D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

Nice art to go long with the new edition monsters, nicely done WoTC. The CR chart missing not enough in my book to drop a star.

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4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

Coming from previous editions, with the 2E Monstrous Manual being my favorite MM, it took a while for me to warm up to this book. The full-color art mostly is full of gems (but there are a couple of stinkers) and the text is a great balance of mechanics and story hooks. An overall worthy purchase, good for just sitting down and perusing as well as using in-game.


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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

The 5e Monster Manual looks great. The art is well done and the book is easy to read. The stat blocks are streamlined and even have average hit points and damage so you don’t have to roll them. The monsters are definitely more deadly and more useable over a broader number of PC levels. Thanks to how the monsters scale in 5e they remain relevant longer. It may take more of them to be a threat but lower level monsters still can be used effectively against a party. See my full review here: http://www.play-board-games.com/dungeons-and-dragons-5e-monster-manual-review/


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

This one basically does what it says on the tin - it's a manual of monsters for the 5th Edition D&D game. The book is abolutely stunning throughout, is well laid out, and has a very solid collection of critters. All in all, it's a winner.

(That said, it's only my second favourite monster book from the editions - the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual has it beat... just barely. But then, that was also a fantastic book!)


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

This book got great reviews and was hailed as the “world-builder’s monster manual” among many circles. The artwork was (for the most part) absolutely stunning. The cover art is my favorite of all the core rulebooks. I love the regional and lair effects from major monsters. The simplicity of the monster stat block is refreshing and this book is not lacking in lore. The book does not leave out any major monsters but does leave a few monsters wanting more. I was disappointed in the oni and minotaur to name a few but 90+% of the monsters are done very well. Coming from 4th Edition, I also want a few more types/templates of each monster but I am realizing that I can do that myself quite easily with this edition.


4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

The artwork is great! The content is top-notch. I just wish there were some rules/guidelines for creating additional NPCs. I know I can re-skin the existing ones and that allows additional flexibility, but a half a column of text with guidelines for doing so would have pushed this into 'excellent' territory. Oh, and a template for skeletons and zombies should I want to create others than what is listed. I can work it out myself, but again, a paragraph or two for creating your own undead or even lycanthropes would have been awesome.

Lucas Yew

5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

While it may not be Perfect, it still has the most iconic monsters of D&D refined for 5th Edition. Good it is.


First Post
3 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

Great art. But not one image that I can remember, not even the cover, with the exception of the Rust Monster. For me, the purpose of a monster manual is first to inspire - to make me to want to create an adventure or an encounter after having gotten embroiled in inventive thought about a given creature or family of creatures. The visual portion of the art tends to trigger me to take a closer look. While it is filled with high quality art, very little of it tells a tale. The art in the 1st edition MM is crude in comparison, but it does a much better job of telling a story, of helping you create an adventure and I am disappointed that I still find myself looking back to the 70's and 80's to get a clearer sense of how the story should be told.I am also disappointed that there is not some sort of terrain guide, encounter chart, or other tools that help you incorporate the 400+ creatures into a campaign.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

Though there are criticisms to be made- there aren't enough NPC stat blocks, there are a limited number of beasts to for shapeshifting, nitpicks with layout and editing- the overall product here is excellent. Wizards of the Coast's powerful art budget brings these monsters to life and the rules are really easy to use. As both a player and DM, I have had extremely positive experiences with this product.

Voidrunner's Codex

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