D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Player's Handbook Reviews

On Thursday August 1st, the review embargo is lifted for those who were sent an early copy of the new Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook. In this post I intend to compile a handy list of those reviews as they arrive. If you know of a review, please let me know in the comments so that I can add it! I'll be updating this list as new reviews arrive, so do check back later to see what's been added!

Review List
  • The official EN World review -- "Make no mistake, this is a new edition."
  • ComicBook.com -- "Dungeons & Dragons has improved upon its current ruleset, but the ruleset still feels very familiar to 5E veterans."
  • Comic Book Resources -- "From magic upgrades to easier character building, D&D's 2024 Player's Handbook is the upgrade players and DMs didn't know they needed."
  • Wargamer.com -- "The 2024 Player’s Handbook is bigger and more beginner-friendly than ever before. It still feels and plays like D&D fifth edition, but numerous quality-of-life tweaks have made the game more approachable and its player options more powerful. Its execution disappoints in a handful of places, and it’s too early to tell how the new rules will impact encounter balance, but this is an optimistic start to the new Dungeons and Dragons era."
  • RPGBOT -- "A lot has changed in the 2024 DnD 5e rules. In this horrendously long article, we’ve dug into everything that has changed in excruciating detail. There’s a lot here."
Video Reviews
Note, a couple of these videos have been redacted or taken down following copyright claims by WotC.

Release timeline (i.e. when you can get it!)
  • August 1st: Reviewers. Some reviewers have copies already, with their embargo lifting August 1st.
  • August 1st-4th: Gen Con. There will be 3,000 copies for sale at Gen Con.
  • September 3rd: US/Canada Hobby Stores. US/Canada hobby stores get it September 3rd.
  • September 3rd: DDB 'Master' Pre-orders. Also on this date, D&D Beyond 'Master Subscribers' get the digital version.
  • September 10th: DDB 'Hero' Pre-orders. On this date, D&D Beyond 'Hero Subscribers' get the digital version.
  • September 17th: General Release. For the rest of us, the street date is September 17th.
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They went 10 years without adding a new class.

This new PHB went hard on traditionalism and high magical fantasy. They also walked back a lot of future proofing for new classes.

Overall I think that the heavy "2e play with 3e mechanics." that the design team stress will heavy limit their ability to add interesting new things to 5.5e.

This is a nice PHB but this 5.5e will not be evergreen.

The VTT will have to come out early next year because in the next 5 years people will start getting bored of this game at the level needed to support the VTT unless the design team seriously and honestly expand their design horizons.
They went five years. Artificer was added in Eberron.

Also why would you assume this edition will make people bored after 10 years of success.

I can’t post a negative thought about 5E /5.5 without 2-3 certain other posters commenting on it like they take it personally.

I find it rather odd.
And I can’t say something positive about the 2024 rulebooks or any of the post-Tasha’s books without people disagreeing with me or insisting that the rule change I like is actually a sign the game is being ruined. I seem to recall you doing this often.

People have different opinions and you’re allowed to disagree with people. This is a public forum and people are allowed to publicly disagree with you. I have with you, and you have with me. If a few posters annoy you by their disagreements, Ignore them.

Lucky isn't a reroll anymore. It's advantage. So that's one less.

Sure but there is only two ways to play this at the table -

Every time before you make a roll announce as the DM you are rolling a dice so a player can decide if she wants to make it at disadvantage. Which slows the game down a lot


Let the player tell you when you roll, which slows the game down less but makes you throw another dice.

If it was only on the players rolls this would be true, but it isn't.

And I still expect Heroic Warrior to be used on the players turn 90% of the time to effectivly make an extra attack.

I think it will mostly be used off of a players turn. To use it on the players turn for an attack, they would need to miss with a roll they make on their turn, which is not happening a whole lot at that level. Once the players turn is over they MUST use it off turn or else it goes to waste since it recharges next turn.

Using the 5E Monster AC and a base attack roll with no magic, situational or other bonuses you should be hitting about 65% of the time, in play it is more than that with advantage and magic bonuses. Maybe AC will be higher in the new monsters or maybe not, but player rolls will be definitely be higher due to Weapon Masteries and unarmed strike changes.

I'm guessing it will be used 70% off turn, maybe it will be less than this, but it certainly will be more than 10%.
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And I can’t say something positive about the 2024 rulebooks or any of the post-Tasha’s books without people disagreeing with me or insisting that the rule change I like is actually a sign the game is being ruined. I seem to recall you doing this often.

People have different opinions and you’re allowed to disagree with people. This is a public forum and people are allowed to publicly disagree with you. I have with you, and you have with me. If a few posters annoy you by their disagreements, Ignore them.

It’s not that they disagree it’s that they seem to seek my posts out.

Maybe it’s just because I’m vocal more then some and I’m looking at it the wrong way.

Similarly, when tablets made digital comic books into a popular thing, many people were worried it would mean the end of printed comics.

Instead, the presence of digital comics increased awareness of comics in general, and some of the people made aware started going to comic book shops.

When working at a comic book store, I was surprised how many people would wander in and say they didn't know comics were still being published.
Sorry for the digression. I want to agree with you on your suggestion that people shouldn't be worried about the end of printed comics.

Sadly, comic sales have decreased pretty much every year since, for the big two American companies. Both have put out public PR "We're in trouble" messages, relatively recently. Marvel just changed their CEO, who said he's taking drastic measures starting with slashing their cover prices and demanding all creators work together rather than separately. DC meanwhile had massive layoffs to try and stem the bleeding.

The big two are in crises.

And comic stores are in crises too. There has been a massive closure of stores, including some of the most important and oldest stores.

Now I don't blame digital. That's not the problem.

Scholastic comics are booming. Manga is booming. Webtoons are booming. So some comics are doing fantastic right now. Just not Marvel and DC comics.

The things in common with the three sources doing well include: 1) none are in standard floppy format, with one of those three being digital only viewed on your phone, 2) you get more content for your money, and 3) you get more types of content.

That doesn't mean American superhero comics cannot succeed again, and I am not someone who knows enough to really say with confidence what they should or should not do. But I'm just commenting on your suggestion people were wrong to be worried about the end of printed comics. They should be worried. Things are grim a the moment.
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Good to hear, on the other hand maybe you're just a really awesome DM?
I do my best! I hope that it works out.

My son is extremelYou've done a better job of convincing me to give 5.5e a shot than anyone else. Thanks!
It’s not that they disagree it’s that they seem to seek my posts out.

Maybe it’s just because I’m vocal more then some and I’m looking at it the wrong way.
I think it's probable that they are just responding to whatever the specifics are of any given post. I know that I have disagreed with a few of your recent posts, but I wouldn't call it a trend. I've agreed with other posts of yours.

Here's a thought: When I agree with a person's post, I'm likely to just hit "like" - but when I disagree, I am more likely to reply. This would make it seem like I disagree with you (general you) more often than I possibly do.

I don't expect that I'm alone. Also: Some posters that I am very fond of, I have had some serious arguments with!

Ah, my mistake. I thought you were just listing Heroic Inspiration as a whole. But yes, Champions will be able to re-roll one attack per turn if they miss. Having seen these sort of abilities in play, for example with Savage Attacker which I have also seen used, this does not really noticeably increase the length of combat after the first one or two where the player gets into a pattern.

It is using the inspiration off turn that is going to increase the length.

If they just reroll one attack when they miss then yes, then yes it wouldn't increase the time, but I don't see players doing that because then they are wasting an available ability.
If your argument is "I hate when the players make me re-roll a die, and now they can do that more"... okay, cool, you can hate that. But that doesn't make the game noticeably slower or more difficult to run. Again, literally, everything on your list except for 4 things already existed in the game. So did Hellish Rebuke, Ancestral Guardians, Commander's strike, Voice of Authority, Mage Slayer, Sentinel, Polearm Master, and dozens of other reaction abilities.

I never said I hate it. I said I find it frustrating as a DM and I do think it is going to make the game noticibly slower.

I also think (and said) it will make the game more difficult for new players .... which is not the same as saying it is more difficult for a DM to run.

Or fewer if they use the bonus action teleport options that pull from the same pool of uses. So if they can teleport 5 times per day, and they teleport three times on their turn, they only get 2 reaction teleports.

If they do that, but I don't think most players will. The whole class idea is about making it a reaction and the uses are more powerful when you do that. There is both a thematic and a mechanical reason for using it as a reaction.

There are players who play against the subclass stereotype and intended design, but that is not typical.

And most people who have played with these features, or similar features are telling you it isn't going to slow down combat at all. So why should I believe you, over my own lived experience as a GM?

There are entire threads about how Silvery Barbs is horrible, annoying and slows down play and numerous abilities are going to be doing that kind of thing now. There are more threads saying combat now, using 2014 rules is a slog and takes too much time. The new system certainly is not going to take less time.

Doing more things is going to take more time.

Ignoring Monsters for a moment if you break up what players can do - action, move, bonus action, reaction, object interaction and what I will call free stuff (the last one not something mechanically in the rules that a PC can do but something that takes time at the table .... like lucky feat or asking the DM if you can do X or asking to explain things or sharpening your pencil).

A combat round takes as much time as it takes for all players to finish as many of those things as they are going to do. IF we break this down:

1. Action - There will not be more actions, however the actions, especially the attack action are more complex and will take more time to execute than they did before.
2. Move - the move has not significantly changed and will likely take the same amount of time.
3. Bonus Action - used more often
4. Reaction - used more often
5. Object Interaction - no difference
6. Free Stuff - most won't change but there are more things explicitly available in the rules.

This adds up to combat taking longer. A round of combat can't be the same time or less time if players are doing more things in a round AND the things they are doing are not less time and are in some cases more complicated and take more time.

No, I wasn't counting enemy reactions, because most players avoid that. And no, I don't think it will be 7 times per round with 6 players.

Counting enemy reactions, I think that will be about the average and I think it is about 3 now.

If you are just looking at players I think it will go from 1-2 on average to 5 on average.

See, because let's say you have a party of six, and every single person has a reaction that activates if they are attacked... well then if you only attack three of them, you only get three reactions.

Sure and then the three you didn't attack use their other reactions. There are a lot more at will reactions.

And let's say you have a Polearm Master Tiefling Feylock with magic initiate who can use beguiling defense, misty escape, hellish Rebuke, shield and attack anyone who approaches them with their halberd... well they can only do one of those things. S

Yeah, but what you are more likely to have is a Tiefling Feylock, a Glamour Bard, a Fighter with Defensive Duelist, A Barbarian with PAM, and a Cleric with Shield.

o the fact that they have five different reaction abilities... doesn't actually change anything.

It does change things quite a bit actually. Like you said they can only use a reaction to an attack if they get attacked. Having other options means they will have more opportunities. Getting more reaction options changes the number on reactions by raising the number of triggering conditions. The only time it does not change things is if you have already hit the ceiling and are capable of one reaction a round.

To put it another way - if your party of 6 is using less than 6 reactions per round then increasing the number of reaction triggers will increase the number of reactions they can take. The only time this is not true is when they are already saturated with an available reaction every round or when different reactions are triggered by the same condition (example Misty Escape and Hellish Rebuke).

For example, if my Feylock has Misty Escape and you hit them they can cast misty escape. If you hit them once every 3 rounds of combat they can cast it once every 3 rounds of combat which translates into about 1 reaction for that ability per combat.

If they can move off turn as a reaction because there is a Glamor Bard in the party, well now that is more reactions. We will call it 1 more time per combat they can use a reaction (it could mathematically be almost every single PC, almost every single round of combat, just from one Bard in the party but we will assume the Bard uses half their inspiration for other things).

Then let's give them Pole Arm master and now in addition they can attack anyone who approaches them. Let's say this happens three times per combat on average (pretty easily this considering interplay with Misty escape).

So now we went from 1 reaction per combat to one reaction per round by giving that Feylock 2 more things they can use a reaction on and one of them did not even come from their character build. At this point the player is saturated. They are using a reaction just about every round of combat and adding more things they could do will not increase it any more.

And if they have a Lore Bard with Defensive Duelist, Countercharm, and Cutting Words... they can still only use one reaction.

One reaction per round to be specific. and this illustrates my point directly above.

Cutting Words was and still is a limited ability. If all that Bard had was cutting words she could use a reaction any time an enemy rolled up to her number of inspirations. Then that is all the reactions she could use .... so using 2014 that is about one reaction every two rounds of combat if she uses inspiration for nothing else (a bit higher on the 2024 Bard).

Ok so the Bard is using cutting words every other round. Now she is not using cutting words she can use shield if she is hit. And then if someone fails a saving throw she can use countercharm. So now it is more often than every other round. Probably not every single round with these three examples, but more often than if she did not have the other two reaction options.

And since a lot of these reactions were things we ALREADY dealt with... I don't see the number of actual reactions taking place on a given turn functionally increasing. Maybe one or two,

One or two more is a functional increase.

but they are all pretty clear abilities that are going to resolve quickly.

Something new that is added takes little time and resolves quickly = more time than it takes now.
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