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D&D 5E D&D Lore Changes: Multiversal Focus & Fey Goblins of Prehistory

WotC's Jeremy Crawford revealed a couple of the lore changes in Monsters of the Multiverse. The big shift is toward the multiverse as the game's main perspective rather than a specific setting. The game is shifting towards a multiversal focus, with a variety of worlds and settings. Universe-spanning mythical story beats, such as deep lore on goblinoids going back to 1st Edition, and the gods...

WotC's Jeremy Crawford revealed a couple of the lore changes in Monsters of the Multiverse.
  • The big shift is toward the multiverse as the game's main perspective rather than a specific setting. The game is shifting towards a multiversal focus, with a variety of worlds and settings.
  • Universe-spanning mythical story beats, such as deep lore on goblinoids going back to 1st Edition, and the gods they had before Maglubiyet. Prior to Magulbiyet unifying them, goblinoids were folk of the feywild in keeping with 'real-world' folklore.
  • Changelings aren't just Eberron, but they've been everywhere -- you just don't necessarily know it. Their origin is also in the realm of the fey.


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The more I think about the Multiverse, and the more people complain about doing it this way or that way, the more I think that we really need to consider the multiverse in a different way.

Many people seem to be picturing the Multiverse like a web of Prime Realities, with single solid Outer Planes floating around the web. Gods like Bane or Gruumsh or Pelor are outside of this web, and are active on the Multiverse scale.

However, as has been discussed many, many times, this causes all sorts of issues. It flattens settings, it robs entities of power and importance and generally just causes a mess.

So... why not picture a different theory? What if instead of a web and the Outer Planes being separated from that web, what if the Multiverse was more of a matter of mirrors stacked on top of each other. Inside each mirror is a Prime and Outer Planes, which is unique to that mirror.

So, sure, in the Forgotten Realms The Nine Hells enacted plan A which was super involved and did a lot of bad things. But, in Greyhawk, which also has a Nine Hells and an Asmodeus and all that... Plan A never happened, because they are part of a different mirror.

Can you travel between mirrors? Sure, takes high level magic and a lot of power, but you can. Entities like Gods and Demon Lords and Dragons can contact each of these mirrors and find echoes of themselves who may be similar or may be different. But if there was a common starting point for all these mirrors... it doesn't even have to matter. Because each mirror is self-contained. Eberron was created by the Three Primal Wyrms. This is true and nothing existed in Eberron until that point and the Three Primal Wyrms don't even have to have been from somewhere else. There was a void, the Wyrms appeared and created within that void, and everything in Eberron stays the same.

To my mind, this only leaves two potential hiccups.

1) Overgods. I don't care about them, but supposedly they work at a "higher level", which people want to be beyond the setting and putting them in a Multiversal sense. I... don't think that is necessary. The only Overgod who really matters is Ao and he only matters to the Forgotten Realms, and I don't think anything needs to change with this model to address Ao being a fact of his own Mirror.

2) Sigil. People want different things out of sigil. I think it is fine existing as a city between places, but it could also exist as self-mirrored. After all, the none of you can include any details of the Setting of Zorkathia in your versions of Sigil. You have no access to that place. Unless you make up your own, which would make a mirror, which could be in your mirror of Sigil, but won't be in mine.

Additionally, it could allow for some wacky concepts. Maybe there is a meeting every century between the various Lolths in Sigil. You may find that silly... so it won't exist in your version.

But it seems to me that the biggest issue is when people try and have gods and powers ACTING beyond their setting. Asmodeus in the Forgotten Realms being aware of Theros doesn't change anything in either setting. It is only when that leads to him making plans to do something in Theros, or when people start saying that because Asmodeus is aware of Theros therefore the Nixborn rules don't work, and in actuality Theros's lore is wrong, that we have a problem.

But if the settings are just... looking and reflecting each other, then we can have a set-up where that doesn't happen.

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@Chaosmancer - that is certainly the way I wish they would go with D&D. Each setting is, more or less, distinct, but, you can find elements from one setting echoed in another. It would certainly smooth over a lot of the conflicting lore between settings. Takhisis can be both Tiamat - lord of the first layer of Hell, and Takhisis, Queen of the Abyss, for example.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
@Chaosmancer - that is certainly the way I wish they would go with D&D. Each setting is, more or less, distinct, but, you can find elements from one setting echoed in another. It would certainly smooth over a lot of the conflicting lore between settings. Takhisis can be both Tiamat - lord of the first layer of Hell, and Takhisis, Queen of the Abyss, for example.
That seems unlikely, both for tradition and business reasons. No reason it can't work that way for your own campaign though!


That seems unlikely, both for tradition and business reasons. No reason it can't work that way for your own campaign though!
Yeah, I know. One can always with. I mean, heck, they kinda/sorta tried to go that way with 4e's cosmology and keep settings distinct and it didn't go well.

I like planar stuff. I want to use it. It's got some cool ideas. But, I know that I basically have to do so much of the work myself, i might as well just not bother actually buying anything to make me life easier. :(

Heck, it's so hard to get even a single group on the same page WRT a given plane. I tried doing a Feywild adventure a short time ago. My basic inspiration for Feywild is Alice in Wonderland or Kafka. The Feywild is WEIRD. One of my players though was assuming that the Feywild was all Fey court, Summer Queen and that sort of thing, and another player was assuming Grimm Fairy Tales.

The disconnect between the three of us just totally blew the adventure apart and it failed really hard. Resulted in a fairly lengthy conversation about assumptions on all our parts.

So, when people talk about a single presentation of the multiverse, it just really rubs me the wrong way. It's not something I'm interested in.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
they kinda/sorta tried to go that way with 4e's cosmology and keep settings distinct and it didn't go well.
I mean, we have no way of knowing if soemthing like that went over well or not. It was barely a chirp in the great cacophony of the edition wars, and assuming that it played any meaningful role in that division would be baseless speculation.

What we do know is that the team loves Planescape, so we get that.


That seems unlikely, both for tradition and business reasons. No reason it can't work that way for your own campaign though!

I'm not going to try and touch the traditional reasons, but what do you mean by business reasons?

I don't see anything in setting up the multiverse so that multiple different things are true at the same time is somehow bad for business. This is pretty much how 90% of all other multiverses work. DnD is one of the few exceptions where they try and have this set up where there is this established "truth" that supersedes the multiverse.


I mean, we have no way of knowing if soemthing like that went over well or not. It was barely a chirp in the great cacophony of the edition wars, and assuming that it played any meaningful role in that division would be baseless speculation.
I mean, there's no question that 4E changing the default cosmology turned some people off - I didn't have to dig for very long to find blogs, forum posts, etc. with folks complaining about the 4E cosmology on release, listing the new cosmology among other controversial changes, or being happy to see the Great Wheel return in 5E.

Now, I doubt it was the deal-breaker for 4E anti-fans, considering other significant changes, but it was certainly among the grievances.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I mean, there's no question that 4E changing the default cosmology turned some people off - I didn't have to dig for very long to find blogs, forum posts, etc. with folks complaining about the 4E cosmology on release, listing the new cosmology among other controversial changes, or being happy to see the Great Wheel return in 5E.

Now, I doubt it was the deal-breaker for 4E anti-fans, considering other significant changes, but it was certainly among the grievances.
Everything has detractors. Bounded Accuracy has blog posts and forum posts complaining about it.

1) Once again, I'm referring to the removal of most lore into a separate book, and expecting buyers to get two books instead of one for the same amount of content, or leaving the core book less broadly appealing than it had been previously. I'm not talking about raising the cover price of individual books and I never was.
Again, you don't get the same content in two books as you got in one before. You get two books worth of content sorted differently.
And even then, the hobby is cheap compared to most other hobbies or having a pet or playing computer as the buy in and maintanance cost is very low.
If you are worried about the cost, share it with all the people you play with.

If however youbinsist on your own book, that is not because you want to play it but because you are a collector.

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