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D&D 5E [D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (FULL)


Here is my submission. Went with Ranger.


Character Sheet

Name: Alicia Tien
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Class: Ranger 4
Alignment: Neutral
[sblock=Description]She is an attractive woman with light olive skin and traces of an exotic heritage of Kara-Tur blood. She is not very strong looking, yet has slender athletic build that lacks an ample bosom. Yet her there are enough curves on her chest, waist, and hips to distinguish her as feminine. Her almond shaped eyes are brown and her long dark brown hair is straight, falling halfway down her back. Despite being slender, she has good physical conditioning and stamina from adventuring and she makes up for her lack of strength with agility.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120 lbs

She wears a mottled cloak when outdoors, and brown and dull green jerkin over her armor. Her trousers and doe-skin leather boots are brown as well, marking her as person more accustomed to being outdoors. Her longbow is of fine quality and is the most obvious of her weapons with a rapier on her belt at her side.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]A secretive woman, not easily trusting of anyone. She enjoys being in the outdoors and wilderness, but also feels that she can create her own following and teach others her trade craft. She can being polite and friendly if necessary. However, she is not afraid to use her looks and gender to get her way, and not above using deceit or threats of intimidation to do it either. She can be extremely vengeful when scorned and is not afraid of violence to accomplish her goals. Not really trusting in the laws of man or morality, she tends to just be herself and pragmatic instead of worrying about the conflicts between good and evil.[/sblock]​

[sblock=Background]Alicia Tien started her career working with a free spirited bard who taught her some of the tricks of the trade. They worked with a few other adventurers and did some dungeon delving. She excelled at scouting and finding the traps, preferring to stick with archery and skirmishing. However, during a particularly nasty encounter with a hydra, her mentor was killed along with half of the others in the party. The survivors scattered into the winds to escape and she had not seen any of them since. After losing her friend, she preferred it that way, not being close to the others.

Alicia relocated to the heavily forested region of Tethyr, known as The Wealdath, becoming loosely associated with another minor Adventurer's Guild in the large town of the area. Other members frequently sought her help with certain types of quests, needing a good scout and archer. Though, she never stayed with those groups for very long after realizing that the dangerous business tended to make emotional attachments all the more painful when someone gets killed by an ogre.

This lesson was learned the hard way after the journeymen adventurers she accompanied tried to tackle more than they could handle. Ogres were big hit hard with their clubs. She was not sure how she survived after being left for dead. She woke up in monastery of Chauntea, being nursed back to health.

Lannon Fayruke was a warrior priest of Chauntea, staying in the monastery compound during her recovery after chancing upon the remains of the unfortunate battle. While most of his adulthood to date was in service to his god, yearned to learn other skills that would help him become a better adventurer than what he could learn cloistered in the temple library. Having accepted responsibility for Alicia's recovery, the pair stayed several weeks in the temple, learning more about each other.

Lannon wanted to pursue adventuring and travel Faerun, while Alicia saw potential in having a companion in her future endeavors. The young cleric was enamored with the young woman, particularly her ability to move quickly and fire arrows at her targets with speed and precision. Agreeing to accept his company when they left the monastery, Alicia began training the young man to move with more stealth and be lighter on his feet. While he was not as agile, he was stronger and she ensured he was more proficient in polearms instead of archery to compliment her tactics.

Slowly over the next year, the two became casual lovers. The emotional attachment was more on Lannon's part than Alicia's given her past and experience in losing fellow adventurers. But Lannon accepted his role in following her around and taking what she would give and teach.

[sblock=Catching Thieves] [section]
Alicia and Lannon followed the tracks into the forest. It was bandit country, sure, but the Halfling and his two partners were not part of the larger gangs. No, they had decided to be cute and lift the noble's jeweled sword from the little shop in town where the Seneschal Carstairs had it being repaired.

The noble's man was trying to recover the heirloom before his master missed it and these three thieves were not as smart as they thought.

Once they got the trail, Alicia and Lannon had no trouble following them to the secluded glade they made camp. While the Halfling was good at being stealthy himself, the gnome illusionist and half-orc partners he had were not. From the cover of undergrowth, she has an arrow nocked while they look down the short sloop and into their camp.

Not even glancing at Lannon beside her, she whispered, "I do not believe these amateurs. They think that illusion of the gnome's actually worked and now they do not have a sentry set."

Lannon was a bit uncomfortable being outnumbered against unknown foes.

But, Alicia had insisted that speed and being quiet was more than enough at times like this. Surprise was important that day.

Gripping the glaive, he nodded, "Yes, milady. Shall I make ready to charge in?"

Alicia replied softly, "Okay, crouch down and go to that tree right there," she pointed with the arrow at the large oak about 30 feet to their right.

"When you see me stand up and move in, that is the signal to advance."

"Don't say anything when you attack, just deal with the half-orc warrior. I will deal with the gnome first, then help you."

"With some luck, both of them will be down and we will have Jared Lightfingers dead to rights when he comes out of that tent to see what the noise is."

"Since Carstairs wants him alive to present to Lord Carroway, just use your spell if he doesn't surrender."

Lannon smiled wanly at his mistress's cold nature when discussing the fates of others.

"Alright, then. Good luck."

He was going to lean in for an affectionate peck, but the female scout was so focused on the campsite, he stopped and turned away. Slowly he moved to the designated tree, careful to not brush the leaves with his polearm as he picked his way past the bushes.

He was mindful of each step as she taught him.​

Alicia had sensed the need for some reassurance of their relationship and only glanced at Lannon's retreating back to shake her head. She refused to entertain his emotional needs right before a fight, not wanting any distractions. Still she had a sense of pride about his devotion and growing skill under her tutelage, she just picked her moments more appropriately to show it.

Meeting his eyes after he reached his position, Alicia nodded and rose from her crouch, nocking the arrow once more.

Like a ghost, she drew the arrow back and sighted down the shaft at the gnome's head. Stepping carefully, the scout remained focused and moved to her left around the undergrowth screening her from view.

Alicia left off stealth and swiftly strode down the slope watching the gnome's head drift around the arrow head in front of it as she kept her aim. The gnome only had time to look up and see the arrow flash into his face. He crumpled to the ground, the wooden shaft embedded deep between his eyes and the steel point protruding out the back of his skull.​
After being hired by Lord Carroway's Seneschal to track down some thieves that had absconded with an heirloom of noble's, the pair proved their worth and had made a slight name for themselves.

Alicia had heard rumors of a monstrous incursion into the area, warbands of orcs. She and Lannon provisioned themselves and set out, cutting through some forested hills as they foraged for extra food. Joining with some militia from an endangered village, they split up to provide expertise for two separate patrols to take the fight to the roving orcs. Fighting for each group proved heavy and fierce, the orcs being led by some berserker warriors. He r patrol and half the militia with her survived.

Returning to the village, the report on the other patrol was on of defeat and the survivors had scattered. Some made it back to the village, others were known to be dead, and a few were missing. Lannon had been one of those missing and failing to return.

Alicia feared the worst, but set out immediately and tried to track him down as it started to rain. The battlefield had been chaotic and rain washed out much of the signs. She had not been able to determine her companion’s fate, and could only hope that he managed to get away from the orcs. His body had not turned up.

The ranger looked for him while traveling around Tethyr for a few weeks. The orc warbands had been routed from the area, hunting down stragglers had offered no clues for her either. She was not sure where else to look for Lannon and was suspecting that he might be dead.

[Sblock=Notable NPC]

Name: Lannon Fayruke
Race/Gender: Human Male
Class: Cleric/Ranger

Description: An attractive man with a athletically fit body, average height. He has a goatee of black hair, matching the hair on the top of his head. He has green eyes. He is dressed in outdoors clothes of browns and dull greens and a mottled cloak.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 178 lbs

Personality: Lannon is man that is not terribly bright, but he is loyal. He is normally a quiet man, mostly because he has been criticized for being stupid when he tries to offer his opinion in the past. However, he is wise enough to realize when something works, don’t mess with it. He worships Chauntea, but he cannot be satisfied with only spreading his God's teachings and studying in a monastery. He has a desire to learn and travel, so being an adventurer to follow Alicia is a choice he willingly made. [/sblock]

[Sblock=Potential Character Hook]The fate of Lannon Fayruke is unknown. I leave this to the GM to decide if he survived battle with the orcs or not.[/Sblock]

[sblock=About myself] 1. Experience with 5th Edition: I have played a couple of games using these rules, but I only actually made it to combat twice. However, I have been playing/DMing D&D3.5ed and Pathfinder for 5 years in the PbP environment.

2. Experience with PbP: I have somewhere around 50K posts under my belt in the last 5 years, if I were to count them all up from the handful of sites I play at. At any one time I am GMing 10+ games as well. With attrition being the bane of most PbP games, this illustrates that I am not going to just disappear.

3. Frequency of Posting: On a normal basis, I can post once per day, 6-7 days a week. I generally do not post more than once a day on principle, allowing others a chance to reply or react during their daily routine as well. I also let people know when I am not available from more than 36-48 hours.

4. My philosophy as a PbP player: I enjoy writing posts and playing the game, having a good time when others are entertained and having fun posting in response as well. I treat every post IC like it is a scene of a TV show and describe my character's actions; there is always something for my character to do and probably say. Just because my character is in combat, there is no reason to stop role-playing. Any day I can post in reply to what other players have written is a good day.

I tend to write my character doing things and interacting with the environment as set up by the GM, letting the GM focus on providing results/changes of scenery and NPC reactions. I can run with what a GM gives me, without needing to hand held constantly. However I know when to pause to let the GM provide results or offering the courtesy to let other player get a chance to participate. I like groups that can develop teamwork and chemistry, where everyone has a role and opportunities to shine. I also believe communication OOC is important for scene advancement and coordinating other things in gameplay.

Recently, I have come to value the interactive side of PbP gaming. This is what sustains a game over the long haul, writers that are interested in responding to each other in character while the plot progresses around them. The focus on characterization on equal footing as plot progression is what brings the players fully into the story to make an engaging tale.[/sblock]

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First Post
New to enworld and 5e. I would love to join in a campaign but I cannot find any references to build a character. I do not own any 5e books. I have 3.5 PHB. If your willing to share some info I would like to join the party.


New to enworld and 5e. I would love to join in a campaign but I cannot find any references to build a character. I do not own any 5e books. I have 3.5 PHB. If your willing to share some info I would like to join the party.
I'd be willing to help you! What kind of character are you looking to play as? If you have an idea of what you like this could shorten the process significantly :p

Forged Fury

First Post
New to enworld and 5e. I would love to join in a campaign but I cannot find any references to build a character. I do not own any 5e books. I have 3.5 PHB. If your willing to share some info I would like to join the party.

Hi, happy to have new players interested in the game. Along with the help from the other players here like [MENTION=6788194]Zansy[/MENTION], you can always download the 5E Basic Rules PDF from Wizards of the Coast. It has limited information on character building. It only presents the four basic/main classes (Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Wizard) and only offers one of the potential paths those classes take, but the PDF does go into detail about how the game works.

Here's the link: http://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/playerdndbasicrules_v0.2.pdf

Coming from 3.5, it shouldn't be a huge change depending on what you want to play. There are a LOT less modifiers to worry about, most of them being distilled into an Advantage/Disadvantage mechanic. I skipped 4E and didn't really miss a beat when I came back to 5E from 3.5.

Forged Fury

First Post
[MENTION=6800672]Egon[/MENTION] Character submissions are open until this coming Sunday. At that point, I'll review the characters and pick 3 or 4 of them. Thanks!

Steve Gorak

Hey [MENTION=95059]Forged Fury[/MENTION]!

I'm interested in joining this game! Here is my submission:

Name:       Dorn Greycape 
Class:      Fighter 1/ Rogue 1/ warlock 2 
Race:       Human
Background: Urchin/Sailor
Size:       Medium (5'8", 140 lbs)
Gender:     Male
Age:        18
Alignment:  LG

STR: 8  (-1)0 Save: +1    HP: 29 (1d10(max)+3d8+4)
DEX: 16 (+3)9             AC: 15 or 16 (+3 chain shirt or +4 breastplate, if allowed, +2 dex)
CON: 13 (+1)5 Save: +4
INT: 12 (+1)4             Speed:   30
WIS: 12 (+1)4             Init:    +3 (+3 dex)
CHA: 14 (+2)5             Passive Perception: 15

Skills:                  Abilities:
*Acrobatics        +5    Feat: crossbow expert
Animal Handling    +1    
Arcana             +1    archery fighting style: + 2 ranged weapons
Athletics          -1    Second wind: 1d10+1
**Deception        +6    
History            +1    
Insight            +1    Background feature: ship's passage
Intimidation       +2    
Investigation      +1    
Medicine           +1    Expertise (Stealth, deception)
Nature             +1    Sneak Attack (1d6)
*Perception        +2    Thieves’ Cant
Performance        +2    
*Persuasion        +4    Warlock invocations: Mask of many faces, devil's sight
Religion           +1    Fey Presence: bonus action, wis save vs dc12 
*Sleight of Hand    +5     10ft cube emanating from character, charmed or 
**Stealth          +7      frightened until end of next turn
Survival           +1    Warlock spells

Armor: all
Weapons: all
skills: Perception (fighter), acrobatics (fighter), stealth (rogue), persuasion (background), Deception (perception overlap with background), sleight of hand (human)   
Tools: Thieves’ Tools (rogue), Navigator tools (background), vehicles (water)
Languages: Common, other appropriate - Dwarf? (Human)

Spell Attack Modifier: +4
Spell Save DC: 12
Cantrips Known: Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
Spells Known: Hex, faery fire, comprehend languages
Spell Slots: 2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-

Crossbow expert

Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
Rapier                 +5     1d8+3        P
Dagger-melee           +5     1d4+3        P   
Dagger-ranged          +7     1d4+3        P   20/60
Hand crossbow          +7     1d6+3        P   30/120

gp   Item	
400  Breastplate or
 50  Chain shirt 
150  2 hand crossbow
  6  3 daggers 
 25  Rapier          

 25  Navigator's tools

 25  Thieves's tools
  3  3x 20 cross bow bolts
 16  Burglar’s Pack (16 gp).Includes a backpack, a bag of 1,000 
      ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a 
      hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days 
      rations, a tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 
      feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it

Common Clothes

Money: 13 GP

Personality Trait: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what
Ideal: I help the people who help me—that’s what keeps us alive.
Bond: Dark forces murdered my crewmates. I will avenge them.
Flaw: My pride will probably lead to my destruction.

Dorn was born in abject poverty in the slums of Tethir. He never knew his father, and his mother, whom abandoned him quite young at the age of 11, was a woman of ill reputation and questionable morality.
From a young age, Dorn sought to escape from the slums. He had a good head on his shoulders and stayed around the docks, offering his services as a guide to newly arrived travelers.
This helped to fill his belly; not completely, but enough.

Unfortunately for him, he had a good heart, and never gave in to his shady acquaintances that wanted to recruit his help to lure these travellers and rob them blind.
The pressure was increasing and the small time thugs wanted his skin, so at the age of 14 he joined a ship belonging to her magesty's Queen-Monarch merchant navy as a deck-hand, to get away fron the heat.
He travelled for a few years with this ship, and was involved in more battles than he had hoped for.
Fortunately, he had a keen eye, and was as quick as a whip with a crossbow, making up for his less than imposing stature.

About the age of 17, his shipped was attacked by pirates, but they weren't as lucky as they had been in the past.
After slaughtering his companions, the pirates were amused by his youth and his show of bravery during the combat, and threw him overboard to die in the sea.
Hands and feet bound, he was contemplentating his last thoughts as he was sinking. This is when she appeared, kissed him, and allowed him to breathe.
She had watched the combat, and amusement was not what she felt from his youth and bravery.
His memories of the time he spent with the Lady of Corals is quite hazy. She brought him to an island. They were lovers. Time seemed to stand still.
Yet, the pirates needed to be brought to justice, and he needed to live with others of his kind. He also felt she was growing tired of him, as a whimsical fey-lady would.
She released him from her spell, yed she had touched his soul forever.

Dorn returned to Tethir, and relayed the pirate attacks to the proper authorities. The pirates were still at bay, and they needed to be brought to justice.
He followed leads, and hunted a few down. This attracted the attention of the Shadow Stars of Tethyr, that were also after these pirates.
They convinced Dorn to join their cause. He had always been loyal to her magesty the Queen-Monarch, and besides, there were more pirates that needed hunting.
Last edited:


First Post
I'd probably go straight fighter. Tank like character. Just to get the hang of the system. It seems like it would be easier for now. Every party needs a tank.

Dwarven fight. Heavy full plate with a guisarme for reach. And maybe a large hammer strapped to his back for when the beasties get to close.

Love playing dwarves. Fighter should be easy to learn the basics.

Voidrunner's Codex

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