D&D and the rising pandemic

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
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apparently were looking at dealing with new strains till 2030.

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apparently were looking at dealing with new strains till 2030.
That's not as bad as it's sounds, nor is it unexpected. COVID19 is, itself, jut a new strain of an old disease. Most viruses are. Realistically, we're looking at new strains of coronavirus for the rest of our existence. In all of human history, we've only managed to eradicate 2 diseases: smallpox and rinderpest.

Now, what those new strains will look like is an interesting question. But not one that can be answered a decade in advance.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
That's not as bad as it's sounds, nor is it unexpected. COVID19 is, itself, jut a new strain of an old disease. Most viruses are. Realistically, we're looking at new strains of coronavirus for the rest of our existence. In all of human history, we've only managed to eradicate 2 diseases: smallpox and rinderpest.

Now, what those new strains will look like is an interesting question. But not one that can be answered a decade in advance.
life tends to be depressing so going with the worst case seems likely.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
That's not how viral mutation works though; you'll get various strains with various traits, and the most successful are not necessarily the most problematic.
your right, it is more my perspective that life tends towards depressing so I take it that it will be new flavours of unpleasent.


Mod Squad
Staff member
That's not how viral mutation works though; you'll get various strains with various traits, and the most successful are not necessarily the most problematic.

Yes. "Success" in viral terms is generally, "makes the most copies of itself." Killing the host tends to limit the number of copies of you that get made. So, selection tends to lead to greater ubiquity, but lesser severity.
This is how we get the "common cold" - they are all over the place, everybody gets them, but they are no big deal.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Yes. "Success" in viral terms is generally, "makes the most copies of itself." Killing the host tends to limit the number of copies of you that get made. So, selection tends to lead to greater ubiquity, but lesser severity.
This is how we get the "common cold" - they are all over the place, everybody gets them, but they are no big deal.
that does not mean it will get to that state quickly or ever.


Mod Squad
Staff member
that does not mean it will get to that state quickly or ever.

Insofar as trends are not guarantees, that's true. And certainly, given that we are annoyed when pizza takes too long to show up, it won't happen "quickly" on our terms. But quickly, maybe even lightning speed, in evolutionary terms.

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