D&D accused of being satans game.

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So she did, and at one point, during an epic fight against a dragon, she bursts forth and says 'This isn't evil! You're just a bunch of NERDS!' and she walked away. After that she'd always bake us muffins and make cold-cut platters.

That made my freakin day!

"This isn't evil! You're just a bunch of NERDS!" Welcome to my sig.

Back about 93 or so we used to play at a friends house. Mid way though the game His mom shows up with her preacher and a few other of the good people and start throwing anointing oil on us , the books and the wall, pretty much everything while preaching and "Commanding the demons to be gone"

It did not end well and after my book got stained and one tired to gather up "satans manuals" I got pissed shoved a few, they shoved back, few other guys tied to leave and got cornered sigh. Was bad, got my book ripped in the fight that soon broke out and we put a hole in a wall and one of the "Good" men blacked my eye good. Felt bad for my friend and we was not allowed over after that. His books got burned I learned later as well , real mess


I would edit your post to say "some misinformed christians view" instead of "misinformed christian view". I have only run into a couple people who actually believed that D&D was satanic. I ran a group for a while that had 3 catholics, 2 baptist, one jewish guy, andan agnostic. No one there eto have a problem :]


Last summer I was chatting with my friend's mom whose house we played D&D at back in 1983-86. "We were really worried," she told me. "Joe's parents called me up to talk about it. We were afraid you guys were worshipping the devil or doing something that would really hurt you. But I trusted my son, and we decided to trust you. I think it turned out okay."

Bless her heart; it could have been much worse.

That's the problem with 4e, it doesn't teach "real magic" as well as 1e did.

I tried to mind control my parents into buying me more D&D books and they asked me what was wrong with me, reminding me I've been on my own for fifteen years now. And then they asked if I was still playing that geeky game. I tried to explain it was satanic and I was a lord of dark powers but they just laughed at me...


First Post
Two friends of mine have their books burned. Not because religion, but they keep playing all the time and %&%¨& up school :)


Black leaf, noo!

funny, I've never come across anyone, christian or otherwise, who bought into this satans game business. Still, I never played in the 80s. I have had in my group a fundamentalist Christian, my wife follows the charismatic paths of Catholicism and so on. Yet they all put aside differences to pretend to be elves and kill the evil guy.

I came across it - twice. First, my sixth grade teacher called in my parents for a conference to inform them about this demonic 'game' I was playing at recess - and scribbling notes about the rest of the day. Luckily, my parents didn't buy a word of it.

One of the players in my weekly campaign in the back corner of the library wasn't so lucky. After a special presentation at his church, his mother destroyed his books, and forbade him from playing D&D. He snuck back to play a few more times, but it didn't go well for him when his parents found him at the library with us.

Lesson learned: there's a very good reason why satanic cults prefer underground lairs (or steam tunnels) over public buildings.

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