D&D Minis update from Gamer Radio Zer0 #28


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In the latest gamer raido zero podcast, Shoe from WOTC showed off the minis for the Eye of Flame Beholder, Tiefling Warlock, Young Red Dragon. He also showed of skirmish stats for Balhannoth, Ice Archon, Mind Flayer Scourge

A thread on hordelings about the stat cards

Balhannoth; Und; 53
Level: 13; AC: 27; DEF: 23; Speed: 4; HP: 50
Attack Actions
bM Tentacle Slam: +16 vs AC; 20 Damage
1M Tentacle Flail: Make a separate attack against each enemy within Reach; RECHARGE if only 1 enemy is within Reach at the start of this creature’s turn
Evil • Aberrant
+4 DEF (Will)
Reach 3
Special Powers
[][] Warp: Each enemy within 3 squares that takes an attack action other than a basic attack rolls 1d20.
1-9 Attack misses and this creature can pull the enemy 1 space. 10+ No effect.

Reality Burst: Roll 1d20 at the start of each of this creature's turns to determine a random immediate action: 1-10 Place this creature up to 10 squares away within line of sight. 11-20 Make a attack.

Ice Archon; Und Wild; 66
Level: 14; AC: 29; DEF: 25; Speed: 8; HP: 85
Attack Actions
bM Icy Warhammer: +19 vs AC; 20 Cold Damage AND Slowed (Speed 2)
Evil • Elemental • Cold
Resist 10 Cold
Special Powers
Icy Wallop: +4 Attack against any enemy whose Speed is currently lower than its normal Speed.
Icy Ground: Adjacent squares count as difficult terrain for non-Cold enemies.

Mind Flayer Scourge
Underdark, 90 points

Lvl: 11
AC: 23
Def: 23
Speed: 7
HP: 85

Attack Actions
Dagger: +12 vs AC, 15 damage
Focused Mind Blast: (range 5) +15 vs Def (Will) 20 psychic damage AND Stunned
[] Mind Blast: (large cone) +15, vs Def (Will) 20 psychic damage and Stunned; 10 damage on miss. RECHARGE: When this creature damages a Stunned creature

Evil, Mind Flayer, Mastermind
+8 Def (Will)

Champion 2
-Use before an attack against a Stunned enemy; +4 attack and +10 damage
-Use when any player's initiative check is ? or less; Your warband gains +4 attack this round

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One of the screenshots in the thread you linked has the 4e side of the cards showing. AC, defenses and hit points are visible for all of them, and the ice archons card is almost fully visible. Someone with more time and better eyesight should try to figure out the text.

I can read Perception +13
resist cold 25
basic attack :warhammer.

It seems to be a paragon level monster from what I can tell of the stats

AC hit points and defenses don't seem to match with the DDM version very well
AC is 36, 33 For, 31 Ref, 29 Wil, 117/58 HP.
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Mind Flayer
AC 26
Fort 20
Ref 23
Will 25
HP 80/40

AC 27
Fort 26
Ref 22
Will 25
HP 80/40

Ice Archon
AC 36
Fort 33
Ref 31
Will 29
HP 117/58
Perception +? (Must be more than 13 surely?)
Resist Cold 25?
Warhammer +23 vs. AC

Playing with image manipulators now..


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Alright, 4e stats, need some help filling in the ice archons details

Mind Flayer
Medium Aberration
AC 26, For 20, Ref 23, Wil 25
HP: 80/40

Large Aberration
AC 27, For 26, Ref 22, Wil 25
HP: 80/40

Ice Archon
Medium Elemental Humanoid (Cold)
AC 36, For 33, Ref 31, Wil 29
HP: 117/58
Init: ?
Speed: 6?
Perception +13?
Resist Cold 25

Warhammer +23? vs AC, ?? + ? cold AND Slowed ?
Relentless? Strike + 4 atk and +10 damage to Slowed?

Abilities: Icy Ground- ???

Str ? (?)
Con ? (?)
Dex ? (?)
Int ? (?)
Wis ? (?)
Cha ? (?)

from post number 4 on the thread linked above. picture entitled Maijstral's Cake

ainatan said:
My photoshop-fu is weak, can't see much more than that :(

What I could see from the ice archons card:

Ice Archon
Medium elemental humanoid (cold)

Init +21 SPD 6

AC 36 Fort 33 Ref 31 Will 29 HP 117/58

Senses: Perception +13

Resist: Cold 25

Attacks: Warhammer +23 vs AC: 1d10+9 + 5 Cold AND Slowed 1 round

Reterless Strike: +4 atk and +10 dmg to Slowed

ABILITIES: Icy Ground : ????

STR +18(??) CON +13(??) DEX +16(??) INT +10(??) Wis +13(??) CHA +10(??)

As his damage bonus is +9 his natural str should be 28 so his level is 18. I can´t read nothing more.
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Enjoy my giant image powers.

Ice Archon
Medium Elemental Humanoid (Cold)
Init +21, Speed 6
Senses Perception +13
Resist cold 25
Attacks Warhammer +23 vs. AC 1d10+9 + 5 cold AND slowed 1 rd
Relentless Strike +4 Atk and +10 dmg to Slowed
Abilities Icy Ground Adj squares difficult terrain, cold creatures not affected
AC 36, Fort 33, Ref 31, Will 29, HP/Bloodied 117/58
Str +18 (?), Con +13 (?), Dex +16 (?), Int +10 (?), Wis +13 (?), Cha +10 (?)

Oh and the cards behind are 'Medium Abberant' and 'Large Abberant' somethings.

I'd hazard the Archon is a level 1? monster too, from the zoomout on the podcast.


  • icearchon.jpg
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Chris_Nightwing said:
Enjoy my giant image powers.

Ice Archon
Medium Elemental Humanoid (Cold)
Init +21, Speed 6
Senses Perception +13
Resist cold 25
Attacks Warhammer +23 vs. AC 1d10+9 + 5 cold AND slowed 1 rd
Relentless Strike +4 Atk and +10 dmg to Slowed
Abilities Icy Ground Adj squares difficult terrain, cold creatures not affected
AC 36, Fort 33, Ref 31, Will 29, HP/Bloodied 117/58
Str +18 (?), Con +13 (?), Dex +16 (?), Int +10 (?), Wis +13 (?), Cha +10 (?)

Oh and the cards behind are 'Medium Abberant' and 'Large Abberant' somethings.

I'd hazard the Archon is a level 1? monster too, from the zoomout on the podcast.

Well If it is anything like the PIt Fiend the +9 in the warhammer damage is his natural STR bonus, so his STR is 28 and half of his level is 9...


First Post
Then the rest of his stats are (or they are the next odd number)
Str 28
Dex 18
Con 24
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 12

Like the pit fiend, I'm missing some numbers for the Defenses.
Unaccounted for bonuses-
For 6 pts
Ref 9 pts
Wil 7 pts

And like the pit fiend, it would take 5-6 rounds to kill a critter with a similar amount of hit points. Sounds like were starting to see the 'typical' length of combat.

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