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Cydra: the Early Years


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Somehow I don't think I'll worry about you running out of material. Lifespan, yes. Material, no.
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the Jester

Building a Lair

All right, enough with the teasing! :D

Upon investigating the cavern the lake serpent lived in, our heroes found a side passage, a natural staircase that was inaccessible except via small boat or swimming, that wound up and up until it emerged on a 600 yard by 150 yard ledge most of the way up the mountain on the opposite side from the lake itself. Realizing that it would be hidden from casual view, the group of would-be pirates set out to do a thorough investigation of the area. After a few hours it was obvious that this was the place.

So they set out to build a proper lair.

Galliger immediately started drawing up plans for a huge chapel to Bleak, as well as a barracks for the men and a few other necessary buildings. Reluctantly he put a temple to Lyr's barbaric gods on the map as well, but she protested that the size should be equal to the temple of Bleak. Galliger sneered, but relented at Captain Malford's command.

The construction would take time, over six months total. At first the party stayed around to supervise, and at a few points there were minor goblin raids; but it was nothing that the crew couldn't handle. During the building time our heroes decided to vacation in Shorult (one of the towns of Gorel) while the men finished up the work.

While is Shorult, Malford joined the thieves' guild, hoping to build a relationship with someone he could fence goods that were taken from pirated vessels to; the price was a mere 10% cut of anything the group took in.

Upon the command team's return to the lair, they were gratified to find eveything done. A pair of temples, barracks, a prison- there were a total of seven buildings.* Most turned out very well. Galliger immediately held a service to Bleak, and Lyr set out to capture some goblins and their kin and eat their hearts. "Bring them to me alive," she thundered at the hunting party the group dispatched, and she even experimented with eating the hearts of apes. Would they be sentient enough to serve as a proper sacrifice for the Dreadful Gods?

Yes, they were.

She felt her strength grow as she devoured the steaming heart freshly ripped from the ape's chest, and as hot blood trickled down her chin she grinned. That fool Galliger- he'd never know real power, not as long as he limited himself to following Galador's shadow.

One day, a foraging party- sent out to gather food- came back badly wounded, reporting that the goblins were acting up again, and Malford decided that they'd had enough. "I think it's time we taught them a lesson," he said, and the group assembled and took the Sea Hag out to seek out the goblin lair...

*If I can find the old map of the pirates' lair, I'll try to be more specific here.

Next Time: Our heroes assail a goblin lair!

the Jester

The Goblin Caves

It was at about this time, if memory serves, that Farenth started plotting against our heroes.

Farenth was another Bleakist- but one that Galliger viewed with suspicion. Naturally; after all, having a chaotic evil religion leads to a lot of church politics, and that’s a euphemism for advancement through assassination.

He wasn’t doing anything active just yet; but while our heroes were on vacation in Shorult he’d started making inroads with a few of the crew. Subtly turning their loyalty to him personally, or at least trying to. And always speaking out against Dexter. Dexter, the traitor- but still here, and if the cap’n says he’s okay, then he’s okay, but if Galliger’s right about anything it’s about that stupid kid.

Yes, Farenth despised Dexter. The boy symbolized hope for redemption, in a way; he’d given his soul to Bleak, after all, and still turned back to the Light. Talk about a bad example, and an infuriating one! And that damned scar, that hideous B rune crossed out on his head- oh, that was always a slap in the face to a Bleakist. A reminder of just how little freedom they had, of just how close the Inquisition always was.

But anyway, our heroes were raiding some goblins, once again leaving Farenth to sow subtle seeds.

Finding the caves was easy; they’d already been spotted by the crew. So Malford, Rajah, Galliger, Haart, Lyr, Urick and Dexter journeyed away from the boat, leaving a few crewmen to guard it; and they moved up the hillside and over the shoulder, then descended through a gully and across a streambed gone nearly dry. The cave came into view, and the group moved up and near the entrance. There was a nice approach, so they took it openly, and in moments they’d engaged a half-dozen goblins. The humanoids dropped instantly to Urick’s sleep spell, then were killed efficiently. The group moved in further, slaughtering a group of females- Dex hung back from that one- and taking one prisoner.

“Do we need to know anything from them? Let’s just kill her,” Galliger sneered.

“Hm, perhaps you’re right,” Malford said. “But just to be sure, does anyone speak goblin?”

“I speak dolphin,” Urick offered.

“Very well.” Malford turned his back as Lyr and Galliger lunged for the kill.

A few more scattered groups of goblins fell quickly to our heroes; most weren’t heavily armed, bearing little more than knives or scimitars. Then the little expedition came to a stumbling block: a quartet of hobgoblins. Both better armed and naturally tougher and smarter than the goblins, the hobgoblins put up a decent fight before being slain.

“Looks like they were guarding this door,” said Lyr, opening it brazenly.

With a roar, the ogre let the manticore off the leash.

Next Time: Clearly, nobody just wants to be friends here.

the Jester

Plotting against everyone, really, and Farenth has to be one of the most frightfully effective villains I've run.

On another note, if any particular sections of the campaign seem especially interesting to anyone, let me know- I'm happy to do chunks here and there out of order. After all, if I try to tell all the tales in order I'll never get to a lot of the best ones! :D

the Jester

The Ogre and the Manticore

Spikes filled the air, whizzing past- and into- our heroes. Rajah gave a great roar of pain as a spike stuck him in the arm, and Haart gasped as one deflected from his shield. Malford dodged to the side; Dexter took one in the chest.

Lyr threw her harpoon and the party surged forward to meet the threat.

The ogre was a brute; he held a gigantic mace in his hands and struck with bone-crushing force, bringing it crashing down on Galliger, stunning him from the force of the blow. The manticore leapt out to tear and rend at our heroes.

Rajah displayed his unbelievable fighting style, not for the first time, but to noteworthy results. He struck out with his hands and feet like they were claws, leaping at the ogre with superhuman ability.* Startled by such an unorthodox attack, the ogre faltered back for a moment and Haart, heartened by the ogre’s momentary pause, darted forward and punctuated the moment- and the ogre’s belly- with his longsword.

“I’ve shot my wad!**” Urick cried frantically, throwing daggers ineffectually. Then a blow from the manticore’s vicious claw struck him across the face and he went down in a spray of scarlet.

Then the ogre fell as Rajah’s mighty kick snapped its neck. Whirling, the wild-haired man sprang at the manticore, heedless of the danger! Now able to concentrate their forces on a single target, our heroes surrounded it, jabbing, punching and slashing at it. Another wound opened on its side as Haart scored a telling blow with his sword; then the manticore sprang forward onto him, like a cat wrestling its prey! Haart gave a horrible cry as the man-like face of the creature opened its mouth to reveal a jagged nest of sword-like teeth; and then it bit down on Haart’s face! There was a terrible crunch as bone shattered, and then a horribly clear tearing sound. A whistling scream stopped almost as soon as it started and the manticore dropped the gnome like a sack.

“Haart!” screamed Lyr. “NOOOO!”

His face was a wreck- his lower jaw was ripped away entirely. It was impossible to tell whether he was still alive in the moment, with all the blood covering him and a raging manticore still to be dealt with- but it didn’t look good.

The rest of the party kept working at the monster, baiting it and striking. Rajah tried to step in but had to retreat before its spiked tail. Then, suddenly, Malford stepped out of nowhere from the shadows and thrust his sword through its back, felling it in an instant with a backstab!

Quickly Lyr moved to tend Urick’s wounds, restoring him to consciousness, and Dexter gingerly approached Haart.

“He’s still alive!” the lad exclaimed. “Someone, quick! Haart’s still alive!”


Slowly, Haart opened his eyes. He ached all over, and something... something felt funny about his face. Galliger was looking over him.

“What happened?” Haart said, only it... it didn’t work. It came out more like... “Hrrr... uhhhhr...”

“Hey, he’s awake!” Galliger said cheerily.

“Hhhh! Hhhh!” Haart gasped in horror. He had no tongue! Fearfully, he reached up to feel his face.

If he could have screamed, he would have.

*Among his psionic abilities- Rajah was a 2e-style psionicist- was catfall, and he had a great leaping martial arts move iirc.

**In earlier editions, a 1st-level mage only got one spell per day. That was the sleep he used on the goblins at the entrance. (Of course, I may have all the details of the battle completely wrong- I dunno, it’s been ten years or thereabouts. Hard to remember. I have to reconstruct a lot from my notes... some games have very spotty notes, too.)

Next Time: Well, chronologically speaking, the next adventures our heroes embark on is the Aquan Pyramid. We’ll see if that’s the tale I tell next, though- I may skip ahead. We’ll see- what would you prefer?

Voidrunner's Codex

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