the ability to come and go to both realms as they please.
The Silence: Xal'Amnanadu
NG, Intelligence, Secrets, Growth
The Silence is a strange Sheo-Gorath like entity residing outside of this galaxy and is one of the most powerful of all Sidereals once worshipped by Shinkokku. The Silence or the Silent One, is a being of observation, intelligence, understanding and secrets. It is a being of both the seen and unseen, the heard and unheard and is a being of progressive growth. It has no open church or clergy but is the most commonly referenced and revered Sidereal of all besides perhaps Taiia. His worshippers are allowed to conduct secret meetings, done in anonymity, to help shape the Shinto society and Shinkokku in ways that are better for the people than what they can conceive themselves. The cult of Silence is very selective allowing only the most trusted and most trustworthy of members among their ranks and only those people who are already in dominant positions within Shinkokku society. The Silence is silent to all those whom it wishes not to speak to, and though it's influence is felt, it ignores any and all requests for direct conversation and seems to fade from reality when pursued.
The Black Hatter
CE, Trickery, Deceit, Chaos
The Black Hatter is a Sidereal of trickery and deceit, working closely at a time with those Demigods who could make use of his powers. Appearing as a well groomed man with a top hat and cane he is usually portrayed as dancing upside down on ceilings and doing other impossible to the mundane things. He's fond of riddles and though he is greatly helpful to his followers his influence usually brings discordance and chaos with him. He's been outlawed since the 6th Iteration when his schemes led the Syndicate to nearly overtake the Empire as the primary governing body in Shinkokku. His high priest, the entire leadership of the Syndicate and all of his followers were annihilated and purified in what in now known as the 6th Pogrom
Boundary to the Edge of the Event Horizon
N, No Portfolios known
Boundary is a Sidereal who is invisible, formless and who's influence was instrumental to the survival of the Shinkokku civilization. A massive war broke out when Vlitra and his Oni courted the Abyssal realms and prime evil realms and a nearly limitless supply of demonic entities and qlipphoth began to pour through the planar barrier and invade the world. They were met by staunch resistance and the Demigods fought valiantly but they were outnumbered in the tens of thousands to one and had Vlitra and his ghoma to deal with simultaneously. Shinkokku was doomed it seemed but the then non worshipped Boundary to the Edge of the Event Horizon materialized or should I say dematerialized all the demonic entities and sealed them within a tangent universe. That universe is representative of that being though it has no face, has said no words and answers no prayers. Without it's help, if it even exists, the Triastram may have fallen. It is for that reason it is still sort of worshipped even now. It is also theorized that the Dragon Elves own encounter with the Primal Evils similar victory was in part due to Boundary as well, and when later on the Devils staged a similar attack and bolstered their forces with the Lesser Devils, the Syndicate was able to reopen the rift to this realm which swallowed them as well.
N, Technology, Progress, Growth, Invention
Pseudovius is a powerful technological being of machines and progress. He appears as a vaguely humanoid machine made of massive cables coming out of a golden frame that has too many sharp edges and weapons. Once the cast off spawn of forge gods, he gained his place in this world as the deity of ancient Ancasta, leading that civilization to a glorious apex level. He is noted for being one of the most powerful of the Syndicate Astral Gods, and also one of the newest only appearing in the 22rd Iteration some 10 million years ago. His worshippers find that he is active and caring in a sort of cold and alien way, and requires his petitioners to use technology to create new forms of thought. He is the patron of Alchemists and Wizards and inventors of all kinds. His worship too is not entirely outlawed or looked down upon as Daedalus' and the Anaxim Tennagra's open worship of him casts him in a favorable light.
Revision 2216
N, Self Improvement, Cybernetics, Technorganics
Another technological Astral God. Revision was once a being who through continual self improvement and mastery of the flesh and mastery of cybernetics mastered himself. He appears as a tall thin elven man with Anyothen features and a body seemingly made of sleek white metal, behind him is a massive white void. He answers petitions but accepts no followers requiring instead that those who would follow him simply follow his example. He once was a very important Deity who's lessons of perpetual growth and trust in cybernetics and blending of machine and nature permeates all of Shinkokku society even to this day. All of the 8 Deities are cybernetically augmented by the inventions and machinations of Revision 2216 and though not actually worshipped, he remains one of the most important of all the Astral Gods.
Algol The Bloodstar
M (Alignment is effectvely insane) Madness, Atomic Fire
An ancient Old One of madness and misappropriations of life. Algol is an old one driven mad by his own hands. Less worshipped and more seen and quoted as a cautionary tale, Algol is a Satan like figure, given prominence only due to his transgressions and loss of place. Some however once worshipped him as a hero of the proletariat.
NE, Death, Entropy, Nothingness
The Reaper is worshipped as the ultimate symbol of the end. The Syndicate uses a death's head skull with a snake going through its mouth and one eye as a prominent logo. All Gods who make their home upon or within the Underverse, the Nth Realm of death, find it impossible not to worship this being in some form.
The Living Fractal
NG, Life, Creation, Abundance
The opposite force to Death, the Living Fractal is a being made of all forms of life both extant and extinct throughout all of the Prime Material Plane, Mundus. It appears as a Kaleidoscopic whirlwind spiral made of brilliant colors fading to blacks browns whites and grays and if one looks closer they'll see the entire thing is made up of trillions, countless species from throughout the entire cosmos, all returned to it, to be born again. The Living Fractal is also known simply as Rebirth.
The Metatron
LG, Angels, Goodness, Hope
The Metatron is the Lord of Angels and the voice of God. He has grown silent since the fall of Thychen and scholars see this as a very troubling sign, though the layperson sees this as just further proof of their dominance over the "paradigm that was"