D&D and Call of Cthulhu Climb Again in Roll20's Latest Stats

Roll20 has released its latest usage figures. These are for Q2, 2021. And they have a new fancy format!

D&D is, of course, still right up there at the top with nearly 54% of the market -- up from 53% in Q1 of this year. Call of Cthulhu continues its inexorable rise, climbing from 11% to 16%, and Pathfinder 2E gained from 1.5% to 1.8% (I'm told that most VTT action for PF2E happens on Foundry, not Roll20).


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Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 8.49.32 PM.png

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Quick check - the graphic with the disk and the detailed report seem to have different values - it s says campaigns 53.7% D&D 5e but the detailed report says campaigns at 47.03% - similiarly Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder are different. Any idea if the 'percentage of campaigns' in the graphic is highlighting something different to the detailed columns?

Thanks for flagging the new report by the way - if the detailed report is right, D&D 5e campaigns have dipped a bit since the last report - was 52.9%, now down to 47.0% which is interesting.

Quick check - the graphic with the disk and the detailed report seem to have different values - it s says campaigns 53.7% D&D 5e but the detailed report says campaigns at 47.03% - similiarly Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder are different. Any idea if the 'percentage of campaigns' in the graphic is highlighting something different to the detailed columns?
Looks like a typo in the graphic. The 53.7% is D&D 5e accounts, the 47.03% is D&D 5e campaigns; and they probably meant accounts instead of campaigns on the disk graphic (or, they meant campaigns but used the wrong column of numbers).

Looks like a typo in the graphic. The 53.7% is D&D 5e accounts, the 47.03% is D&D 5e campaigns; and they probably meant accounts instead of campaigns on the disk graphic (or, they meant campaigns but used the wrong column of numbers).
I must admit to being confused - the graphic says 16% for Call of Cthulhu, the report says campaigns at 14%, accounts at 9%, similar for PF, PF2e - suggests not a mis-labelled column problem.

I think I am going to go with the 'campaign' column in the report.

I must admit to being confused - the graphic says 16% for Call of Cthulhu, the report says campaigns at 14%, accounts at 9%, similar for PF, PF2e - suggests not a mis-labelled column problem.
Hmmm - looks like you're right. The "uncategorized" numbers are out to lunch as well, along with some of the smaller ones.

Lesson, I suppose: publishing stats is great but only if those stats at least agree with themselves within the same report! :)

3.5/PF1 does well. While 4e continues to cry in the corner.
3.5/PF1 have an open and usable gaming license that allows for plenty of community creative content and support. GSL for 4e is too prohibitive to allow anyone license or distribution of a usable system for any vtt, but it's not for a lack of want. WotC scorched the earth when they tossed aside 4e and its fans.

3.5/PF1 have an open and usable gaming license that allows for plenty of community creative content and support. GSL for 4e is too prohibitive to allow anyone license or distribution of a usable system for any vtt, but it's not for a lack of want. WotC scorched the earth when they tossed aside 4e and its fans.
Also I don't think anyone can by 4e content on these platforms now. So you have it now or you don't and will not.

PF1e doubling PF2e...wonder why? Probably has to do with the fact there wasn't a real demand for it and PF1e was doing just great, then Paizo tossed it aside for PF2e like it was the best thing ever to come to gaming. :LOL: Bad idea to have their fanbase split apart, they could've gone strong with PF1e but I guess that's the point of a venturing risk...it's a risk for probably success or failure.

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