It is fine for to not like them. I have no issue with that.
Really? You seem to...
So don't give a lame excuse that only unique monsters in 1e are powerful (that doesn't even matter anyway).
Did I say that? No. I said the Tarrasque. It is actually right there in the stat block:
Lame excuse? Yeah, ok... you definitely seem to have an issue with this.
So they mentioned the Tarrasque, the Kraken, and the Empyrean in the article - those are all monsters from 1e!
Please! The kraken in MM2 is just a 20 HD monster (avg hp is only 90!!!). Hardly a "calamity" like the Tarrasque (with 300 hp in 1E!) or the other things we are likely to see in this new 2024 MM!
To be honest, I don't recall the Empyrean in 1E... but I could easily be wrong. 2E, I think, I remember it there, but that's a minor issue either way.
So, 1 in 5 is something like 10 million people (based on WotC numbers from about 8 years ago - probably more now). Are you suggesting WotC should provide monsters that many of their fans?
LOL well, I was being overly generous. It is probably much, much rarer than 1 in 5. I am suggesting the make a separate Epic Level book for tier 4 and beyond; not something mixed in for the D&D that most people
actually play regularly.
And I'm suggesting they stop the madness of the power-war-escalation cycle they began with 3E and have moved on since then.
Oh, and dragons in 1E were laughable. That is why we saw the increase in their power in 2E--to make them scary. Just FYI. I remeber the numerous Dragon Magazine articles about how to make your 1E dragon
actually a threat. Heck, I think I still have the Role-Aid Dragon book lying around somewhere...
Anyway, I would rather they take monsters we use and make them a bit more interesting. Ogres are a great example IME, giants are another one.
But, they won't do much---or they will probably do
too much... that is their tendency IMO.
And all this is nothing new. I'm surprised, frankly, and the response my initial post created. I thought I would say my part, get a laugh or two, maybe a couple likes, even some sad faces from people who disagree with me. But the response seems to imply people do take issue with the stance.