D&D and the rising pandemic


The UK government has announced much tighter restrictions on non-essential travel and activities - no going out except to shop for basic necessities or essential work travel, no public gatherings of any size, closure of any shops not selling basic necessities.


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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Not sure I agree. Been playing my entire life and just recently clawed my way into middle class. And all of my group live pay check to pay check in retail. But any evidence from my part is anecdotal, so meh...

Not arguing. But your experience and the statement aren't contradictory. D&D and RPGs in general are both luxury items and one of the cheapest forms of entertainment. Releases are both pricey and free, you just need to know where to look and what to look for. Even when buying, the dollars/hour amount ratio is still quite good.

But, on the other hand some poor minority communities look into the hobby -and geeky stuff in general- as something rich people do or associate it with criminal or satanic stuff -thanks to the stupid occult scare- and prevent their kids from engaging or doing. Also, until recently, you couldn't find D&D in a toy store or in retail like walmart and target, so only kids with disposable income would even know about it.


Today was illuminating. With the banning of Fauchi to speak publicly, Trump saying they won’t let “the cure (distancing and shelter in place) be worse than the virus in regards to the economy, and the doctor focusing solely on how people will be fine even if they get it (acting like the elderly and auto immune somehow don’t exist or don’t count) and the writing is on the wall for Trump to be willing to let 3% of our population die in order to get the stock market back on track.


Arcadian Knight
End of the day, nothing will really change all that much. People still have short memories and look out for their own self-interest. But tectonic shifts in world politics or the way the economy runs? I don't expect that any time soon, pandemics will just become another existential threat people ignore for the most part.

Hopefully I'm wrong.
You mean hopefully somebody wont fire and not replace 700 specialists in exactly this who were hired because of a pandemic not as bad a few years ago


Staff member
Today was illuminating. With the banning of Fauchi to speak publicly, Trump saying they won’t let “the cure (distancing and shelter in place) be worse than the virus in regards to the economy, and the doctor focusing solely on how people will be fine even if they get it (acting like the elderly and auto immune somehow don’t exist or don’t count) and the writing is on the wall for Trump to be willing to let 3% of our population die in order to get the stock market back on track.
One absence does not a banning make. It’s ominous, yes, but not dispositive.


Today was illuminating. With the banning of Fauchi to speak publicly, Trump saying they won’t let “the cure (distancing and shelter in place) be worse than the virus in regards to the economy, and the doctor focusing solely on how people will be fine even if they get it (acting like the elderly and auto immune somehow don’t exist or don’t count) and the writing is on the wall for Trump to be willing to let 3% of our population die in order to get the stock market back on track.

now, while stock market is probably trumps primary goal, we should think about what will breaking of the economy do to the general population, and will it in the end cause more dead within 1 or 2 years that 2 or 3% that you mentioned from Covid19.

People will be out of money and they will get "cabin fever" on top of that.

when people start to get out of money, more robberies will happen, more home invasions means more defenders and offenders end up dead.

Muggings and possible murder in the streets for trying to get a few bucks fast from some unsuspecting person.

Rising of violence at home due to money shortage and confinement, all the minor problems that two people have in their relationship will surface and be blow completely out of control.

Divorce rates will be interesting in 6-12 months. More broke up families, more children raised in sub-optimal or even abusing homes, means more criminals in next generation.

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