D&D and Call of Cthulhu Climb Again in Roll20's Latest Stats

Roll20 has released its latest usage figures. These are for Q2, 2021. And they have a new fancy format! D&D is, of course, still right up there at the top with nearly 54% of the market -- up from 53% in Q1 of this year. Call of Cthulhu continues its inexorable rise, climbing from 11% to 16%, and Pathfinder 2E gained from 1.5% to 1.8% (I'm told that most VTT action for PF2E happens on Foundry...

Roll20 has released its latest usage figures. These are for Q2, 2021. And they have a new fancy format!

D&D is, of course, still right up there at the top with nearly 54% of the market -- up from 53% in Q1 of this year. Call of Cthulhu continues its inexorable rise, climbing from 11% to 16%, and Pathfinder 2E gained from 1.5% to 1.8% (I'm told that most VTT action for PF2E happens on Foundry, not Roll20).


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Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 8.49.32 PM.png

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That someone better
You can keep repeating this, but, it really doesn't make it true.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Been in this debate before on another forum.

It’s not fake news, it actually happened.

Might take me a bit to find, but I’ll dig up my old post and cut and paste this weekend here.

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It really doesn't look good for PF2 that it isn't growing much (if at all) on Roll20. I know people keep saying most play PF2 on Foundry. But Roll20 is just so much bigger, that statistically it is still significant, even for PF2. Also Roll20 have stepped up their PF2-game.


Been in this debate before on another forum.

It’s not fake news, it actually happened.

Might take me a bit to find, but I’ll dig up my old post and cut and paste this weekend here.
I don't think there ever was any actual official numbers to back up the claim. The common consensus is mostly that yes, during 4e' last time, when there wasn't any new content and Mearls et al was working on 5e, PF did outsell 4e. But don't think it's 100% confirmed. Either way spinning it as PF generally was outselling D&D seems like a mischaracterization.


Also I don't understand why Roll20 don't put up more PF1 content, since the player base (on Roll20 at least) is bigger than the PF2 base. I would by it.


That someone better
I don't think there ever was any actual official numbers to back up the claim. The common consensus is mostly that yes, during 4e' last time, when there wasn't any new content and Mearls et al was working on 5e, PF did outsell 4e. But don't think it's 100% confirmed. Either way spinning it as PF generally was outselling D&D seems like a mischaracterization.

Hopefully I can find my old post sooner rather than later, then you can make up your own minds.


Is Savage Worlds really such a minor system or is it simply underrepresented on Roll20?
The appear in the Fantasy Grounds article - looks to me to be about 8k out of 300k so ~2.5% which beats 0.4% on Roll20. Still looks like a relatively small presence. Maybe they have an online stronghold somewhere else.


Snotling Herder
As a PF2E fan, I have to say the situation does look bleak, I hope paizo can turn it around as I believe it's a great system and would be gutted if support for it dried up.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
PF1e doubling PF2e...wonder why? Probably has to do with the fact there wasn't a real demand for it and PF1e was doing just great, then Paizo tossed it aside for PF2e like it was the best thing ever to come to gaming. :LOL: Bad idea to have their fanbase split apart, they could've gone strong with PF1e but I guess that's the point of a venturing risk...it's a risk for probably success or failure.
Because PF2 fans use Foundry instead.

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